*Loki x y/n

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WARNINGS: struggles with memory, mute reader, boyfriend Loki, yelling 

REQUEST: y/n struggles with dissociation, selective mutism and memory loss and Loki helps him

(In the request I was given a choice of who to be y/n's partner so I chose Loki but I wanted to write Tony in too so Tony is y/n's best friend) 



If this is not something you can relate with or you just don't feel like reading this today, remember you are loved, you deserve to eat, more people need you here than you think and you guys are all amazing inside and out. Smile xx


   You were all sat in a meeting you were having a particularly hard day keeping yourself grounded. Nothing you did could seem to keep you from floating away. Both your partner Loki and your best friend Tony had noticed this but couldn't do anything to help you out in the middle of Steve's speech. 
Loki and Tony were having a silent conversation with their eyes across the table when Steve turned around, as you were looking down he said your name
S:" Y/n" 
When you didn't reply or even react he said it again in a more stern voice 
S:" Y/N!"
You once again didnt react which annoyed the Brooklyn boy. 

Just as he was about to yell at you Tony spoke up 
T:" Steve just leave him" 
S:" Well he's very clearly not listening to me and this is important" 
L:" Is it not blatantly obvious there is something wrong" 
S:" Just stay out of this Loki" 

He cam up to you and shook your shoulder, after a few attempts, each more aggressive than the last, you looked up at him - still dazed and having no clue what's going on. 
S:" Finally" 
He took a step back before he started yelling at you 
S:" What is the point in you being here if your not even going to listen? Do you even care about the safety of your own team? Because I don't think you do. Now can you tell me anything I've said today?" 
You looked towards him with a fear ridden face, you kept your mouth shut, knowing even if you tried you couldn't talk; frantically looking around for help, you locked eyes with your boyfriend. 

Loki instantly understood what had happened and started defending you as Tony got prepared to step in 
L:" Just leave him alone..." 
As Loki continued to defend you Tony came up next to you and guided you out of the room, knowing listening to a screaming match while you were in this state was going to be anything but helpful. 
He took you up too his room and sat with you on his bed, he gave you something to fiddle with in your hands. 
About 10 minutes later a very red, angry looking Loki stormed in, as soon as he layed eyes on his partner he visible clamed. 
Walking slowly towards you he gently sat on the bed in front of you and took your hand. 
He spent the next 5 minutes grounding you and slowly bringing you back down as he had done many times before. 

You looked up at him, while he looked down at you and smiled, he pressed a quick peck to you lips 
L:" Hello handsome" 
You give him a small smile back and gave a shy wave. 
L:" Okay darling. Are you doing okay?" 
He held a thumbs up to you then turned his hand upside down to let you gesture. You put your thumb in the middle, them moved it down
L:" You having a ruff day baby boy?" 
You once again nodded your head 
L:" How about me, you and Tones watch some movies for the rest of the day?" 
You nodded in response and Tony's head shot up hearing both his name and movies - he always loved movie days with you guys. 

You all got settled on Tony's bed and picked one of the movies in his cupboard, once that one was over it was your turn to choose. You got up and signed to Loki you were going to you room, he got what you said and nodded. 
After 5 or 6 minutes you still weren't back, he got up from Tony's bed telling him he'd be back in a minute and walked to your room. 

When he walked in he saw you sat on the floor with silent tears running down your face, you were curled up in a ball with your hands hitting the side of your head. 
Loki quickly moved your hands away from your head and sad down in front of you. 
L:" Hey, hey. What's going on sweetheart?" 
You let out a long breathe and he picked up on what was happening
L:" It's okay, you came in here for your movie" 
You let out a tiny smile and jumped up to get it - scared you would forget again. 
When you got it you handed it to Loki with both hands and waited for him to stand up before taking his hand and walking to Tony's room 

A/N: I don't really know where this went but its 1.12 am and I'm tired but I couldn't sleep until I done it. 

I hope everyone is doing well and had a nice day...

Smile xxx

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