We Have to Tell the Team

Start from the beginning

"Wow, I've seen a lot of crazy shit but that takes the cake," JJ says.

"You better fix your language before we go back because ma will have your hide if she hears you cussing," Steven says.

JJ rolls his eyes at his goody-goody brother. However, he knows he's right. His mom doesn't allow cursing in the house. She doesn't have to know that dad swears like a sailor when she's at work and he's with the kids.

"Do you think our dads will remember us? Do you think they'll remember us being here in this time?" JJ asks.

They'd be lying if they said they weren't thinking about it. Steven could always show their parents visions of their time here but it's not the same as them actually remembering it.

"I don't know... they didn't seem to show any indication while we were growing up. They'd already remember it happening right?" Sarah asks.

"I don't know, our whole family has messed with time travel too much to really understand the repercussions anymore," JJ says.

They fall into silence as they all think about the uncertainty of the next couple days. Sarah decides that they need to move on because their fathers will either remember them or not and there is nothing they can do to change that.

"Who's next?" Sarah asks.

"Steven," JJ answers instantly.

She looks at Steven in confirmation and he gives a small nod.

Sarah reaches out and places her hand on his chest.

"Ready?" She asks.

He exhales sharply but then gives a sharp nod. He trusts her and knows everything will be okay.

Sarah repeats the process with Steven and when she is done, JJ starts laughing. They both look at him in question.

"I'm like a foot taller than you now," JJ says through laughter.

He pulls Steven out of his seat to show the drastic difference in their height. Sarah cracks up slightly because the image in front of her sort of looks like the pictures she's seen of her dad and uncle before the serum.

"Yeah, yeah. Very funny," Steven grumbles.

"We look like our namesakes before the war," JJ says.

"Alright, alright. Are you done stalling?" Steven asks.

JJ's smile falls at the question because he didn't even realize he was stalling. However, as he thinks about it, he does have a pit of anxiety in his stomach. Sarah sees the distress on her cousins face and grasps his hand.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to. You know our family will accept you no matter what," Sarah says.

JJ close his eyes and takes a deep breathe. He squeezes Sarah's hand and sits back down. He grabs her hand and places her palm against his chest.

"Do it," he says.

Steven walks up behind Sarah and places his hands on Sarah's shoulders so she can pull energy from him if she needs it. Really it's more so to comfort her because reverting JJ is going to be the hardest on her.

Sarah closes her eyes and activates her powers. It's the strangest thing that JJ has ever felt. He can literally feel himself shrinking. His shoulders becoming less broad and his body becoming slimmer and shorter. Everything is fine until he starts getting a headache. He quickly realizes what's going on and yells at Sarah to stop.

She immediately rips her hands off of JJ. He slumps back on the bed and goes limp. Sarah screams and crawls over to JJ. She lifts his head so she can feel the back of his head.

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