67. Horrifying Reveal

Start from the beginning

You laughed before stopping in fear of disturbing others. "Once I did try when you were a baby. You end up crying the whole night. After that I let Lily take ove that job."

Athy blushed before pouting. "I was a baby then. I won't cry now!"

"You sure." You said, poking her nose. "I do kind of suck at it though. And I might risk waking up the whole resident."

Athy sulked.

"How about I tell you about Diana? You might be curious about her after seeing her in your dreams." You said.

Athy was conflicted. She hesitated for a solid second, peering at you with strange expression. "...Can you?"

You raised a eyebrow at her strange behaviour. "Of course. I told before, it's only natural to be curious about your Mother." You paused before continuing with a much smaller voice. "And I want you to know just how great person your Mom was. She loved you a lot Athy, so I don't want to cut her off from your life. So remember her, okay?"

Athy silently stared at you. "Do you love Athy too?"

"Of course I do." You said, not really needing time to think over it, with a matter-of-fact voice. "Words would fail to describe the amount of love I have for you, Athy."

Athy's face immediately turned red, she seem to be at loss before a genuine smile brighten her face.

"Athy likes you lots and lots of too!"

A broad smile spread over your face as you let out a 'awww'

"Then I want to know about you too." Athy said, placing her head on your lap, wordlessly asking to be pampered. "Tell Athy about you and Mommy!"

You grinned broadly as you stroked her head and said, "I tell you how I met Diana. You'd laugh. It was so hilarious!"

You started before Athy could protest. You told her about all your shenanigans at the river, tree climbing, the letter exchanging. When you were finally done, Athy had long fallen asleep, exhausted. You kissed her forehead and carefully slid out of the bed. Ether was cuddling with Raven so you let him be.

You walked back to your room, hand on the door to push it open as you let out a big sleepy yawn.

Rubbing your eyes, you let yourself in. Your muscles loosened up, face losing its defiance fire and became more soft and unguarded when you felt the safety of your room. The privacy of your room always relaxed you. It was a place where you didn't have to put up any kind of strong act to please anyone or to keep them from worrying. You could just be yourself. Broken, messy unrefined as you were with no one to judge.

"You're finally here."

You let out a loud scream at the additional voice within the confines of your safe haven.

"Wha--?! Where?!" Your panicked mind shouted. "W-who?!"

It was too dark to see but you could make out a dark silhouette sitting on your bed. It fuelled your hysteria further.

Next thing happened so fast you had no time to process. A strong arm wrapped around your waist and pushed you against the door, pinning you there, while other hand came over your mouth to muffle your screams.

You clawed at the hand on your mouth before your hands were seized and were forced against your back.

Oh, bloody hell! A serial killer in my room!

No, wait I'm not in 20th century! There aren't serial killers so it's an...


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