Chapter 48

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Mother and daughter talk

Jade is inside her room changing her school uniform after arriving back home from school, in few moments while Jade is changing her clothes inside her room, Lily then opens Jade's room door and then enters inside Jade's room and when Lily approaches Jade she then greets her,

"Hello Dear"

Jade replies to her mother, "Hi mom"

"Are you busy right now sweetheart?"

"No I'm not busy at all, come mom and take a sit"

Lily then goes to Jade's bed and sits down on her bed while looking around the room and in few moments after Jade is done dressing her home clothes she then decides to go her mother and sits down on the bed with her in order to talk to her, Jade then speaks with Lily,

"Mom did you speak with father today?"

Lily replies to Jade, "Yes I spoke with your father today in the morning"

"What did he said mom?, did he agreed with your request?"

Lily replies to Her daughter with the sad look on her face, "No darling!, he didn't agree with me today"

"But why mom why is he keeping forcing me to marry someone who I'm not in love with"

"I know what your father is doing to you is completely wrong but what else we can do he has finally made his final decision and there is nothing else that is going to change him"

Jade replies to her mother while dropping tears on her face, "But mom I don't want to marry Henry"

Lily replies to Jade, "I know sweetheart but you got no choice but to do what your father has recommended to you"

Jade stands up from her bed with so much anger and then replies to her mother while raising her voice, "No mom this time I'm not going to obey my father's wishes anymore and after I complete high school I will marry someone whom I love and not Henry"

Lily looks at her daughter and then ask her a question, "Jade darling can I ask you a question?"

"Yes mom what is it?"

"Do you have a boyfriend at school?"

Jade replies to Lily while pretending, "No mom, why are you asking me that question?"

"Jade just tell me the truth, do you have a boyfriend at school?"

Jade replies to Lily, "Yes mom I have a boyfriend at school and he is the lover of my life and I would love to spend my entire life with him by my side and nobody else"

"What is his name?"

Jade replies to Emily, "His name is Justin mom"

"Okay does your boyfriend come from a rich family?"

"No mom, He is from poor family"

"Listen Jade the only thing that I'm advising you is it's better break up with him before you end up hurting his feelings at the end"

Jade replies to Lily with the confused look on her face, "But mom why are you saying that to me"

"Darling I'm telling you this because I know Leonard quite well and when Leonard wants something he will fight with it until he gets it, If you will not break up with him right now at the end he will end up filling bad about your father's decision on marrying Henry"

Jade replies to Emily with the fierce look on her face, "Thanks mom but a big No you, I'm not going to do what you are telling me to do ever"

"Okay what are you going to do else to in order to prevent this from happening to you darling, tell me?"

Jade replies to Lily while raising her voice, "I will run with him far away from here and never come back home again if I will end up not marrying Justin"

"But you have forgot something darling"

Jade replies to her mother, "What is it mom?"

"I think you know your father is a powerful man in this country and he will search for you and your boyfriends in every corner of the world until he finds you wherever you are hiding, don't you think you will be putting your boyfriend and his family in danger too"

Jade runs out of the answers and then looks at her mother without replying to her while about her mother's words, Lily then stands up from Jade's bed and says lasts words to her,

"Listen darling you better do what I have told you to do before it is to late and don't ever think on doing something stupid because you will end up causing more problems to your boyfriend and to you at the end of the day, Just think about it through okay?"

Jade replies to Lily, "Okay"

Lily then leaves Jade's room while leaving Jade with so much stresses in her head thinking about her future with Justin

Emily at home

Emily and Justin are on their sitting room table counting their money after they are done working on the streets, During the time Justin and Emily are counting their money Justin then speaks to his mother,

"We only have two days left until Mrs. Jane comes to us to ask for her rent but mom how are going to get that kind of money in this short period of time"

Emily replies to Justin, "Don't worry Justin we will get it soon if we keep working hard from now on"

"But mom we only have 500 bucks and there Is only two days left to pay the rent, do you really think we will manage to get that kind of money in this time"

"There is still time Justin we can also work overtime in order to get Mrs. Jane just be patient and have faith"

"Mom do you know someone who you can borrow that money before the end of the week?"

Emily replies, "No son I don't know one"

"Okay tomorrow I will go to the company constructions place to asks for a part time Job after school"

Emily replies to her son, "Okay son I wish you good luck"

Emily and Justin then continue talking to each other while counting their money on the table.

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