Bucky X Reader

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WARNINGS: Bucky wanting to wear makeup (Although I don't think that needs to be a warning), slight mention of Hydra which could link to past abuse, makeup 

PROMPT: Bucky sees you doing make up and wants you to do it in him
He struggles with flashbacks coz hydra put him in make up and you help him get over it and have a more positive relationship with make up and himself 

PRONOUNS: None mentioned/ safe for pronouns to read 



Bucky sat on the edge of your guys bed watching you put on make up
B:" I don't understand why you're putting on make up when we're just staying in the house all day"
y/n:" Because it makes me feel nice"
He just stared at you through the mirror with his mouth open wide before he randomly mumbled something, you turned to look at him in the mirror
y/n:" What was that Buck?" 

B:" I don't like makeup"
y/n:" Why not?"
B:" B'cause they made me wear it"
You turned to him properly this time, you put down  your make up brush and slowly made your way towards Bucky.
y/n:" Do you want to wear makeup?"

B:" Well yea- umm, n-no?" 
He struggled to answer as he looked down and picked at his metal hand to hide his embarrassed cheeks. 
y/n:" I don't care if you do Buck, I think it would suite you"
His head shot up to look at you and a small smile played on the corner of his lips. 
B:" Really?!"
You nodded your head and let out a small " Mhm" as a gentle smile reached your lips at how excited your partner got. 

B:" B-but I'm.. I'm a boy, umm, a man. Men can't wear makeup"
y/n:" They can! Loki wears makeup too sometimes you know?"
B:" Steve will be so disappointed in me"
All the excitement disappeared from his face, he looked back down at his lap, this time picking at the threads on his trousers.
y/n:" No, Bucky.. Steve won't care. Steve doesn't even have to know yet if you don't want. We can just keep it between me and you"

B:" But what if it makes me remember things?"
y/n:" Then I'll be right here to help you calm down"
You reached out your hand and placed it on top of the hand that was picking at his trousers, you intertwined your hands together. 
B:" C-can you-" 
He stopped mid sentence to take a big breathe 
B:" Can you do my make up?" 
A huge smile came to your face
y/n:" Of course Buck, c'mere"
You waved him over to your makeup table by the mirror. 

As he sat down next to you, you noticed his hesitance
y/n:" Here-"
You handed him a makeup wipe 
y/n:" If it feels too much or you don't like it you can just wipe it away, your in control of whatever goes on. If you need me to stop just tell me, okay?"
He gave you a small, but sure, nod and held the wipe in his hand. 

You both sat there for 30 minutes talking through what makeup you were using and what it did while you applied it. 
y/n:" Oookay, and I'm done!"
You took a step away from him, letting him get a good look at himself in the mirror, after a few seconds he turned around to you with a massive grin on his face, his eyes twinkled 
B:" I love it! Thank you so much doll"
He turned back around and looked at himself in the mirror for a bit longer before leaving his place at the mirror to carefully attack you in a tight hug - being very cautious of his makeup. 

B:" Can you take a picture for me?"
You let out a little laugh at how happy he was
y/n:" Of course Buck"
Once the photo was taken there was a knock at the door, Bucky's face instantly changed and he looked towards you panicked. 
You held onto his hand and just before you could speak up to ask who it was a voice came through the door
L:" Y/n? Are you in there, coz if you are I need help - I can't remember where the dark foundation stuff goes"

y/n:" Contour Loki. And I'll be out in a second!" 
After replying to Loki you quietened your voice to speak to Bucky
y/n:" Do you want to go sit in the bathroom while I show Loki or do you want to stay here?"
B:" Umm, he's not going to laugh right?"
y/n:" I know he won't laugh"
B:" And he won't tell anyone else?"
y/n:" I will make sure he doesn't, but this is your choice Buck, do what you feel comfortable with"
B:" I'm going to the bathroom"
y/n:" Alright, I'll be as quick as I can be"
You gave him a quick kiss and let him leave. 

You stood up and went to the door letting Loki in as soon as you'd checked Bucky had the door closed. 
y/n:" Hey Loki"
L:" Hi y/n. Can you just put it on for me, it looks better when you do it?"
y/n:" Yea, sure"
Loki was sat with his back to the door, meaning you could see Bucky when he opened the door from where he sat on the floor and peeked out a little bit - even though you pretended not to notice. 

L:" You know I want to start wearing makeup around the compound but I just don't want to do it alone"
y/n:" None of the others would care... Well Nat might but that would only be because she'll have figured out who stole her lipstick"
L:" I didn't steel it, just borrowed"
y/n:" But she's never getting it back"
L:" Correct"
You both burst out laughing, as you continued to apply Loki's makeup you saw Bucky become more and more confident and slowly shuffled his way out of the bathroom. 

Loki noticed a precise behind him and turned around, he caught his eyes on Bucky and let out a small greeting smile which turned into a huge toothy smile when he saw the makeup
L:" You look so good, it really suites you"
Bucky smiled shyly 
B:" Umm, thank you. It looks good on you too.."
L:" Did y/n do it for you or did you do it yourself?"
B:" Y/n did it, I only wore it for the first time today"
L:" I think you should wear it more often"

You sat back and watched them talk as hey both got more comfortable with each other. 
L:" We should try and do y/n's make up"
B:" It would turn out so bad"
L:" Yeah but it would be funny"
They both turned to you, you just gave them a small nod and handed them a brush
y/n:" Go on"

a/n: I had a request to write but I just wasn't in the mood to write it, I'm really sorry. 

But I did write this because I've wanted to do it for a while and I had a really bad day so I decided to write it finally. 



hopefully helpful marvel oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon