*Peter X y/n

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WARNINGS: self harm: hitting your head, hair pulling

REQUEST: How Parker would react to y/n hitting their head on a wall 

PRONOUNS: they/them

NICKNAMES: baby/babe


He was out on patrol.

You were having a tough time and just nothing seemed to be going right and you were getting more and more frustrated with this and yourself for not being about to fix it. 
For a while you just stared blankly at the wall with your eyes unfocused, stuck in your own mind, thinking about everything. 
When your thoughts got too much you ragged at your hair letting out a sharp breath as you did. 

You leaned back against the wall, accidently hitting your head, which for some reason today just struck something in you to keep going. 
You closed your eyes and repeatedly hit the back of your head to the wall behind you. 
You were so deep in thought and angry that you didn't notice your boyfriend, Peter, walk in. 

He stood at the door frozen for a second before he rushed forwards, he put his hand between your head and the wall, which was when you first knew he was there. 
Your eyes shot open and you looked to the intruder only to calm down when you saw it was Peter. 
P:" What are you doing?!"
He had a panicked look on his face, his eyes slightly wider than normal with tears in the bottom, his mouth hung lower and he gulped waiting for an answer. 
P:" You're going to hurt yourself!"
y/n:" I'm sorry"
You looked away from him, looking down at your trousers and picking at the first loose thread you found. 

P:" What's got you so angry?" 
Your head shot up looking at him
y/n:" Oh, umm, I'm not angry"
P:" Fine then - annoyed?" 
He sat down on the edge of your bed, he second he looked into your eyes he could see something was not right 
P:" Come for a cuddle babe"
He opened his arms for you, which was something he didn't normally do, normally you guys just sat with your legs over each others laps, not really cuddling up close, but today you needed it. 

You leant forward into his arms as he layed sideways onto your bed, he pressed kisses to your head and cheeks to calm you down
P:" Do you want to talk about it?" 
y/n:" Just nothing seemed to be going my way" 
P:" I understand, can you please try not hit your head, it's very dangerous and you could get hurt baby"
y/n:" But I just get so frustrasted and-"
You rolled out of the hug and onto your back on the bed to finish your rant 

P:" How about you come and rant to me, we can go an take blankets and snacks and some fairy lights and you can rant to me about everything"
y/n:" But I feel-"
P:" Don't worry I'd be ranting to you too. And we don't even have to rant we could just sit and watch funny videos, or we could dance - whatever you want babe, okay?" 

A/N: I hate school! I have 50 minutes of maths every morning, like monday through to friday every period one lesson is fucking maths - i'm not going to make it through this year, and what makes it worse is ( Tw for Abuse and Ex manipulation stuff next) the girl that my abusive ex has to keep an eye on me is in that class, on my table and I can't ask to move and she's already tried talking to me and brought him up and we were only in that class 15 minutes before assembly. - I don't even like maths. 
And I'm failing English too which is only because of my last year teacher didn't like me because my handwriting was too big, I know it's huge but I have reasons for it that he knows! - Sorry for the rant anyways 

Because I'm going back to school I won't be posting as much just until I get a routine all set up and everything, I hope that's okay. 

I was also thinking to finish off this book by the end of Septemeber and then possibly have a break October and Start the Next one November, let me know if that would be okay with you guys. It would just be a little break before I started again so I don't have to take a break during it but It's upto you guys. 

I hope you guys have/had an amazing day, you're all beautiful people - I love you all, thank you for the support. 


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