Chapter 59

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The final chapter.

Justin is at the school graduation together with his mother and Smith celebrating as they waits for justin to receive his academic certificate with other students together with their parents.

In few moments after Justin receives his academics certificates, he then goes to his mother Emily and hugs her.

"Mom thank God finally i have graduated from high school. I wasn't sure if i would have make it on time."Justin speaks to his mother.

"But the most important thing is that you didn't miss all of your exams and also your teachers were more understanding towards you when you were not around the school.", Emily replies.

"Yeah i would forever be grateful for that."

Smith intervenes and speaks to Justin while his eyes are fixated towards him.

"So Justin, are you going to leave me here all alone?."

Justin shakes his head in disagreement and replies, "No Smith, why are you saying that?."

"Because right now you are a musician and soon you will be moved to the other state, so what about me, would you leave me and mom  alone?."

"Well if i will have to move to the other city i wil also have to move with you and mom.",Justin replies.

"But what about School?"

"Don't worry about school i will find a way to shift you from here to a better school."

Smith grins and goes to Justin and hugs him.

"Thank you so much Justin."

"No problem."

In few moments while Justin and his family are talking, Jade then arrives at the place where Justin is talking and calls him.


Justin turns and Look at the person   calling him and  sees Jade standing besides him while waiting for him.

"Mom there is a person calling me. I will be right back.", Justin speaks to Emily and leaves heading towards the place where Jade is standing.

"Okay.",Emily nods and replies.

Justin then decides to go the place where Jade is standing in order to listen on what Jade is going to say after breaking up for alone time.

When Justin approaches Jade, she then greets him.

"Hi Justin."

"Hi.",Justin replies.

"How are you doing today?."

"I'm doing great thanks. what about you?."

"I'm doing great.", Jade replies.

"Justin i called you here because i wanted to apologise to you for what happened last time between us and also i hope you will forgive me for what i have done to you."

"Don't worry. It's  okay i have already forgive you a long time ago, and also i respect your decisions."

"Thanks.  congratulations for your successful musical performance last week on the television, it was absolutely amazing."


Jade moves to Justin closer and then speak to him, "Justin there is something else i want to ask you?"

"Sure what is it"

"Can we be friends, i mean like before? "

Justin nods and replies, "Okay sure friends it is."

Justin and Jade shakes hands and then Jade says goodbye to Justin.

"Okay Justin i have to go to my dad and mom. i will see you next time."

"Okay sure no problem, see ya."

Jade leaves Justin and returns back to her parents, leaving Justin standing looking at her as she walks.

But in few seconds while Justin is looking at Jade, Lucas then pats Justin's Shoulder from behind and then Justin turns and Looks at him.

"Hi man.", Justin speaks.

"What's up bro. how are you doing?.", Lucas asks.

"I'm doing great. thanks."

"Congratulations man you have finally achieved your dreams."

"Thanks man, but i haven't yet achieved my dreams."

Lucas raises an eyebrow and asks, "What do you mean Justin?."

"Just wait. you will see it by yourself when the right time comes. There so much more that i want to do on the future."

Justin and Lucas decides to go to the place where Emily and Smith are standing, and when they arrive, they start talking together while laughing as the graduation party continues going on.

                     THE END

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