*Tony & Carol & Reader

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WARNINGS: throwing up, talk about food and weight, making yourself sick 

REQUEST: Tony and Carol are both the readers friends and they help the reader with her bulimia 


NICKNAMES: babes, titch 


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It was just after dinner and you'd excused yourself with everyone else and left up to your room. 
You left straight to your bathroom, sinking to your knees and forcing all the food from your stomach. 
You layed over the toilet for a few moments catching your breathe before you rolled onto your back, leaning to the wall and letting your sobs break looses. 
You brought your legs to your chest and let your head drop as the sobs racked through you.  

While you were in the bathroom Tony was outside knocking on your bedroom door
He knocked once again before calling Jarvis to override the lock, something only he and Carol could do - just like you could do to them. 
He walked in and couldn't see you so he kept going, thinking you would just be using the bathroom or in the shower and he would shout to you, he kept walking through, as he got closer he could hear your sobs. 
His eyebrows furrowed and he stopped in his tracks just listening for a few seconds before he kept walking forward towards the door. 

He knocked gently
T:" Hey titch, you alright?"
You were silent for a while, trying to catch your breathe, you cleared your throat
y/n:" I'm good"
You cursed yourself as your voice came out raspy and hoarse
T:" Can I come in?" 
y/n:" I wouldn't but sure"
You knew no matter what you said he would come in, you wiped your face, trying to rid it of any trace of tears, just as you placed your hands back in your lap he walked in.

He stopped at the door and pulled a slight face at the smell, he looked at you before walking forward and flushing the toilet and opening the window, he then ran a face cloth under the sink and brought it to you. 
T:" Here, wash your face" 
With shaky hands you took the cloth and wiped your face down, you handed the cloth back to him and he chucked it away before sitting down next to you. 
T:" You sick?" 
You shook your head 'no' before you'd properly thought about your answer.

T:" Are you sure, you look pretty sick to me?" 
y/n:" I'm not sick Tony" 
T:" Okay, I'm sorry-"
He held his hands up in defeat 
T:"-Do you need anything?" 
y/n:" No I'm alright"   
He sat back down next to you and leaned against you
T:" If your not sick, what's wrong?" 
y/n:" I umm, I-I Don't know"

T:" If your making yourself sick y/n I need to know so I can help you"
Your silence was all the answer Tony needed 
T:" You know who else had struggles with their eating?"
You shook your head no
T:" Our Carol, you should talk to her, we could all go together and we could help you. Obviously there's other options but we will help you for sure" 

A/N: I'm not going to lie I have no motivation to finish this or even write at the moment. I broke up with my partner and all my friends took their side (Or atleast that's what it feels like), and now I really just don't know what to do. I have already written this in my new book as a rewrite so it will get finished in the new book - I pinkie promise. 

Also I don't know because I've not updated in so long if I will be able to finish all of the requests by the end of September but I will try my hardest. I am so sorry for the slow updates I just don't want to be putting out lodes of 'half assed' content like this. 


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