Chapter 1

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Maryland highschool, Texas USA.

It's Monday 7:15 early in the morning. all the students are in the classroom listening to dr. Franklin (mathematics teacher) as he is in front of a writing board teaching his students while they take down some notes.

The students seems to be concentrating on the topic which dr  Franklin is teaching on the writing board which is algebra and every student in the classroom is very attentive since it's one of the topic with so much complications but  dr. Franklin manages to make all of his students understands on what he is teaching on the board.

As the lesson goes on, Justin seems to be thinking so much about his family issues since his father left them without leaving any money for food and other expenses on which causes him to have so much frustrations as he doesn't know what his family is going to eat tonight as his father seems to be no where to be found.

As Justin is thinking, dr Franklin notices Justin isn't paying attention to him and his lesson since he has been so silent for a quite a long time and then starts wondering what is going on with him as he asks himself some questions with so much confusion.

"What is going on with this kid, why doesn't he pay attention to my lesson?.", dr Franklin speaks.

As dr. Franklin continues asking himself questions without getting the right answers, he then assumes that maybe Justin isn't paying attention to his lessons due to the lack of respect that he has for his subject and gets irritated about that since for a quite a long time Justin hasn't been good in mathematics. Dr Franklin then decides to call Justin in order to figure out on what is going on with him.

 "JUSTIN." Dr. Franklin calls Justin for the first time but justin seems to be occupied with many things inside his head.

"JUSTIN." , Dr. Franklin calls Justin for the second time.

After dr. Franklin calls Justin twice without getting any response, he then gets irritated by his behavior but due to too much stress that Justin has in his mind on which causes him not to hear his teacher's call as his main focus is too deep on his family issues that they are facing at the moment.

"JUSTIN.", dr Franklin decides to call Justin for last time but unfortunately there no response.

 Dr Franklin then orders Lucas to call Justin on his behalf, "Lucas can you call your neighbor for me please?."

After dr frankly's request, Lucas then calls Justin while patting his shoulder, "Justin, Justin."

Justin startles with shock after hearing Lucas's voice and then starts looking around the class while all students in the classroom are all looking at him.

Lucas speaks, "The teacher have been calling you for quite long time now, maybe you should listen to what he is going to say to you."

Justin looks at dr Franklin in order to listen on what he is going to say while his teacher's face is red fumed with so much anger due to Justin's delay on answering his calls. 

"Justin I want you to stand up right now.", dr. Franklin orders Justin to stand up from his seat in order to speak with him face to face.

After the teacher's order Justin decides to stand up from his seat while wondering what is going on with his teacher because he doesn't know the reason why he is so mad at him.

"Justin. where have we ended in our lesson?."

Dr. Franklin decides to ask Justin a question in order to test him if he was really paying attention to him during the time of lesson.

After dr. Franklin question, Justin feels scared to tell his teacher that he didn't understand anything on what he was teaching on the board due to so much stress that he had during the time he was teaching and decides to lie to him.

"Yes I have understood some of the things that you have taught us today but not all of them.", Justin decided to lie in order to avoid any sort of conflict between him and his teacher.

Dr.Franklin nods and continues speaking, "Good, so can you tell me where have we end on this topic of algebra right now?."

Justin looks at his teacher without knowing what to answer to him since during the time of the lesson while he was teaching in the class, he didn't pay much attention to him.

Justin speak and apologise, "I'm so sorry Sir for not paying attention to your lesson but as for now I have a lot of things in my mind that are really stressing me out by now but I promise you I will find a way to make up for this missed lesson."

The teacher looks at Justin fiercely after hearing Justin's response and decides to reply to him in a sarcastic way.

"I understand, I understand Justin, what else could you think of apart from playing music with your little guitar.", Dr Franklin replies in sarcastic way.

The students in the classroom burst out into laughter after dr Franklin sarcastic comment to Justin while Justin is standing, feeling bad and embarrassed at the same time as his fellow students are laughing at him while others are mocking him with whispers.

In few seconds. shortly the school bell rings as the bell for home time. When the bell finishes ringing Justin decides to pack off his things and leaves the classroom while holding tears that are about to come out of his eyes.

when Justin arrives outside of the classroom, he then starts speaking to his inner thoughts on why dr Franklin treated him so badly without knowing the other side of his story as he walks on the school hallway on his way home.

 As Justin is walking on the school hallway. His young brother Smith pace towards him while calling him from behind but due to Justin's stress and anger that he has, Justin does not hear his young brother's call.

After Smith finally approaches Justin closely after pacing towards him for a longtime while calling him. Justin then hears his young brother voice  calling him from behind and then he decides to stop and wait for him.

When Smith arrives at Justin's standing position, he then notices Justin sadness on his face which causes him to start wondering what is going on with him.

"Are you okay Justin, you look kind depressed today?."

Justin grins and replies with a fake smile, "Don't worry brother I'm fine."

"Are you sure?.", Smith asks.

Justin replies, "Yes I'm sure."

"Okay lets go home, our mom needs us right now"

"Okay.", Justin replies.

Justin and Smith decides to go home together while holding hands as they both go in order to help out their mom after school since there is no one else at home who would help their mother.

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