25| V E N T I-C I N Q U E

ابدأ من البداية

We reached the main living room where all his family members were waiting for us. I greeted them all and sat down on the couch. Armando's family was huge, he had many many siblings. In total they're eight siblings, and surprisingly four brothers and four sisters. Each one of them was somewhere around the world. It's rare when you see them all together, you know how business can separate families, especially this kind of business.

We have no time for family nor ourselves, all our attention and soul is wrapped around your work. Those who have a partner and children suffer the most, unable to spend time with their loved and closest ones. That's why I never got married till this day. Sure most mothers out there wish for their children to start their own family, just as my mother wanted. Yet I never had any interests down that road, none. My parents never lived a successful marriage as long as I can remember, kids are nothing but annoying little shitheads. The whole lifestyle is not acceptable in my mind. However, I can't deny the idea of having a wife, a queen is bad because it sure isn't.

But that doesn't mean I wished for it. Would I take the chance if it's the right choice? Yes.

Back to Armando's family, his oldest sister walked down stairs, holding her twin brother's daughter. The oldest siblings of the family were twins, Alessia and Alessio. Then came along six other kids, I honestly don't know how Mr and Mrs Deville managed to take care of all these children. It's tiring, I could never do such a thing, eight ass children, hell no.

Alessia pulled me into a hug after putting down her niece. She tightened her arms around my back as I patted her back. She took me as her younger brother, but not a dumbass like Armando. She mostly appreciated my presence in their life since I would get Armando out of trouble all the time. He would cause a lot of chaos, and he still does. I'll always be here to get him out of the worst, save and protect this idiot because that's the best I could do towards the ones I love, protect them with all I got.

Since I was young my mother taught me nothing but to protect, to surround those under my responsibility with safety and hope for the next move. To never let them suffer. "Never let one of your soldiers fear Alessandro. You're born to protect, I named you to protect" I closed my eyes, remembering my mother's words. The few words that hit deep into my heart, not only appreciating them, but also appreciating myself. Appreciating the person I became, the protector I am.

I never get these out of context feelings, the ones who appear in the most unpredictable moments. They're so meaningful and last longer than you think, just like pain. Yet they're so rare which make it even more special, heart warming.

I felt my smile grow at the sight of one my favorite DeVille, Aurora. She's the youngest yet the most mature out of them. In this family, age definitely did not matter based on the maturity of the person. I swear Armando is more of a crackhead than his younger sisters. Aurora is twenty years old, she's majoring in Psychology. She's such a smart woman, with the best personality. I mostly like her due to her sarcasm and bullying her older siblings, it sure is entertaining.

She screamed and hugged me, ignoring the hell out of Armando as if she hadn't seen her brother in almost a whole year. Don't worry they're in a great relationship, she just likes to annoy him or she probably likes me more.

"Shouldn't you get old, Armando looks fifty next to you" see what I mean. I laughed, looking at a frustrated Armando.

"Hey, I'm still young and beautiful" He talked back, probably not a great idea. "Yeah back in the nineteen eighties" I told him as Aurora checked me out, looking proud. We both laughed while Armando rolled his eyes.

After I finally convinced Aurora to hug her brother, we all sat down around the living room. Shortly after Alessio showed up with his wife, they were out and left their daughter with Alessia to babysit her but when they found out I'm visiting, the two of them came back. You can see how much this family loves me and I couldn't ask for more.

The evening was relaxing and full of joy. I've never lived this kind of family gathering and spending time with my own family. I'm an only child and my relationship with my father wasn't the best, whenever we would have dinner it would turn into a full argument with my mother trying to calm us down. After a few times we gave up, I would take my food up my room and my father would get his food sent to his office. It was better that way, I didn't need family dinner, the hell do I need from an argument each time I eat. It's exhausted and I don't have the nerve for it anymore. If we ever try this three-person family dinner now, we know deeply it would be the last time I visit that house. I barely visit due to his presence. I've grown into realizing family is not the most important thing in the world, and it was never a family.

If I grew up with a stable ass family, one that got a father who cares about his wife and son, then I would consider it a family or even one of the most important things in my world. I accept that this is my father, and this is how my childhood was meant to be. But I will not accept the way he treated me, I will never accept the load of nights I had to suffer because of his failure of being a fathers.

As time went by, I had to leave since it kept getting darker and in case Venom wanted anything. In the end she's new to the house and maybe new to the city, yet I knew deep down she definitely didn't want anything from me but I like to set the idea if it
ever happen.

I found myself in the middle of my room, not sure where to start. I need to pack my clothes and everything around this house, we're leaving tomorrow. I wished we could stay longer, to visit the city and maybe show Venom around but I got a lot of responsibilities back home. It's alright though, Armando will follow us to Sicily after a couple days. He said he needed time to pack his things and he'll try to pack his niece as well.

I chuckled remembering a few moments from today's event. I grabbed a shirt and folded it perfectly, placing it in my suitcase. And that's what I did for the rest of the night until I felt my eyes get heavier by the second. I zipped my suitcase closed and went straight to BED.


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