Chapter 56

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Port Arthur city

Justin is on the street searching for a job as he looks around at different offices in order to ask for a temporary job on which he can use it for getting money for paying expenditures of his family after being thrown on the street with their house tenant for not paying rent on time.

After hours of walking without getting a Job anywhere, Justin finally spot a Mexican restaurant across the town with people sitting outside the restaurant with their chairs as they drinks while eating their meals.

Justin speaks to his inner thoughts, "Maybe I should go to this restaurant and try my lucky again if I will get the Job."

After Justin is done talking to himself, he then decided to go to the restaurant, and when he arrives, he enters inside the restaurant in order to try his lucky. when Justin is inside the restaurant, The waiter goes to Justin and welcomes him.

"Welcome young man, how may I assist you?.", The waiter speaks.

"Thank you, sorry for asking. can you show me the place where your manager is?."

The waiter frowns and looks at Justin. "Okay why do you want to speak with the manager?.", The waiter asks.

"There is something I want to discuss with him, it's very urgent."

"Okay follow me.", The waiter nods.

The restaurant waiter then decided to take Justin directly to his manager while Justin follows him from behind. When Justin and the waiter arrives at the manager's office, The waiter opens the door and they both enters inside the office.

"Sir  this young man wants to speak with you, he said it is urgent."

The manager nods, "Okay, you can go and continue with your works I will deal with him."

"Okay boss.", The waiter replies.

The restaurant waiter leaves the office as he returns back to continue doing his work while leaving Justin and his boss alone in the office.  

"Okay young man, you may take a sit now.", The manager speaks.

"Thanks.", Justin replies.

Justin sits down on the chair and looks straight on the manager's face, "Okay young man. how may I help you?."

"Sorry for disturbing you at this time Sir, but I was looking for a Job at your restaurant if there is any position left."

The restaurant manager looks at Justin with confusion while wondering why such a young man like him would be asking for a Job during the time where all of his fellow age group friends are at school studying.

"Okay. do you have any recommendation latter with you?", The manager asks.

"No Sir, I don't have one.", Justin replies.

The manager shakes his head in disagreement and replies, "Sorry young man, I'm not going to employ anyone one without any recommendation latter."

"I'm begging you sir I really need this job right now because as for now I don't have any money and my mother is at the hospital sick after she getting a car accident. please Sir I'm begging you."

The manager looks at Justin with the confused look on his face as he doesn't know what to do with him while wondering if Justin is speaking  the truth or not.

"Okay so can you tell me when did you complete your high school education?."

"I haven't finish high school yet. I'm in twelfth grade now and I'm going to complete my high school education in few weeks." ,Justin replies.

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