Chapter 51

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Leonard and Emily's guests.

It's sunday in the evening, Eden and Henry are at Leonard's house, talking at the sitting room while waiting for Jade to arrive back home from school.

While Leonard is talking to his guests, shortly Lily arrives at the sitting room and goes to Leonard's coach but before lily sits down on the coach, Leonard stops her.

"Wait Lily, before you sit down on the coach. Have you seen Jade anywhere around the house?."

Lily nods and replies, "Yes she is inside her room right now."

"Okay, would you mind calling her for me please?."

Lily replies, "Okay sure."

Lily leaves the sitting room and goes to Jade's room in order to call her after her husband's request, and when she arrives at Jade's door, Lily knocks the door.

"Jade, Are you inside?.", Lily asks.

Jade replies in a louder voice, "Yes mom. I'm inside."

"Okay sweetie. I'm coming inside your room right now."

Lily opens Jade's door and then enters inside Jade's room, and when she arrives inside Jade's room, she finds Jade laying down on her bed with her pillow looking so depressed while thinking about Justin.

"Jade, are you alright?.", Lily asks Jade a question as she goes closer to her bed.

Jade sighs and replies, "Yes mom. I'm alright."

Lily furrows her eyebrows and replies,"But you don't look alright."

"What did you expect me to be after what you have told me on Thursday mom?."

Lily replies as she approaches Jade's bed and sits.

"But darling. i didn't do it intentionally, i think you know quite well what I'm going through right now."

"Don't worry mum. i understand you. i know also you had a difficult time to accept this too."

"I had a difficult time too darling, but what can i do. i had no control over your father because he didn't want to listen to me even a little bit."

Jade sighs and replies, "I understand you mom. Sometimes things don't usually ends up the way we expect them to end."

"Yes sweet that's how life it is."

After Lily and Jade's short talk is over, Lily then gives Jade her message from her father.

"Jade, Henry and his father are at the sitting room waiting for you. Your father wants you to be there right now because the guests have been waiting for you for quite a while now."

Jade frowns and replies,"But mom. i don't want to go to the sitting room and meet them right now."

"But darling i think it will best if you come to the sitting room before you end up making your father mad."

"I dont really care if he gets mad at me or what. what about me mom, did he really cared about my feelings too when i was crying infront of him?."

"Darling, You are going to make things more difficult right now. Why don't you go to the sitting and listen for what your father is going to say."

"But mom, i don't feel like coming to the sitting room right now. why don't you go and tell daddy that I'm sick."

Lily shakes her head in disagreement and replies,"No darling, They will think that you are faking your illness."

"i don't wanna go right now, how am i going to pretend like everything is fine while I'm so depressed right now."

"Darling, Just come to the sitting room and pretends like everything is fine, and don't worry soon everything will be alright."

Jade sighs and replies," Okay Mom. Let me change my outfits first."

"Okay, we will be waiting for you at the sitting room."


Lily decides to stand up from Jade's bed and returns back to the sitting room in order to talk with the guests. When Lily arrives at the sitting room, she then goes to her husband's coach and sits down.

"Lily, where is Jade?.", Leonard asks.

"She is preparing herself in her room. she will be here in a short while."

Leonard nods and replies, "Okay."

Leonard continues talking to his guests as they await for Jade to arrive at the sitting room.


Justin and Smith are at the sitting room, watching TV while waiting for their mother to arrive back home from the market.

As Justin and Smith are watching TV, shortly Smith notices Justin's sadness and quietness since he has not spoken all the time during the time of the movie.

"Justin, are you Okay?."

Justin replies with a fake smile, "Yes I'm alright. Why are you asking me that question Smith?."

"Because you have been acting quite different lately and I'm starting to get worried about you."

"Don't worry about me Smith. I'm fine."

"Okay.", Smith replies.

Smith and Justin then continues watching the television while waiting for their mother to arrive back home from the market, But in a short while during the time they are watching the Television, Smith then asks Justin a question.

"Justin, can i ask you something?.", Smith asks.

Justin nods and replies, "Yeah sure, what is it that you want to ask me?."

"How is your relationship with Jade going?."

Justin sighs and replies with the sad look on his face, "Well Smith. Jade and I we are no longer together anymore."

Smith startles in shock after hearing Justin and Jade's break up since he was not informed about their break up.

"But why Justin. what happened to you guys, i thought you both love each other so much.", Smith asks out of curiosity.

Justin replies, "I guess not anymore Smith."

Smith sighs and speaks, "I'm so sorry for what happened to you bother."

"Don't worry Smith, shits always happens in life."

After the conversation, Justin and Smith then continues watching the Television.

While Justin and Smith are watching the television, shorty Emily arrives back home from the market and enters inside her house with her shopping bucket.

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