Loki x y/n

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WARNINGS: sad Loki, panic attack, swearing

PROMPT: I thought of this a while ago 


As Loki's partner you had come to find him curled up on the end of you bed in his snake form many times. It startled you the first time but now you knew it was him. After it was happening days in a row you confronted him about it to which he very begrudgingly told you that when he had panic attacks or got anxious he would hide. 

Today you'd been out all day with Steve, Wanda, Peter and Nat, when you got back there was a bunch of commotion in the common room. You all looked at each other and decided to check it out. 

When you walked in you saw Tony with his shoe going to throw it while standing on a chair. Bucky was sat on the couch trying to act like he wasn't bothered but you could clearly see it on his face. There was alot of movement and yelling so none of you could figure out what was going on. 

S:" What is going on?!" 
Steve's voice boomed through the kayos
T:" There's a snake!!" 

Your eyes widened as you did a quick once over of the room, scanning it for Loki, when you didn't see him you yelled for everyone to 
When everyone looked at you, you - in your normal voice said
y/n:" Where is he?" 
Tony pointed with his shoe to under the couch. 

Sighing you walked over and crouched down in front of it. You layed your hand with the palm touching the floor 
y/n:" C'mon bubs" 
When you felt Loki slither near your hand you reached out and softly grabbed him. 

When you stood up you placed him over your neck and just let him get comfy. Everyone watched on confused. 
TONY:" You're not allowed pets in the tower y/n" 
y/n:" He's not a pet" 
BRUCE:" Then put it down, we haven't identified it yet" 
y/n:" Call him 'it' one more time I fucking dare you" 

Just as everything was getting heated and you were going to leave, knowing this is doing the exact opposite of what Loki needed Thor walked in, he took one look at you 
T:" Ah, there you are brother. I was just looking for you - when you are back I would like a word with you" 
He patted Loki's snake head and carried onto the kitchen. 

You looked around everyone at their faces but decided to leave without explaining anything knowing how upset Loki will be that everyone found out. 
You carried Loki with you down to the library, picked out his favourite book and started reading it out loud to him. 

As you carried Loki through your day you spoke to him, sung to him, read to them some more, took him for a walk around the compound, let them slither in the sleeve of your hoodie and pop his head out of the end by your hand. 

You were sat in to movie room with him curled up on your lap when everyone else joined you both no one said a word, but Tony did put on Loki's favourite film. You carried him unto your room and layed him on the bed next to you, whispering goodnight to him you fell asleep. 

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A/N: Yea don't really know what this is but I've wanted to write this for a while and so I just decided to stop putting it off tonight. 

Hope everyone's doing well. Have a nice weekend and don't forget to smile xx

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