*Loki x Reader

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WARNING: Self harm, cutting, blood, knives, blades, drunk Tony 

REQUEST: Y/n struggles with self harm and Loki helps them


If you don't want to continue this chapter that's cool have a nice day. Remember you are amazing, you look amazing, your not annoying or too much, you are just perfectly you and anyone who says otherwise doesn't deserve a place in you life to have such opinion. Smile and drink some water. xx


A/N: just a quick authors note, I have had quite a few requests over the last week (thank you to everyone who has requested something) and I am working through them in the order I got them so I'm sorry if it takes a while for your request to get done. xx



You had been at the tower for about 2 months now, you were mostly settled in and got along with everyone nicely, especially Loki. Ever since the beginning you and Loki just clicked, you brought out a side of him that the Avengers never saw, and in a way they thanked you for that as it made him a better person. You told each other everything - well most things but still, you were really good friends. As summer was approaching Tony had planed a pool party weekend, with everyone at the tower expected to go, so you began to worry. You couldn't careless about the others knowing, it was Loki that worried you. You were scared he would see you as different now, he would loose some trust in you because you didn't tell him straight away.

It was now Wednesday morning and you walked down in joggers and a hoodie, which didn't go unnoticed as it normally would.
Tony:" I honestly don't know how you wear all that"
Steve:" Yeah, it's scorching in here"
y/n:" It's not that warm stop being so dramatic" you rolled you eyes and went to get your normal breakfast. Once you got it and a glass of juice you sat down at the breakfast island in the middle. About half way through eating Loki walked in wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his face on your shoulder.
L:" Good morning"
Just as you went to reply you got interrupted
Nat:" God, why won't you two just get together already?" In a mock rude tone
You rolled your eyes at her smiling before replying to Loki
y/n:" Morning. You alright"
L:" Yep, we're going shopping today"
You raised your eyebrow at him as you at another mouthful of food, swallowing then saying
y/n:" Was that a question?"
L:" No, it was a statement, you don't get a choice" while doing his signature troublesome smile that you'd grown to love.
y/n:" Alright, when are we going"
L:" Whenever you get ready"
You got up putting your plate and cup in the sink and going up to your room to get ready. You changed into some jeans and a t-shirt pulling on one of Loki's hoodies you stole ages ago, put on your shoes and walked down stairs.

On you way down you get stopped by Thor and Steve. Thor spoke up
T:" Is that my brothers hoodie?"
y/n:" Umm yea"
Thor shook his head, turned to Steve and started walking away together. Just before they walked out of ear shot you heard Thor say
" They've changed him, Loki never shares"
This brings a smile to your face as you walked back into the kitchen.

Loki looked you up and down and said "You ready to go love?"
You nodded and were about to leave together when Tony shouted you both. He handed you a card and Loki some cash.
T:" Have fun kiddo." then looking at Loki and saying "Keep them safe and let them get whatever they want, I don't expect you back before 12" before walking away. You both looked at each other and smiled, he them pushed the door open for you to leave.

Once at the shopping centre

You guys walked around window shopping for a while before Loki decided you should go and find new swimwear each for the pool party.
L:" Alright. Do you want to get your swim suit first or mine?"
y/n:" Yours first"
As you replied you became very aware that Loki was going to find out your secret in the next few minutes. You tried so hard to keep calm and tell yourself that he wouldn't care, but the voice in your head was trying to convince you otherwise. 

hopefully helpful marvel oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora