STUCKY x reader

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WARNINGS: mentions of ptsd and trauma, fireworks, polyamorous relationship, swearing 

PROMPT: Even after all the years Bucky and Steve still struggle on bonfire night so you sit with them all night (this could also apply for July 4th in America - I don't know anything about it, I just know there's fireworks)

PRONOUNS: they/them 


I'm on my phone so I don't know how the layout and everything will be, let me know if there's any mistakes and thank you all so much for the support over the past couple of days, you are all so amazing xx


You were invited to a bonfire night party, after speaking with your partners they told you
B:" Go and have fun doll"
S:" Yeah, enjoy yourself. We'll be alright"
You hesitated for a few seconds but when your friend rang you to tell you they were outside the door, they smiled at you and once again told you
B:" We're okay doll"
S:" Go, don't leave your friend waiting"
They stood up and leaned forward both kissing you on the lips one after the other and gently ushering you to the door.

They stood at the door and waved you off.
As soon as you were gone they turned to each other
B:" Fuck, we should've told them to stay"
S:" C'mon, we can do one year. Let them have some fun"
They walked back into the house and sat on the couch as close together as they could, braising themselves for what was about to start.
They both jumped when the chime of the their phones, the message was from you reading...
I've left my blankets folded at the end of my bed for you guys, there's a movie in the dvd player. Send me a message if you need me home, love you guys xx

They both smile at the message and Bucky jumps up rushing to your room.
He grabbed the blankets and ran back to Steve in the living room who was turning on the film.
Steve turned his head and smiled at Bucky as he was passed one of the blankets to him.

B:" I don't know what we'd do without our doll"
S:" We'd probably have gotten ourselves killed or something without them"
B:" Probably"
They both sat for a while talking and reminiscing on their relationship with you and how you guys met.

They were talking and laughing when the first loud bang sounded.
Instantly both super solders flinched, grabbing hold of each other and covering themselves.
As more and more sounds rattled through them they both slid off the couch and onto the floor, covering themselves with your blanket and cuddling together.

When there was a break in the fireworks they both pulled away, coming out from under the blanket.
Bucky looked at Steve who was near tears and scooped him up into a hug
That's where they stayed for a while, Bucky sat on the floor with Steve curled up into his lap.
Bucky lightly squeezed Steve every time there was a bang.

And that's how you found them when you walked in 4 hours earlier than you were meant to be.
You stayed at the party for an hour worrying about your boys at home.
After not much convincing from your friends you left to go check on them.
When you walked through the door and saw the state of them, you instantly knew it was the best idea.

Both their heads snapped towards the door when they heard it open.
They looked at you for a second before jumping up and running towards you.
Bucky was the first one, he wrapped his arms tight around you, making himself as small as he could putting his face in your neck.
Steve was a second behind, sliding his hands around you he rested his head on top of yours.

B:" Doll..."
He trailed off, not finishing what he was saying
y/n:" C'mon you two, let's go sit in the safe room"
You untangled both of their hands from you and took them in your own, you started leading them to the safe room when Bucky tugged back on your hand.

y/n:" What's wrong Buck?"
You turned to face him
B:" I want to - can we watch them?"
y/n:" If it's alright with Stevie, we can go sit in the loft room and watch them out of the window"
You turned to Steve and watching him think and then nod.

You guys walked up to the loft room and sat down at the window.
You sat in the middle of the two super solders, both of the leaned on you, you stroked Bucky's face and beard, soothing him and ran your hands through Steve's hair.

Every now and then one of the men would flinch or cower at a particularly loud bang but with you to instantly sooth, they were fixated on the bright fireworks.

A/N: hey, this wasn't a request, this is just one I wrote because I wanted to.

I hope this is alright, and that everyone is doing well


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