how they would react if you flinched - 1

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WARNING: slight mention of past abuse no detail or description (cuz i cant handle it), mention of arguing, swearing and raised voices

IN THESE ALL THE CHARACTERS ARE YOUR PARTNER i can do a parental figure one if anyone wants

WANDA:She'd just come back from a month long mission where she couldn't communicate with you at all and she'd missed you tonnes seeing you sitting on the couch with your back to her she wanted to surprise you, running up to you and placing her arm...

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She'd just come back from a month long mission where she couldn't communicate with you at all and she'd missed you tonnes seeing you sitting on the couch with your back to her she wanted to surprise you, running up to you and placing her arms around you making you flinch. Slightly scared she stepped back with her arms up, panicking she went and sat down on a couch away from you. You would have to go to her first wrapping your arms around her and pulling her onto your lap (or sitting onto hers if you want), She would put her head on your shoulder and repeat "im sorry" over and over until you stop her by saying "its okay bub, i just didn't know it was you, its not your fault" you would both just sit for a while cuddling before you explained why you flinched.

 You would have to go to her first wrapping your arms around her and pulling her onto your lap (or sitting onto hers if you want), She would put her head on your shoulder and repeat "im sorry" over and over until you stop her by saying "its okay b...

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You were arguing, something that never normally happend between you two, as the argument got more and more heated his voice got louder. Taking a step towards you yelling the loudest he'd yelled yet, you flinched back looking at him with your arms protecting yourself. He stopped mid word, stepping back looking down at his hands in fear "You're scared of me, i...i-i made you... i've gotta" leaving without finishing any of the sentences he started. After gathering yourself together you went looking for him, after looking in every room you went up to the roof, seeing him sitting on one the floor in the corner by the door made you relax but the look on his face made unease bubble in your stomach once again. Walking towards him he looked up at you and with an emotionless voice said "stay away from me" "No" you would state simply. Tears building in his eyes he looked straight ahead as if you weren't there "I became the monster i tryed so hard not to become, i made you fear me" "Loki i need you to listen to me, it's not your fault, im not scared of you" 
It would take months of convincing before Loki would be back to his true self and even then he would tread with more caution around you for an extra few weeks, making sure you were truly not scared of him. 

TONY:Tony had been working tiresly on a new project to the point where he'd end up falling asleep in the lab meaning you were going to bed and walking up alone and you didn't like that so tonight you took your blanket and pillow (and teddy) down t...

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Tony had been working tiresly on a new project to the point where he'd end up falling asleep in the lab meaning you were going to bed and walking up alone and you didn't like that so tonight you took your blanket and pillow (and teddy) down to his lab and walked in not saying anything, just setting yourself up on the couch, laying down and just watching him move around, he looked up at you and said "You can't sleep in here, get back to bed" not wanting to be alone tonight you answered back with "come on then, lets go to bed" smiling with your arms out stretched in front of you. "Im busy y/n, just go to bed" he said in a stern voice. "Will you come too? Because i've been missing you and i would really like cuddles..." His voice booming over yours as he slammed his tools down onto the desk making a loud bang "FOR GODS SAKE Y/N JUST GO TO FUCKING BED IM BUSY" stepping towards you after his outburst made you scared causing you to flinch back hiding yourself further under the blankets that were wrapped around you. Looking up at him with a glint of fear in your eyes made him relise what he'd done, the look on his face showed it (the gif), you turned to leave and go back to bed without saying a word just as you got to the door you heard a gentle "Wait" come from Tony, he walked towards you with great caution, once getting close enough he would pull you into the tightest hug he possibly could whispering "im sorry" repetidly with tears falling like a river down his cheeks. That night you both endid up falling asleep on the lab floor cuddling each other as tight as possible. Over the next few days Tony spent no time in the lab focouing purely on you and making sure he never did that to you again.  

NATASHA:You had just woken up from a nightmare screaming, obviously waking your sleeping girlfriend

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You had just woken up from a nightmare screaming, obviously waking your sleeping girlfriend. Worried about you she grabbed your arm to calm you only for you to flinch and push her away, she looked at you before gently syaing "your okay, im sorry for startling you, your not there" hiding her guilt with her caring tone. She knew in this situation that neither of you were at fault but she still felt as if she'd done soemthing wrong to get that reaction. 

BUCKY: Whilst arguing Bucky raised his arms to point causing you to flinch, as soon as it happened he backed himself away and onto your couch never once taking his eyes off you, clear fear written all over his face

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Whilst arguing Bucky raised his arms to point causing you to flinch, as soon as it happened he backed himself away and onto your couch never once taking his eyes off you, clear fear written all over his face. His hands grip together as his head dropped hiding tears, walking up to him you whispered "Buck" Without even looking up in a stern voice trying to cover the shakiness you said "Leave, I promised if you were ever scared of me I would leave, but I can't, so I need you to leave" "I'm not scared of you Buck and I'm not going to leave" Moving his arms to crawl into his lap, holding onto him tightly for minutes before you felt his arms gently brush against your back before holding onto you tight. 

BRUCE:After a long day in the lab with things not going his way he was pretty stressed which led to a petty argument, he walked closer to try and pull you into a hug causing you to flinch away, he looked at you shocked before backing away he would...

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After a long day in the lab with things not going his way he was pretty stressed which led to a petty argument, he walked closer to try and pull you into a hug causing you to flinch away, he looked at you shocked before backing away he would whisper "are you...are you scared of me?" before getting louder and saying "Did i cause that?... Im so sorry my love" before looking down at his own hands in fear. After calming down he would look back up at you still scared of himself. If you opened your arms for a hug he would hesently walk into it, if you didn't he would be too scared to go to you leaving himself to overthink. Once you approched him and explained why you flinched he would relax and stop blaming himself. He would never take his anger out on you like that again, never wanting to make you scared, even for a second 

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