Chapter 39

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Guests Arrival.

Leonard and Lily are at the sitting room, looking around at the decoration after been completed by the maids as they move around the sitting room.

Lily speaks with a smile on her face, "Wow, Leonard this is amazing. I really like how the maids have decorated this sitting room."

Leonard replies, "Me too darling."

"Did you tell Jade about returning home early today?.", Leonard asks.

Lily nods and replies, "Yeah I have spoke to her a few minutes ago and she told me that she is on her way back home."

Leonard replies, "Good."

Shortly while Leonard and Lily are talking at the sitting room, Jade then arrives home with her driver. When Jade climbs out of her car,she then goes directly to the sitting with a broad smile on her face.

After Jade arrives at the sitting room, she then goes to her mother and hugs her.

"Mom, I'm so happy today.",Jade speaks with so excitement.

Lily grins and replies, "Somebody is in the good mood today. Tell me dear, what the secret of your happiness?."

Jade replies, "Mom the only thing that I can only tell you for today is that I'm starting believing that dreams usually comes true when you keep on believe in them."

"Which dream did you accomplish today my dear?."Lily furrows her eyebrows and asks.

Jade replies, "Let's say it's a secret for now, but when the right time comes I will tell you what it is about."

Lily replies, "Okay as you say so darling."

In few moments Leonard arrives at the sitting room from his room and finds Jade filled with so much excitement as she speaks with her mother.

"Somebody looks happy today.", Leonard speaks.

When Jade sees her father, she then goes to him and hugs him.

"Today is my happiest day ever Daddy.", Jade replies.

Leonard replies, "That is good Sweetheart because your happiness is the most important thing to me."

"Thanks daddy."

"Okay, Now you should go and prepare yourself Jade. The guests are going to arrive home soon."

Jade replies, "Okay daddy, I'm going to prepare myself right now."

Leonard replies, "Okay."

After Jade finishes talking with her father, she then decides to go to her room in order to prepare herself for the guests arrival.

When Jade arrives inside her room, she then opens her school bag and takes her phone and calls Sofia.

"Hi Sofia. How are you doing?.", Jade asks as soon as the phone is answered.

Sofia replies," Wow. You sound like you are in the good mood."

Jade giggles and replies, "You won't believe what have just happened today."

"Tell me bestie. What happened to you today?."

"First of all, Today it was Justin's birthday and I went to celebrate with him at his home."

Sofia replies, "That is really great Jade, tell me bestie what happened next while your were celebrating with Justin there."

Justin sighs and speaks, "We had a lot of fun at the party, and at the end of the celebration Justin accepted me to be his girlfriend."

Sofia replies, "Really Jade, Are you telling me the truth right now?."

Jade replies, "Yeah, I'm telling you the truth."

Sofia screams with so much excitement through the phone and replies back to Jade, "Oh my god, I can't believe it is happening now."

Jade replies,"I can't believe either. it was Just a miracle to me and I didn't expect Justin to like me too."

"Wait a minute Jade. Tell me how did it happened?.", Sofia asks.

Jade replies, "It's really a long story bestie. we will talk about it on Monday."

"Okay, But you have to promise me that you are going to tell me everything."

As Jade and Sofia are talking through the phone, shortly the guests arrives at Leonard's house with their cars.

When Leonard sees the guests cars parking outside through his office window, Leonard then calls his wife in a louder voice, "Lily, Lily."

When Lily hears her husband's call from the sitting room, she then rushes to his office and enters inside.

Leonard speaks when Emily enters inside his office, "Darling listen, Go to Jade's room and inform her that the guests have arrived home already."

Lily nods and replies to Leonard, "Okay."

Lily leaves Leonard's office and goes directly to Jade's room. When Lily arrives outside Jade's room door, she then knocks her door and speaks.

"Jade hurry up, The guests have already arrive home."

Jade replies to her mom in a louder voice from her room, "Okay mom, I'm coming."

After Jade's response, Lily decides to leave Jade's room and goes to the sitting room in order to welcome the guests, leaving Jade at her room talking to her friend Sofia.

Jade speaks to Sofia, "Bestie, the guests have arrived home. I will talk to you next time."

Sofia replies,"Okay Jade, bye."

Jade hangs up her phone and starts preparing herself to go to the sitting room. When Jade finishes preparing herself, She then leaves her room and goes to the sitting room in order to meet up with the guests.

When Jade arrives at the sitting room, Leonard then welcomes her daughter while sitting with the guests.

"Welcome my dear, come and sit besides me.", Leonard speaks.

Jade replies as she goes to sit with her father, "Thanks Daddy."

When Jade arrives at her father coach and sits, Leonard then introduces her daughter to his longtime business partner and friend,

"Eden, I would like to introduce to you. This is my daughter Jade, she is the only person in this world who keeps me alive.", Leonard speaks with a broad smile on his face.

Eden replies, "Its nice to meet you young girl."

Jade replies, "Me too Mr. Eden."

Leonard then continues with his introduction as he speaks to Jade, "Also the young man who sitting besides him is his son Henry"

Jade speaks to Henry, "its nice to meet you Henry."

Henry replies, "Its nice to meet you too."

Eden then speaks, "Leonard, we will be here in Texas for a while. I hope you wouldn't mind if your daughter shows my son around the city."

"Not at all my friend. I think that will be a great honor."

Leonard and Eden then continue speaking while Henry gazes at Jade all the time as they are at the sitting room.

A fortunate Starजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें