Chapter 17

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Jade and her friends are at the school hallway, walking as they goes to the school cafeteria in order to take some lunch after getting exhausted with studying.

"Jade, Yesterday at the party you were kinda scared of Justin while you were dancing with him. What happened to you bestie?.", Sofia speaks.

Jade grins and replies,

"Well, yesterday it was my first time dancing with Justin and it felt so different dancing with him, and also i think it's one of the best thing that has happened to me."

Susan intervenes and speaks, "Wait a minute Jade. Don't tell me you like Justin now."

Jade Smiles and replies, "Of course yes who am i kidding.  I don't know what usually happens to me whenever Justin is around. I always feel so different."

Sofia grins and comment, "And also don't forget you always act different too.",

"Maybe.", Jade replies.

"After all, Why don't you tell him that you like him so that you can be together and spend more time with him.", Susan speaks.

Jade shakes her head in disagreement and replies, "Of course not. what are you talking about Susan?. What if he rejects me after i confess my love to him?."

Sofia intervenes and replies, "Of course not. You don't have to make the first move Jade. But you can still show him some signs that you like him and that's it."

Jade nods and replies, "i guess you are right. maybe i will try doing that and see what will happen next."

Sofia replies ,"Good."

As Jade and her friends are walking on the school hallway heading to the School cafeteria with some other students on the way. shortly Justin comes out of his classroom and goes straight to the library as he walks on the school hallway in order to return back the books which he has borrowed at the library.

While Justin is walking on school hallway. Suddenly Jade and her friends  sees Justin coming towards their direction, and then they decides to hide besides the school locker really quickly in order to avoid getting into contact with Justin.

While Jade and her friends are besides the school lockers hiding while observing Justin as he walks heading to the library, Suddenly Justin bumps into a girl as he is on his way to the library,  and then the girl drops down her books on the floor.

When the girl kneels and starting collecting her books spread over the floor. Justin then decides to offer his help as he also helps her picking up the books while apologizing to her.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to drop your books intentionally."

"It's okay. sometimes things happens in the situations that we can't of control.", The girl replies.

"You are right."

When Justin finishes helping her picking up the books. The girls then thanks Justin.

"Thank you so much for helping me picking up my books."

Justin replies, "It's nothing."

The girl extends her hand to Justin, "What is your name handsome?."

"My name is Justin. What about you?.", Justin shakes her hand and replies.

"My name is Judith."

"Nice to me you Judith.",

Justin speaks,"i have to go somewhere right now. we will talk more next time."

Judith grins and replies, "Sure no problem."

When the conversation between Justin and Smith is over. Justin and Judith continues walking as they both goes to the places where there are supposed to go. Shortly after Justin is gone, Jade and her friends comes out of their hideout while pissed off.

Jade exclaims, "I don't know what's up with this girls nowadays. They don't have any single shame left on themselves. What was she doing with Justin right there in front of us?. Jade snorts, "Was it necessary for her to do that to him?."

Susan pats Jade's shoulder and replies, "Calm down Jade. They were just talking to each other and that was it."

Sofia intervenes and comments, "But by the way that girl was talking and touching Justin. I think she was just hitting on Justin. Girl you gotta start being careful."

Jade replies with an anger tone, "Do you know what Sofia?."

"What?.", Sofia replies

  Jade exclaims, "You are not helping me at all with your silly comments."

"I'm sorry Jade I was just saying it as a joke. Don't take me too seriously."

"What are going to do Jade?.", Susan asks.

"I'm gonna find a better way to get rid of her first ,and also I have to find away to be closer to Justin so that I can start showing him some choosing signals to him."

Sofia replies in sarcastic tone, "That's a spirit girl. now It's show time."

Jade replies, " Do you know that you're not helping me at all Sofia. You better shut up right now before you end up pissing me off."

"Okay I'm sorry."

Susan speaks, "let's go to the school cafeteria before the launch break is over.",

Jade replies, "Okay lets go then."

Jade and her friends then goes to the school cafeteria in order to take their lunch, and when they arrives at the Cafeteria. Jade sees Judith talking to her friends on her table. When Jade is about to go and confront Judith, Susan stops her.

"What are you thinking right now Jade. Do you really actually want to confront that girl?."

Jade replies, "Yes I want to tell her to stay away from Justin from now on."

"But you have forgotten that Justin isn't your boyfriend yet. For now you don't have any rights to confront anyone who will come into Justin's life."

"What should I do now?", Jade asks.

Susan replies, "Just come down and relax. Everything will be alright okay and we will find the better plan."

"Okay.", Jade nods.

Jade and her friends then goes to an empty table, and sits down immediately as soon as they arrive.

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