Chapter 8

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It's Sunday in the evening, a day of recreation and enjoyment as people goes to the beach while some goes to the restaurants to enjoy their weekend as the part of their day. Jade, Susan and Sofia are on the dance floor, dancing together inside the night club while surrounded by the group of other people who are dancing with their partners while plays the music.

In few moments while everybody is dancing at the club, suddenly three men approaches Jade and her Friends and starts harassing them on the dancing floor as they try to force them into dancing with them.

"Hello beautiful. Do you wanna dance with me tonight?.", One of the man whispers through Jade's ear as he moves around her body while she is dancing on the dancing floor.

Jade replies, "No thanks. I'm going to dance with my friends tonight."

After Jade's response, The man decides to hold Jade's hand  and insists her to dance with him. 

"Come on baby, let's dance it is going to be fun."

 After the man touches Jade's hand, Jade gets irritated and exclaims at him with anger and yanks her hand off from him.

" I have already told you  that I'm going to dance with my friends only, why don't you understand that uh!?." 

When Jade finishes confronting the man who is harassing her, she then decides to ignore the man and continues dancing with her friends, leaving the man feeling embarrassed after being confronted by Jade as he returns back to his friends.

"What happened David?. Did she refused to dance with you?." , One of David's friend asks David

"Yeah man and she confronted me too in front of all people.", David replies.

"Okay don't worry about it man, we will try going to them later."

As the time goes while Jade and her friends are enjoying themselves while dancing on the dance floor, David and his friends decides to return back to the stage and then they starts to harass Jade and her friends again as they try to convince them into dancing with them.

 After the harassments exceeds it's limit, Jade gets irritated until she looses her temper, and decides to slap David on the face which leaves David's friends in shock as they can't all believe  what happened to their friend.

 After the slap, the chaos between Jade and her friends and David's friends erupts on the stage as they starts cursing at each other which made the security guards intervenes into the fight and takes away David his friends who started the chaos outside the club.

When the chaos is over, Jade and her friends decided to leave the dance floor and goes to the nearest pub in order to take some rest, leaving other people on the dancing floor dancing as the DJ continues playing the music.

 Jade and her friends arrives at the pub and sits down on their chairs and then Jade starts speaking to her friends with so much anger.

"Those three men were really jerks. Did they thought that we were really that cheap for them like that?.", Jade speaks while breathing heavily.

Sofia nods and replies, "I agree with you Jade all men are dogs. they always think that we have no worth to them more than their tool pleasure."

Susan intervenes and speak to Sofia," You are wrong Sofia. You can't speak about them like that, not all men are dogs."

Sofia rolls her eyes and replies to Susan, "What are you trying to talk about Susan, don't you see what they have done to us on the dance floor?."

Susan replies, "I understand Sofia, But that doesn't give you the rights to accuse all men for the mistakes of three men."

Sofia sighs and replies to Susan, "Whatever Susan. keep on defending them."

Jade Exclaims, "Okay that is enough. there is no need of keeping on urging about this stupid things Okay?."

Jade's nods friends replies, "Okay."

Jade calls the bartender and orders him some drinks as continues speaking about other staffs. when the drinks arrives on their table, Jade then speaks to her friends.

"What is the time right now?.", Jade asks.

Sofia replies, "It's 8:00 o'clock now."

After Sofia's reply, a vision flashes through Jade's mind as she remembers about her group assignment which she didn't do it and it is supposed to be  submitted tomorrow.

"Oh my god we are completely finished guys.", Jade speaks in a panic mode.

Susan raises an eyebrow and asks Jade, "What is the problem?."

"Guys we didn't finish up our group work that we are supposed to submit tomorrow afternoon."

After Jade reminds her friends about the homework. Sofia and Susan panics as they don't know what to do since all the days on the weekend that they have used are on partying on which they have no more time left to complete their works.

"So what are we gonna do Jade, our geography teacher will never listen to our excuses and you know that."

Jade replies, "Just calm down Sofia. we will do it tomorrow."

 Susan intervenes and asks Jade in panic, "How are we gonna do that Jade, we don't actually have much time."

Jade replies to Susan, "Don't worry Susan I will think about it."

 Jade and her friends then continue drinking while talking to each other as they discuss on what to do in order to complete their home works on time and in what way they are gonna finish it on time.

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