*Shuri & (y/n x peter)

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WARNINGS:  self harm, bullying, internet bullying, boyfriend!Peter, Mum!Shuri, blood, blades

REQUEST: Y/n is Shuri's daughter and Peter is her Boyfriend. She is getting cyberbullied so badly that she starts self harming. He was crying in her room and Peter found out

PRONOUNS: She/her 


Please feel free to skip this one - it's a whole other shit show! 

Please feel free to skip this one - it's a whole other shit show! 

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For months now you'd hidden the online abuse from your mum and boyfriend, more to the point you'd hidden the effects of the online abuse form them. 
You would hid in your room for hours crying and hurting yourself, only to wipe away your tears and put a fake smile when someone called for you. 

TW!!!!!! -> 

You'd figured out ways to hide the cuts on your arm; using bracelets and hoodies to cover them it was all alright. 
You were sat in your room one day, reading through the hate messages, tears rolled down your face. 
Once you'd had enough of reading through them you got up, pulling the sleeve of your hoodie up and ripping off your bracelets, you walked into your bathroom pulling out your stash of blades. 
You sliced multiple times across your wrist and watching as the blood dripped into the sink. 


You wiped your arm down and put your bracelets back on, you pulled out one of Peters hoodies and put it on to comfort you. 
You wiped your face with the sleeve of it, ridding your face of tears. 
As you sat down on your bed you heard a knock 
y/n:" C'min!!"
P:" Hey.."
He pushed the door open, walked in and closed it behind him. 
He rushed forwards and tackled you into a hug on the bed
P:" I've missed you!" 
You let out a small laugh 
y/n:" I've missed you too Pete"

He has straddling you when he sat up, he lent down and gave you a kiss before pulling back
P:" Is that my hoodie?" 
y/n:" Ummm, yes"
P:" It looks good on you"
y/n:" Thank you"
He slid off you and curled in next to you, you both got comfy and fell asleep. 

Peter being the light sleeper he is woke up to your phone blowing up with messages. 
He typed in the password and read through the disgusting messages, his eyes teared up and he held his breathe in order to not sob. 
He read further and further up at the messsages. 
You're so ugly

I don't understand how your family hasn't left you yet


He read on until the messages were so back he could no longer hold back his tears. 
He carefully got out from your arms, taking your phone and walking around to find your mum. 
While he was doing this your phone was still blowing up with messages. 
When he found your mum..
P:" Hi Mi-Miss Sshu-"
S:" Hello Peter"
She turned around to face him, she took one look at him - seeing the tears flowing freely down his face - her motherly instincts kicked in and she reached for his face quickly wiping away his tears before asking what was wrong
P:" I n-need you to have a look at y/n's phone"
S:" What's wrong with it?" 
P:" There's people and they are sending her horrible messages" 
P:" Yea and also, ... No nevermind"
S:" Also what Peter?" 
P:" She, I don't know, it could be nothing but she's wearing so many bracelets and always wears hoodies at the moment and I watched a video a while back about signs of depression and - I'm just scared she hurt herself"
His voice got quieter as he finished what he was saying. 

Shuri pulled Peter into a hug 
S:" Thank you for telling me, now we can help her alright?" 


I can't delete it coz I'd loose all the comments and I don't want to put it at the end coz then it would still say it was unfinished so I'm leaving it here it chapter continues later down x

A/N: I am really sorry but I genuinely have no clue how to finish this, if anyone has any ideas or wants to finish it in the comments feel free too. I've been messing about with this for 3 days trying to figure something out but I just can't  

This might be a bit of a weird question but would you guys like to do a Q&A type thing with me. If you do, could you put some questions for me to answer - ask anything, I see you all as friends so I'm not fussed. If not that's totally fine it's just someone mentioned it the other day. 

Also how is everyone doing? - I'm proud of you xxx



You walked down into the kitchen where your Peter was, wearing his bright pink hoodie
P:" Is that my hoodie?"
y/n:" Ummm noo?"
P:" That's my hoodie"
y/n:" Well- Well I like it so it's mine now"
You gave him an innocent smile with your head titled on your shoulder, he just laughed and shook his head at you.
P:" Cm'here"
He opened his arms out for you to walk into, once you snuggled into him you leaned back and said 

y/n:" Oh I came down to ask you to ring my phone coz I don't know where I've put it"
Peter instantly shifted
P:" Oh umm yeah, I can umm"
y/n:" What's up?" 
P:" What? Oh nothing"
y/n:" Pete, where's my phone?" 
P:" Your mum might have it, maybe?" 

You pushed out of Peters arms and rushed to your mums lab
S:" No running in my lab"
She didn't need to look up to know it was you 
y/n:" Can I have my phone?"
S:" You can have your phone, if you tell me what's been going on"

You look at her with an angry glare
y/n:" Nothing is going on, please give me my phone back"
In a calm voice she spoke back
S:" Y/n, I know about your arms and I know about the bullying - so does Peter - please just take a deep breathe and let us help you"
y/n:" I don't need help"

You were getting more and more worked up some ones arms wrapped around you from behind
P:" Hey baby, it's alright, shh shh"
He whispered into your ear and rocked you slightly to calm you as he pressed gentle kisses to your temple. 
Your reaction was instant as you calmed down within a couple of minutes 
S:" Thank you Peter"
Shuri nodded her head to Peter. 
S:" Now my child will you let me clean your wounds?"

She spoke in a purposeful posh voice you make you laugh as she brought you the first aid kit, you nodded your head, giving her the go ahead to clean them for you. 
She rolled up your sleeve and took off your bracelets one by one, you leaned your back against Peter and when you looked back at him he was already looking at you. 
He poked out the tip of his tong which made you giggle, forgetting about the stinging from the wipes. 

Shuri bandged them up for you and pulled down the sleeve of your hoodie
S:" I want you to come to me if there is ever a problem again"

A/N: Finally done!! 

I'm am so sorry for leaving you guys waiting so long but thank you for being so paitnet


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