Chapter 50

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Justin and Jade's break up.

Justin and Jade are at the school cafeteria, eating together during lunch break while sitting alone at the table.

During the time Justin and Jade are eating their lunch, Justin then notices Jade's sadness by the look of her face during the time they are eating their meals.

"Are you alright Jade?.", Justin asks.

Jade nods and replies, "Yes I'm alright. why are you asking me that question Justin?."

"Because you don't look fine at all from what I can see. what happened to you, tell me?.", Justin asks.

Jade replies, "Don't worry Justin. nothing happened to me, it is just I have a lot of things in my mind right now."

"Okay. I hope nothing is serious."

"Don't worry Justin. I'm fine."

Justin replies, "Okay, but for me lately I have been facing some problems."

Jade startles in shock and asks, 'what is it bothering you now Justin?."

"There are some of the things in my family that are still bothering me and my family up to this point."

Jade sighs and replies, "Yeah me too."

"Okay, let's talk about something else shall we?.", Justin asks.

"Okay sure."

"So how was your weekend Jade?."

Jade replies, "My weekend went great, and I spent a lot of time with my family that's all."

"I'm sorry baby for not reaching you out this weekend. There were somethings which I wanted to solve right away."

Jade Replies, "Its okay. I was also busy too during this weekend."

Justin holds Jade's hand, and then start speaking in a calmer voice, "Jade there is something that I want to tell you?."

Jade replies, " ,Sure, tell me what is it Justin?."

"I will forever be grateful to god for giving me this nice gift that keeps me happy whenever I'm sad or depressed at the time, and also gives me strength whenever I lost it."

Jade furrows her eyebrows with confusion and replies, "Which gift are you referring to Justin?."

"You which else."

Jade blushes and replies, "Aww, thanks baby."

Shortly after Jade's response, suddenly a flashback appears on Jade's mind as she remembers her mother's words.

" Jade you better break up with your boyfriends before you end up hurting his feelings at the end.", A flashback of Jade's mother words.

Jade sniffs while dropping tears and replies, "But why mom?. Why are you forcing me to break up with Justin?."

Lily replies, "Because it's the right thing to do sweetheart.  I don't think they will be a future between you two."

When the flashback disappears, Jade then starts to speak to her inner thoughts, "Judith was right and also my mom was right about this.I better do what my mother has told me to do before things turns difficult."

Jade looks at Justin and sighs, "Justin, there is something that I want to discuss with you."

Justin nods and replies as he puts down his glass of juice down on the table, "Yeah sure. What is it Jade?."

"I'm so sorry for what I'm going to say to you Justin, but you have to know that before making this decision it was really hard for me too to accept it."

Justin furrows his eyebrows and replies, "Okay, tell me what is it Jade?"

"Justin I think it is better for two of us to break up before things turns really bad at the end."

Justin startles in shock and then asks Jade, "Why Jade, what happened, Is there something wrong?."

"No you haven't done anything bad to me but I just need a break from you because my head isn't okay right now and also I'm facing difficult time."

"But I can help you with your problems Jade.  there is no need to break up with me without any reason."

"Listen Justin, it is better to be this way for our own good. there is nothing that we should keep on urging about."

Justin frowns with confusion and replies, "But Jade......"

Before Justin finishes speaking, Jade decides to stand up from her seat and leaves the school cafeteria while dropping tears on her face.

After Jade left the school cafeteria, Justin Looks confused after breaking up with Jade since he doesn't know the reason behind for their break up while sitting alone at the table.


Emily and Smith are at the sitting room, waiting for Justin to arrive back home from school after disappearing home for a long time.

"Smith, where did your brother go today?.", Emily asks.

Smith shrugs and replies, "I don't know mom."

"But I thought you guys always come together after school."

"Yes mom we always come together home  from school but today I didn't see him anywhere around the school during home time."

Emily sighs and looks at the watch, "Now it's 4:15 pm. where the hell could Justin be at this time."

In few moments while Emily is waiting for her son to arrive back home, shortly the door bell rings.

Emily speaks, "I think it must be Justin behind the door. let me go and open the door for him."

Emily stands up from her coach and then goes to the door, and when she arrives at the door and opens it. She sees Justin waiting outside with look of sadness on his face.

"Are you okay Justin?. what happened to you?.", Emily asks.

Justin replies, "Nothing happened mom. it just I don't feel really well today that's all"

"Are you sick son?."

"No mom, I'm fine don't worry."

Justin enters inside the house with the sad look on his face, and when he arrives at the sitting room, he then speaks to his mother.

"Mom we are going to be late for the sales today. lets go to the market so that we continue with our businesses."

Emily replies, "Okay. let me go and prepare myself."

"Okay.", Justin nods.

Emily goes to her room in order to prepare herself to go to the market while Justin heads into his room to change his school uniforms, leaving Smith at the sitting room watching TV.

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