Chapter 11

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Benjamin at the bar

Another  stressful day for Benjamin at the bar, As he drinks his bottle of bear alone on the table while thinking about his  family issues which he has caused until his son hates him now  for his alcoholic behaviors.

 While Benjamin is drinking his beer alone at the table, suddenly Johnson arrives inside the bar and starts looking for Benjamin every corner of the bar since they have promised  each other to meet up, and when Johnson sees Benjamin from a far, he decides to go at his table.

"What's up Benjamin.", Johnson greets Benjamin as soon as he approaches him.

Benjamin replies and shakes Johnson's hand while Johnson sits down on the chair, "What's up brother."

"Benjamin are you alright?. You look kinda stressful today?."

Benjamin nods and replies, "Yes to be honest I'm really stressful today".

 "Okay tell me, what happened man?."

"It's a long story Johnson. We will talk about it some other time."

Johnson insists and asks Benjamin, "Come on bro, Just tell me what happened to you so that I can know what is bothering you."

Benjamin exclaims, "Okay fine I'm gonna tell you.  I'm sad today because my two sons hates me so much now and they don't even want to speak to me anymore for what I did to them."

Johnson asks, ,"Okay  what did you do to your sons that made them hating you so much?."

Benjamin sighs and speak, "Well, there was a time that I had a fight with my wife at the sitting room while I was drunk and When Smith came to defend his mother while we were fighting i ended up pushing Smith at the table and  dislocating his shoulder."

Johnson gasps in shock, "You should haven't done that Benjamin that wasn't good at all."

"I know that and right now I'm paying the consequences for my actions. 

"Don't worry soon everything is gonna be alright.", Johnson replies.

 "I hope so too Johnson."

Benjamin takes one puff from the bear bottle and then continues talking.

 "I'm really ashamed of what I have done to my family. I don't even know what to do in order to restore back the love of my two sons."

"Don't worry Benjamin they are just kids. They will forget about everything sooner than you can expect just be patient."

Benjamin asks ,"But how are they going to forget about the things that i have done to them, tell me?."

Johnson replies to Benjamin with a stutter, " Well, maybe you should buy them some gifts and then starts being close to them every time you return back home from work and I guarantee you they will forget about the mistreatment that you have done to them."

"I think you got a point Johnson. I will try doing what you have told me to do."

Johnson replies to Benjamin, "Yes should do that and they will be no problem."

 "Thanks for the advice brother."

Johnson nods, "No problem, Its my pleasure."    

 Johnson calls the waiter and orders him some drinks for himself and Benjamin so that they can drink, and in few moments the waiter returns back with the drinks at Benjamin's table  and starts serving them while Benjamin and Johnson continues talking to each other.

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