Chapter 37

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The time of work is over, and every Employee at scorpion food delivery company is leaving the company's gate, heading back to their homes after work is over together with Johnson and Benjamin on the way.

As Johnson and Benjamin walks heading to the bus stop while holding their briefcases on their hands. Johnson then speaks.

"Frankly speaking, This day was really exhausting for me. I didn't even have a time to rest for just a second."

Benjamin nods and replies, "Me too Johnson. But what can we do, at the end of time this is work that we are talking about here."

"Yeah you are right. sometimes things are not always the same as they always seems."

When Benjamin and Johnson arrives at the bus stop, then they both sits down on the bench, waiting for the bus to arrive at the bus stop.

"Benjamin what are your plans for today, would you mind going to the bar with me?."

Benjamin shakes his head in disagreement and replies, "No!. I have to go somewhere today and see someone."

Johnson raises his eyebrow with  confusion and replies,"Who are you going to meet up today Benjamin, Tell me?."

Benjamin speaks with a stutter, "Uh!.., I'm going somewhere to meet up with an old friend."

"Are you reffering Katherine?."

Benjamin shakes his head in disagreement and replies, "Nope, he is just an old friend from school that's all. we haven't seen each other for quite a while now."

Johnson replies, "mmh, Okay no problem."

In glance of a second, The bus arrives at the bus stop, and then Benjamin decides to stand up from bench and says goodbye to Johnson.

"I will see you tomorrow at the office Johnson. Take care."

Johnson replies,"Okay brother. see you tomorrow."

Benjamin then climbs inside the bus, and shortly the bus trails away from the bus stop with Benjamin, leaving Johnson waiting for the next bus to arrive.


Katherine is at her house, preparing the dining table for Benjamin before he arrives at her place after the appointment that he made of meeting her at her house.

while Katherine is preparing the dining table for Benjamin, shortly the door bell rings.

After Katherine hears the door bell, she decides to go to the door in order to see who is ringing the bell, and when she arrives and opens the door, she then sees Benjamin waiting outside.

"Welcome Benjamin, Get inside.", Katherine welcomes Benjamin with a broad smile on her face.

Benjamin grins and replies as he gets inside the house, "Thanks."

"You have arrive very early today. I didn't expect that to happen Benjamin."

"Yeah, I have come early because I also want to return back home early today."

Katherine rolls her eyes and replies,"What is the need of rushing Benjamin. you can just go at your house anytime you please."

"You are right, but my wife would not love seeing me returning home really late from work. That is why I decided to came early today."

Katherine giggles and replies, "So you are afraid of your wife Benjamin. wow, Benjamin you have really changed a lot."

"Why are you saying that?.", Benjamin furrows his eyebrows with confusion and asks.

Katherine replies, "Because the Benjamin that I know is the person who is fearless, strong and does things according to his way without anyone approval, but it seems like you are not the same guy whom I fall in love back then in middle school."

Benjamin snorts and replies, "What?,No, I'm the same guy you used to know in middle school, it's just that now I have a lot of responsibilities that's all."

Katherine replies,"Okay as you say so."

When Katherine and Benjamin arrives at the dining table, Benjamin then sits on his chair and katherine goes to the kitchen in order prepare some dishes, Leaving Benjamin at the dining room waiting for food.


Justin and Smith are at the sitting room table studying, preparing themselves for the upcoming school tests as Emily is at the coach sitting while looking anxious and worried.

In few moments while Justin is studying, he suddenly notices his mother change of mood, and then he decides to stand up from his chair and goes to her in order to figure out what is going on with her.

"What is wrong mom. You don't look quite good today?.",Justin asks as soon he approaches his mother.

Emily replies, "It's about your father Justin. This is a second day and he has not yet returned home yet."

"But did you try reaching him through his phone?.", Justin furrows his eyebrows and asks.

"Yes I talked to him yesterday and he said that he was fine, but today when  I tried reaching him, his phone was not available up to now."

Justin sits down on the coach and then calms her mom down, "Mom Come down. Daddy is just fine, and also he will arrive home soon, Okay?."

Emily replies,"Okay."

When Justin finishes talking with his mother, he decides to return back to his table in order to continue studying.

After hours passed of studying, Justin and smith decides to go to their room to sleep, leaving Emily waiting for Benjamin to arrive back home.

In few moments, Benjamin arrives back home from Katherine's house while looking completely drunk as he opens the door violently and enters inside the house.

"Where were you up to this time Benjamin?.", Emily asks Benjamin a question as soon he is inside the house.

Benjamin exclaims in anger, "it's none of your business woman."

After the rude response, Emily decides to keep quiet in order to avoid any conflict with Benjamin in the house, as Benjamin goes to his room, leaving Emily at the sitting room wondering what is going on with him. 

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