☆~Tamaki Amajiki~☆

Start from the beginning

You nervously walked inside. Does this count as breaking and entering?

Probably not.

You walked around the house, looking for your neighbour.

His house looked much more disorganized than when you were here last.

The floor was a mess, littered with various papers and clothes he hadn't bothered to clean up.

There was blood on his kitchen counter, as well as on some of his knives. You weren't as surprised as you would have been, since Amatsu has told you before about him cutting himself...

But you were starting to worry.

You ran up the stairs, looking in every room, hoping he's ok.

You eventually checked his bedroom, and that was where you found him.

"Well that's upsetting." You said to yourself.

You had found Amatsu, but he appears to have hung himself.

You told your friend about it the next day.

"So, since Amatsu's dead, I'm pretty sure it's Tamaki." You said. "Especially since I got another letter today."

"So what are you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna invite Tamaki over to my place tonight." You explained. "And there, I'll confront him about the notes, and about Amatsu's death!"

"And you think Tamaki will just admit to murdering someone and making the death look like a suicide?"

"Maybe not that part, but I'm sure he'll admit to sending the letters!"


Ding dong.

The sound of the doorbell forced its way into your ears.

Someone's here.

It's most likely Tamaki, isn't it.

You made your way to the door, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

"(Y/N)! It's been so long!" Tamaki happily said, hugging you tightly. "I'm so h-happy you invited me over!"

"Yeah, it has been a while, hasn't it?" You asked. "Can you let go of me...? You're a lot stronger than you used to be..." You said, struggling to breathe.

"R-right! Sorry, (Y/N)!"

Once he let go of you, you inhaled deeply, happy to breathe again.

"Come in."

You thought it would seem weird to him if you brought up the letters right away, so you waited a while.

After a few rounds of video games, you finally confronted him.

"Alright, let's cut to the chase, Tamaki." You said, pulling the papers from out of nowhere. "I know you've been sending me creepy letters."

"I h-have been?" He asked. "I-I didn't know that..."

"Here." You handed him the papers. "This looks very similar to your handwriting, doesn't it, Tamaki? And also, you've always been kinda creepy, haven't you? And to top it all off, it's from someone with the initials T. A., or Tamaki Amajiki. Am I right?"

"Doesn't your n-neighbour have those initials?" Tamaki asked. "H-how do you know i-it wasn't him?"

"Because my neighbour killed himself." You told him. "Or rather... he was murdered. Because the handwriting in these notes looks exactly the same in Amatsu's suicide note."

"Doesn't that b-basically confirm it w-was your neighbour...?"

"No, because that second letter... I got it today, after Amatsu died." You said.

"W-well, I don't know who wrote these, b-but... it wasn't me." Tamaki said, sounding guilty. "I-I could help you f-find who did it, though."

"And now... I know it was you!" You announced, completely sure of yourself.

"W-what?! How?!"

"Tamaki, we haven't spoken in at least four years. I moved here fairly recently, so how would you know my neighbour's initials...?" You asked.

"W-w-well, we have been talking again recently, r-remember?"

"We have, but I never told you about my neighbour. So, Tamaki, that begs the question... how did you know about Takahiro Amatsu?"

Tamaki was in shock.

He looked like you'd caught him in a lie.

He panicked, grabbed the closest blunt object (a frying pan, Rapunzel-style), and hit you in the side of the head with it.

You yelled out in pain, and Tamaki hit you again.

Then again, and again... he hit you with the frying pan until you were out.

"O-oh god...! I-I just did that... I r-really just did that!" Tamaki was so scared.

Sure, you knowing he was very creepily obsessed with you was bad, but this was 100% worse.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)..." He whispered, picking you up. "N-not only do you know a-about the notes... b-but now I've actually d-done something horrible, so..."

"I c-can't let anyone else know..."

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