*Nat x y/n

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WARNINGS: Eating disorder, struggles eating, talking about food

REQUEST: Natasha comforts y/n with their eating disorder and helps them when they struggle


A/N: I have three eating disorder Natasha stories in a row, if this doesn't match what you requested then it's probably not your request - they are very similar though. (So this is the first one then theirs two more Nat requests to come)


If this is not somehting you want to read I hope you have a great day and remember you deserve to eat, you body need food to keep it going. You are amazing, incredible and very very beautiful. Smile xx


Nat is a spy, this means not much passes her. So when you'd started not spending meal times with everyone else she started to wonder why. One day you didn't even come down for your plate like normal. 
Grabbing her plate and yours she headed upstairs. 
She gently kicked to bottom of your door, just enough that the sound would be loud enough for you to hear. 
N:" Y/n?! Can I come in?" 
When she heard your mumbled reply she used her elbow to open the door.

She walked in holding the plates in her hands
N:" Hey sweetheart, I brought our food up today" 
You looked up at her noticing the plates filled with food 
y/n:" Ohh, umm. Okay, that's cool" 

She could see you nervously eyeing the food, something she'd not noticed on your face before. 
She set down the food on your bedside table and walked over to get on the bed infrount of you. She faced you with her legs crossed on the bed
N:" I've noticed you've not been eating as much lately and so I've brought the food up to you so we can eat together. Is that okay?" 
You looked into her eyes and you could see the genuine concern for you. 
y/n: I've just not been feeling the best"

Even though Nat didn't believe you she played into in
N:" Well do you think your feeling well enough to eat today?" 
You looked into her eyes and back down at your hands, you hated lying to her. 

y/n:" I'm still not feeling too great" 
With that she leaned forward, gently grabbing your face in her hands
N:" I know what you're going though darling, I know what it's like"
Tears formed in your eyes and you shook your head
y/n:" No, no. You don't know" 
It was more you didn't want to believe Nat had struggled with this as you knew how horrible it was. 

With a soft smile on her face she whispered
N:" I do. I know what it's like, darling"
She pulled your face up by your chin so you were looking into each others eyes. 
N:" Are we going to try and eat?" 
You turned looking at the food, then turned back to Nat. She nodded her head slightly to tell you it would be okay
N:" We'll take it slow" 

She got up off the bed and reached to the two plates, placing yours infront of you. 
N:" Okay, we're going to do this together" 
She put some food on her fork as you did the same
N:" Ready?" 
Once you nodded she gave you a proud smile
N:" Take a breathe, babes. I'm not mad or going to be mad, I'm here to help you"

N:" Okay, on the count of three we'll take a bite, yea? ... 1... 2... 3..." 
You both lifted your forks taking a bite. 
Once you'd finished that bite she said
N:" I'm so proud of you" 

After a few more bites she noticed you were beginning to struggle
N:" Do you want to watch a movie while we eat. I'll even let you play that one you always watch" 
y/n:" Really?" 
N:" Yeah, go on"
She handed you the remote and watched as you put on the movie, hoping it would distract you from thinking about the food. 

As you were watching the movie and acting it out, being silly together you would take bites of food without realising. 
Once the movie was over you looked down at the empty plate.

You realised how much you'd eaten. 
Nat instantly picked up on what you were thinking and took away the plate. She pulled you into her, so you sat in-between her legs. She placed a gently peck on the top of your head
N:" It's okay, don't listen to those thoughts. It's not true" 

Heyyy, how's everyone doing? I feel like alot of you guys need to be asked that, so tell me how your day's been if you want... 

Thank you for all the good luck messages and comments for my exams!!! Exam week one over - yay - just one more week to go. Sorry for not uploading this week and for the delay in requests, they will all get done, I promise.

Annnd, I cant believe the amount of reads I've got 9.6K!!! You guys are incredible, thank you. 
I started this journey of writing alone and I feel like I've got friends in all of you guys. In the start I wrote this for myself, because I couldn't find a book like this out there - but as I've gained more of you guys I've heard the impact this story has had on people and stories of what people have been through. Honestly, thank you - writing gave me a reason to live, I have people who need me to write for them and want more chapters for comfort. 
I don't think you guys reading this realise how much every single one of you mean to me, I love you guys and I wish I could get to know you all. xx

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