Chapter 29

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Bar fight.

  Benjamin and Johnson are at the front seat of the bar,drinking while talking to each other as the music goes on with their beers on the table.

Johnson speaks, "Bro can you tell me how were you in your school days because right now I'm little bit curious."

"I was a humble and a shy guy who used to love reading books a lot while i was still in high school.", Benjamin replies.

"So you were like an introvert or something as you say?."

Benjamin nods and replies, "Yes i was.",Benjamin replies.

Johnson grins and looks at Benjamin, "Man!, stop lying to me. You know I'm not gonna buy that today."

Benjamin furrows his eyebrows and replies,  "Why are you saying that Johnson?. I'm actually telling you the truth."

Johnson snorts and replies, "Nah, I think during the time you were in high school you were much of a lover boy."

"Of course not. why are you saying that?."

"Haven't you notice that yet bro. You have dated so many beautiful women in your life and now you are telling me that you are an introvert, *Johnson snorts*, I'm not gonna buy it today."

"It's your choice to believe me or not but I'm telling you the truth."Benjamin replies.

"Okay whatever. But I'm sure you are not telling me the truth."

Benjamin and Johnson then continues  drinking as they both waits for Katherine to perform on the stage.

When Benjamin checks the time on his watch, the time reads 20:30hrs on which it leaves him in confusion on why Katherine hasn't showed up yet on the stage during the time of perfomance.

"Why is Katherine taking so long to come and perform on stage. It's 20:30hrs now.",Benjamin asks.

"Maybe she is doing her make up or maybe she is preparing herself. i don't know.", Johnson replies.

"That is strange Because at this time she is supposed to be on stage by now."

"Just relax and be patient. She will eventually arrive on the stage soon."

Benjamin and Johnson continues drinking as they wait for Katherine to arrive on the stage until they are all drunk.

In few moments, Katherine then arrives at the stage in order to perform, but by the look of her facial expression, she doesn't seem to be in a really good mood, Leaving Benjamin wondering what's going on with her.

Shortly the music instruments starts playing, and then Katherine starts singing her song while dropping tears on her face as she continues singing with so much emotions, leaving Benjamin Confused on what is going on with her.

As the performance proceeds, Katherine tears increases until she decides to stop singing and speaks to the audiences,

"I'm so sorry. I'm not feeling good today. I hope you will all forgive me but I'm not gonna sing for today."

When Katherine finishes apologizing, The audience inside the bar starts booing at her and then Katherine decides to leave the stage and goes to Benjamin's table in fear.

While Katherine is walking heading to Benjamin's table, suddenly the bodyguards stands in front of her and stops her.

"Sorry mom but we are not going to allow you to leave the stage without finishing performing first."

Katherine exclaims with anger and replies, "But i have already told that I'm not feeling good today. why don't you understand. "

"Rules are rules mom. first you have to finish up performing on stage then you will leave the bar as you wish.", The bodyguard replies.

Katherine decides to pass through the bodyguard by force but unfortunately the bodyguards stops her from going forward as they hold her hands by force until the chaos starts.

When Benjamin sees Katherine being hold by the bodyguards by force, he panics and then speaks to Johnson.

"Bro we have to help her now. we are not supposed to leave her just like that."

"But what are we going to do now,those bodyguards are so many compared to us. They will eventually beat us."

Shortly Katherine then starts crying out for help, as she calls Benjamin's name so loud, "Benjamin please help me, please. I'm begging you please."

After Katherine shouts while asking for help, Benjamin speaks to Johnson and decides to go and help Katherine.

"Wait for me here Johnson. I'm gonna help Katherine from those bodyguards."

"Okay but be careful.", Johnson nods and replies.

Benjamin then goes to the bodyguards in order to talk to them, and when he approaches them, he starts speaking,

"I'm so sorry for intervening in your work, But don't you know that treating a woman like it's against the law."

"Are you a lawyer or what. who the hell do you think you are to speak to as like that?.", one of the bodyguard asks.

"I'm his long time friend and i don't think it's  appropriate for you to do what you are doing now to her."

One of the bodyguards pushes away  Benjamin by force as he replies,"So what are you going to do now to make us stop you fool."

After the bodyguards pushes Benjamin and insults him, Benjamin anger raises and then he decides to punch him on the face. Shortly the chaos inside the bar starts as the bodyguards beats Benjamin so badly while he is drunk until Johnson and Katherine intervenes as they both tries to stop the bodyguards from beating Benjamin.

"Stop,stop or I'm gonna call the police right now.", Johnson shouts at the bodyguards.

After Johnson's threat, The bodyguards decides to leave, leaving Benjamin with so many bruises on his face.

"Katherine let me take Benjamin to his bouse so that he can be treated.", Johnson speaks.

Katherine shakes her head in disagreement and replies, "No!, His house is too far from here and right now he is completely badly wounded. I'm gonna take care of him."

Johnson nods and replies, "Okay."

Katherine takes Benjamin together with Johnson and goes to her home,leaving the bar immediately.

When Katherine and Johnson arrives home, they both drops Benjamin on the bed and then Katherine speaks.

"It's running late now. you should go back home. Don't worry i will take care of him."

"Okay if you need anything from me don't hasitate to call me, okay?."

"Okay. goodnight.", Katherine replies.

Johnson leaves Katherine's house and goes back to his house, leaving Katherine treating Benjamin laying on the bed.

While Katherine applies spirit on Benjamin's  wounds, Benjamin then speaks

"Katherine i love you so much. You are the lover of my life."

When Katherine hears Benjamin words, she then feels flattered as she looks at Benjamin while sitting besides the bed, and when Benjamin wakes up  from the bed, he then looks at Katherine's eyes and starts kissing her slowly and passionately until they end up laying on the bed.

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