Chapter 33

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Judith's love confession.

Its 8:00 o'clock in the night. Justin and Judith completes doing their school work studies after a longer time of revising them since on 5:30 pm on the evening.

When Judith and Justin closes their books after finishing studying, Judith then takes her books and returns them back inside her bag.

Judith speaks, "Thank you so much Justin for your help. I have understood everything that you have taught me today."

"It's nothing.", Justin replies.

Justin checks the time on his wrist watch, and the time reads 8:30pm.

Justin speaks, "Judith its running really late right now. I need to go home now."

"Okay sure. But wait a minute. I'm going to escort you outside."

Justin nods and replies, "Okay."

Justin and Judith stands up from the coach, and leaves the sitting room heading outside while Judith escorts Justin behind.

When Judith and Justin arrives outside the house, They both walks heading to the Bus stop in order to fetch a bus while surrounded by no one at the street.

Judith looks at Justin while speaking to her inner thoughts as they walk heading to the bus stop.

"Today is my day. I'm going to tell him how I feel about him."

Judith speaks, "Justin. Would you mind if I ask you something?."

Justin nods and replies, "Sure. What is it Judith?."

"How do you describe Jade according to you.", Judith asks.

"Aah! well. Jade is a good girl and kind, that's what I can see from her."

"mmm!, interesting. Are you two dating Justin?."

Justin snorts and replies,"What?, No!. Why are you asking me that Judith?."

"Don't get me wrong Justin. I just want to know it out of curiosity."

"Jade is my good friend and that's all."

Judith smiles after Justin's last response as they both walks heading to the bus stop.

Judith speaks to her inner thoughts,"So Justin and Jade are not couples at all, interesting. Today I am going to confess everything before Justin goes home."

As Judith and Justin are walking heading to the bus stop, shortly the snows starts to drop little by little from the sky.

"Oh my god. Justin it's snowing."

Justin replies while looking at the sky, "Yeah it's. Actually these is the start of the winter season I guess."

Judith nods and replies, 'Yes you are right."

When Justin and Judith arrives at the bus stop, then they both sits on the bench and waits for the bus to arrive at the bus stop.

As the time goes while Justin and Judith are waiting for the bus to arrive, suddenly the weather of the place changes as it starts getting cold. Judith starts to shiver as the cold increases, and when Justin sees her, he decides to give her his Jacket.

Justin speaks, "Take my coat Judith. You will return it back to me at school."

Judith takes Justin's coat and replies with a broad smile on her face, "Thanks."

"No problem.", Justin replies.

Judith speaks to her inner thoughts while looking at Justin's face, "Okay. now it's the time to confess my feelings to Justin."

Judith speaks,  "Justin, there is something that I wanted to tell you so bad and I think today is the best time to tell you."

Justin nods and replies, "Okay, tell me what is it Judith?."

"its has been a longtime since I felt this way and I would love to confess something to you, and I know you might be surprised from what I'm going to tell you but it is the really truth."

"Okay, Tell me Judith. what is it that you wanted to tell me so bad"

"I..", Before Judith finishes her sentence Justin's phones rings.

"Wait a minute Judith. let me answer my phone first."

Judith nods and replies, "Okay."

Justin takes his phone from his trouser pocket and then answers it.

"Hello.Who is speaking?.", Justin speaks.

The person on the phone hesitates to speak as Justin continues speaking

"Hello!, Hello!."

Justin furrows his eyebrows and looks at Judith, "I don't know who is on the phone right now. maybe it's a wrong number, I think i should hang up my phone now. "

Before Justin hangs up his phone, the person on the phone speaks up, "Don't hang up Justin. Its me Jade."

Justin startles and replies with a complete surprise on his face, "Jade, how are you doing?."

Jade replies, "I'm doing great thanks. What about you Justin?."

"I'm doing good. So where are you now Justin?."

"Right now. I'm at the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive."

"I'm also waiting for the bus too."

As the conversation between Justin and Judith continues, Judith starts to feel jealousy of Jade as they continue speaking while laughing through the phone.

Judith speaks to her inner thoughts, "Damn her. Why does she always like to ruin my good moments with Justin. I was about to confess everything to Justin and now she has ruined all the fun, damn her."

After the phone conversation between Justin and Jade is over. Justin then hangs up his phone and speaks to Jade.

"It was jade who have called me Judith."

Judith nods and replies, "Okay."

Shortly, The bus arrives at the bus stop as Justin and Judith continues speaking.

"What did you want to tell me Judith?.", Justin asks.

Judith replies, "Uh!.., I will tell you next time Justin. Justin climb inside the bus right now before the bus leaves you."


Justin stands up from the bench he was sitting and climbs inside the bus, leaving Judith at the bus stop waving at him as the bus trails away.

A fortunate Starजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें