Nat x reader

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WARNINGS: slight mention of self harm, panting nails (still they/them pronouns), my horrible writing, relationship, scratching

PROMPT: dont have one i just wanted to do it

DESCRIPTION: You ask Nat for help and she finds a creative way of helping you (this ones a bit strange not gonna lie but one of my friends mums did this a while ago and yea i dont really know. enjoy maybe? xx)


if this is not something you can read then have a nice day, remember you are valid and to take any meds, drink WATER and try to eat something. smile. xx


You quietly walk down to the living room where Nat and the others are standing around, you try to be as quiet as you can entering the room, not wanting to draw attention to yourself. Quickly walking towards Nat, gripping the back of her shirt and tugging it, she turned around smiling "Hi darling, you okay?" pulling you into a kiss. In a whisper you said "Can you come to our room with me?" her face turned worried noticing your shaky tone. After a quick bye to Steve she grabbed your hand walking towards your room in silence. Once you got there and sat at opposite ends of the bed.

y/n:" Um... You know a while back you said that if I was ever having um... bad thoughts that I could talk to you?"
N:" Yea, i do love"
y/n:" Did" you stop to take a deep breath closing your eyes and looking down to hide your tears "Did you really mean it?"
N:" Yea, ofcourse, you can talk to me about anything sweetheart"
y/n:" Okay... well today I wanted to hurt myself and I don't know what to do, and I... i-i'm sorry ill just deal with it myself, you can go back to Steve"
N:" No, my love, keep going, im already so so proud of you for telling me"
y/n:" There's nothing much else, I just need help to not do it"
N:" That's okay darling, how about we sit and cuddle, we can watch a movie if you like, or we could go on a walk, whatever you like"
y/n:" Could we stay and watch a movie?"
N:" Yea, of course, you pick the movie. Am I okay leaving you to get the blankets off my bed?"
y/n:" Yea"
N:" Okay, i'll leave both doors open, shout if you need me" leaving the room to go across the corridor to her old room, grabbing the blankets before rushing back, worried about you.

N:" What movie did you pick?"
y/n:" *Your favourite movie* "
N:" You know, for some bazar reason, i knew you would pick this" said with her signature teasing smile.

The movie started up so you both got quiet, a while into the movie Nat noticed you scratching your wrist, she moved her hand up towards yours, gently taking it in hers. She reached over and paused the movie taking you hand and standing up off the bed. Walking with you out of your room and into one of the supply cuboard, getting out pva glue. You walked back to your room sitting on the bed, she said in a hushed tone after seeing your watery eyes
N:" I'm not mad, i promise"
You both sat cross legged facing each other
N:" Okay babes can i have you hands please?" she puts your hands flat on your legs facing up "Okay bubs this is going to feel weird but you can't scratch now" Holing onto your hand and gently painting you palm. Once she'd finished she unpaused the movie and came up behind you holding you tight.

I don't know what I just wrote I'm not well and in photography class. And I wrote it on my phone so I don't know what the layout is. Any requests will be out by Sunday I promise (sorry for the delay) have a nice day and smile xx

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