Chapter 13

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School cafeteria.

Jade and her friend are at the school cafeteria, sitting on their table while discussing about the arrangements of the anniversary party that is going to be held on Saturday evening this weekend.

 While Jade and her friends are on the table discussing  about the party. In few moments Jade breaks the news to her friends with so much excitement.

"Guys, I want to tell you all something."

Sofia and Susan looks at Jade and pays attention for what she is going to say, "Yes Jade, Tell us what is it?."

Jade then breaks the news to her friends with a broad smile on her face, "Guys my daddy have told me to invite all of my friends from school to our anniversary party. So I would to see you two on our party this weekend."

When Jade finishes breaking the news to her friends, they both gets excited after being invited to the party and then Sofia asks Jade a question.

"Jade we have discussed about this anniversary party, but you haven't told us what is it about?."

Jade replies, "This party it's about tenth's year anniversary of our food delivery company on the business."

Sofia replies to Jade, "That's great Jade. I hope someday your family company will take number one position in food delivering service on the entire state."

Jade grins and replies, "What are you talking about Sofia?. Actually right now we are holding  number one position in the entire state."

After Jade's reply, Susan and Sofia are stunned after hearing the news about the company success which leaves both of them speechless.

"Wait a minute Jade, are you kidding us right now or what?", Susan asks with confusion.

Jade replies with a broad Smile ," I'm not kidding Susan. Now we are holding the number one position in the entire state for real."

Susan and Sofia both stands up together, and starts screaming while making noises with so much excitement as they goes to Jade to congratulate her while surrounded by people  inside the cafeteria looking  at them.

"Congratulation Jade. I'm really proud of you and your family."

"Thanks Susan."

When Sofia and Susan finishes congratulating Jade, they both returns back to their seats and sits down.

"I think you should invite more people to come to your party, that will be absolutely the best thing to do in order to bring  more vibes at the party.", Susan speaks.

Jade replies, "You are right Susan I almost forgot about that thing, But who am I gonna invite into my party for now  while I'm still new here and I don't even know anybody around here."

Susan pats Jade's shoulder and speaks, "Maybe you should invite the people in this school who have been helping you so much in the time when you were in need."

"You are right about that, but who do you think I should invite first?."

Jade and her friends then starts thinking together about who they are going to invite next to the party, and in few seconds while they are thinking,  a vision flashes inside Sofia's head.

"Why don't you invite Justin?.", Sofia speaks.

Jade startles with surprised after hearing Justin name from  Sofia's suggestions,

"It's like your reading my mind Sofia. I was thinking about the same thing but I don't know if Justin will agree to come to our party.", Jade replies.

Sofia raises an eyebrow and speak, "Why are you saying that Jade?. Did you try talking to him before discussing about this?."

Jade shakes her head in disagreement and replies, "No!, I didn't."

"Okay then why are you afraid to tell him about this?."

Jade snorts and replies, "I didn't say that I was afraid to tell him about the party, but the issues is I'm afraid of his response to me." 

Susan intervenes and speak to Jade and Sofia, "With the all the arguing, why don't we all go and starts looking for Justin right now and talk to him about this and listen for what is going to say."

Jade nods and replies to Susan, "Okay then,  let's all go and find Justin."

Jade and her friends stands up from their seats and leaves the school cafeteria, searching for Justin around the school.


  Justin is at his locker, arranging his books after he misplaced them while he was looking for his mathematics book. In few minutes while Justin is arranging his stuffs at the locker. Jade and her friends arrives shortly at his locker.

 "Hi Justin?." ,Jade and her friends greets Justin.

When Justin turns and looks at the people greeting him, he then sees Jade and her friends besides his locker.

"Hi.", Justin replies with a sigh.

Sofia speaks, "Justin there is something that Jade wants to speak with you.",

When Sofia finishes speaking to Justin, Susan then whispers on Jade's ears after Sofia is done 

"Okay Jade now tell him about what we have discussed."

"Okay.", Jade nods.

When Jade looks at Justin, she then gets reluctant while her hands shakes and sweats at the same time because of the shyness that she always feels whenever she sees Justin around.

 Sofia pat's Jade's shoulders and speaks to her, "What are you waiting now Jade, Just tell him."

Justin looks at Jade and starts wondering on what thing that Jade wants to tell him as he looks at her with confusion. Justin then decides to hold Jade's hand in order to relieve her tension,

"Don't feel shy. You can tell me anything that you wanted to tell me."

When Justin touches Jade's hand, she then starts getting goosebumps  and decides to tell Justin,

"I wanted to invite you to our party that is going to be held on Saturday this weekend, would you mind coming to our party?", Jade speaks with a stutter.

Justin grins and replies, "Okay sure, at what time is your party going to start?",

Jade replies, "It's will start at 8pm."

"Okay sure I will be there."

Justin closes his locker door and returns back to his class, leaving Jade and her friends at the locker as they can't believe what have Just happened since they didn't expect Justin to agree on their proposal.

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