Chapter 2

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Emily (Justin and Smith's mother) is at the sitting room watching television while waiting for her children to return back home from school as she glances at the clock looking at the time.

In few moments as Emily is waiting for her children to return back from school, The knock sound of the house front door is heard from inside the house and when Emily hears the door knock she then stands up and goes to the front door in order to open it.

When Emily opens the door, she sees Justin and Smith waiting for her outside the house after they have arrived home from school.

"Welcome my dear sons I was actually waiting for both of you", Emily welcomes her son with a broad smile on her face.

Justin and smith replies, "Thanks mom."

Justin and Smith then gets inside the house with their school bags on their backs and Emily closes the house front door. When Justin and Smith arrives at the sitting room, they both drops their bags on the coach and sits down while feeling so exhausted.

"How was school today my dear sons, did both of you had fun Today?.", Emily asks sons a question immediately after she arrives at the sitting room.

Justin replies, "it was great mom but a little bit tiring."

"That is good son, that is how school is supposed to be."

As Emily is speaking to Smith, she suddenly notice Justin's face is filled with sadness which causes Emily to start wondering what is going on with her son.

"Justin you don't look quite good today, what happened?."

Justin grins and replies to his mother with a fake smile so that she won't panic before she finds out what happened to him in the classroom," I'm fine mom, it's just I'm not feeling really good today that's all."

After Justin's reply, Emily starts to get worried about her son while wondering if he could be sick or something and then she decides to go to Justin and look if he is fine while asking him questions out of curiosity.

"Are you sick son, Tell me so that i can find you some medicines?.", Emily asks a question while measuring Justin's temperature on his forehead.

"Don't worry, I'm not sick at all it's just some other things that i would prefer not to talk about right now."

After Justin is done talking to his mother, he then stands up from his coach and goes to his room in order change his school uniforms.

When Justin is in his room, Emily isn't satisfied with Justin answers as she can't stop asking herself questions on what things that bothers her son's head without getting answers , and when Smith stands up from his coach and is about to go to his room too to change his clothes too, Emily stops him.

"Smith don't go to your room yet, There is something that I want to ask you."

Smith replies, "Okay. What is it mom?."

"Son what happened to your brother today at school, was he like this while you were both in school?."

Smith replies, "I don't know mom I also tried asking him the same things while we were on our way back home but he refused to tell me anything."

Emily raises an eyebrow while feeling confused, "That is strange, in the morning he was just completely fine."

Smith replies, "Yes he was but I don't know what happened to him afterwards."

Emily starts asking herself questions without getting the right answers and
Then she nods at Smith, "Okay smith you can go now to your room and change your clothes."

Smith replies, "Okay mom."

Smith goes to Justin's room to change his clothes, leaving Emily at the sitting room thinking while wondering what is going on with her son .

After Justin is done changing his clothes, he returns back to the sitting room where he finds his mother sitting down on the coach while watching TV.

"Mom, Did daddy returned home?.", Justin asks his mother a question out of curiosity.

Emily replies ,"No, he has not returned home yet son since yesterday."

"Do you have any idea where he might be at this time?."

"I don't really know son where he might be right now."

Emily response sadden Justin really bad since Justin doesn't know what to do in order to feed his family during the time of his absence. As Justin continues thinking, A vision flashes inside his head and then speaks to his mother.

"Okay, I have an Idea mom."

"What is it son?."

Justin goes to the house store and picks up some newspapers for selling so that he can get the money for feeding his Family. When Justin is done picking up some newspapers, he then returns back to the sitting room and calls Smith.

"Smith, can you please come to the sitting room right now."

After Justin's call, Smith responds immediately and arrives at the sitting room.

Justin gives instructions to Smith, "Listen for what I'm gonna tell you now, Today you are not supposed leave this house because I will be going to the streets to sell this newspapers and i want you to stay here and help mom if it happens she needs some assistance or anything okay?."

Smith nods, "Okay sure, No problem."

"Okay then I will see you later."


Justin then goes to his mother,"Mom I have to go now, I will see you later when I'm done selling this newspapers and about the food issues don't worry I will return back home with some foods so that we can eat tonight."

Emily tears drops little by little after seeing the sacrifices that her son is doing for the sake of his family while feeling proud of her son.

"Okay son, just be careful while you are there and I wish you good luck on your work."

Justin replies, "Thanks mom."

Justin leaves the house and goes to the street to sell newspapers so that he can find some money to feed his Family, leaving Emily and Smith at the sitting room watching TV.

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