Chapter 58~ good She plays like me.

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(Fun fact: that photos my back round)

Day 4

"We have our weapons compound almost set up. I mean it is set up but I don't want anyone in it till tomorrow. It also has explosives , you guys are mafia so I shouldn't have to tell you this but I am, please be careful not to detonate a explosive." The men laughed and I chuckled along side with them. "Now the mafia. We are strong and we are capable. If your life is endanger you save yourself . Get out if u can. I will let Camilla talk more." I sat down in my seat. Cami stood. "Why don't we blow the place?" She stated so beyond seriously . The men muttered and Luca came up to me "that's a decent idea" no it's not. "Cami you know that's not smart casualties" she laughed "I'm kidding....the voices sorry. Anyways, Vincent and my dad both outta be dead by the time we're done. Now we can not blow the place because it's so public innocents could be hurt and I don't give a fuck but apparently the boss does..." I cut her off "only this time" she rolled her eyes . That naughty girl. I do take into account that she was calling me by my title as a form of responsibility and respect "As I was saying till Mr.Romano interrupted me was that we can be heavily armed. I want to give you a run down of how my father thinks . Vincent is every other mafia man. But my father is not and I've known him for 19 years so...."

She had there undivided attention and it's fucking hot. I'm the boss act would have me on my knees any day. "... he's sneaky and does not fight fair. He will talk a lot, but his fighting skills are weak, don't under estimate his gun skills he's been shooting guns for 19 years and I know some of you have been shooting for double that and mad respect because that's cool as fuck and show me your ways. Never mind later..." a pause for a laugh that everyone participated in. "He will be easy to take out if you have a shot take it but do nothing kill him, shoot him in the knee cap or something because I'm bringing him back here to finish well unfinished business Per say. That's all I have Luca if you will." She sat down with no further Instructions.

"Boys, girl. We have discussed a lot so I'll make mine short and quick." He flipped the board and now there was a blueprint of the place. "We enter here , you guys enter there. If you are hurt you get to here" he pointed to a back door "most likely camis dad and Vincent will be on the top level that's where me cami and Luciano will be making our way too.  You guys Handle the other 50 men and meet us there after. Yes we will be killing some too so this is light weight for all of you considering there's only 150 of you here and we haven't even contacted all of our men in New York. That's that. Don't die , get high and be fly. Duces" Luca sat. My turn to stand up again.

"That's it for the meeting today. I expect to see everyone in the main gym at 2:30. For fighting. Do whatever you want for this hour"  I stick my hand out for Cami and she gladly takes it. We walk out of the room, "I'm going to shower amore" she let go of my hand going upstairs, "I'll come" following behind her.

Before I went into the shower I set out clothes for both of us. I walk in and she was crying "what's wrong" she wiped under her eyes "nothing" she laughed. "Camilla" her smile turned to a frown "I'm just stressed and I feel bad your doing all of this for me and I can't repay you. Or ever thank you enough" she weeped into my arms "everyone loves you and we're doing this because we do but you do repay me everyday." I winked at her she giggled slightly. But the tears kept rolling "let's get you cleaned up Hmm" the nod was all the indication that I needed.


"Ok everyone fighting time yes we have weapons but we should never have to use them to win a fight they are only there to symbolize strength and power. We do not need to walk around with guns in our pant or knifes in our bras" I look at cami her face got all red and flustered  she looked down, clearing my throat I talk again "everyone partner up. Camilla" I called out. "Yes sir" she's being very respectful when we're with the men and it's a huge turn on
"your my partner"  she nodded "words amore" she coughed "yes boss" I gave her a curt nod.  "Let's go"

"Do not take it easy on me love" she wanted me to try my hardest so I will. "I won't let's go"

Walking to the side of everyone we get onto the mat. "You ready?" I gave her a quick nod. "Begin"

She ran up to me throwing a punch i quickly dodge it and go for a uppercut, she moved to the side. She throws a round house kick that she lands. I stumble back a bit. Jesus she's strong. Regaining my balance. I catch her arm when she goes for a punch then flip her, she landed with a subtle grunt. "Nice" she muttered.  She swung her legs out tripped me and now was straddling my lap. "This just got wayyy to sexual" I laughed at the comment I just made. She threw a punch, then stood up. "Get up come on let's go" she was in a rush for what reason. I stood back up she gripped my arm and did the spiny thing I just learned. I jumped up quickly. I kicked her, she stumbled back. Grabbing her arm I twisted it behind her back immobilizing her. Her back was up against my chest, I knew she felt my breath against the nape of her neck. I kissed her spot, that's when I fell turns out she tripped me again. I grabbed her leg pulling her down with me. We sat there for like 20 minutes just trying to catch our breaths till she straddled my waist again. "Why fight when I can just use my body" I felt the blood rush to my dick. Grabbing her neck I whispered in her ear "because if you use your body I might have to punish you" she laughed at me "if that's what you want"

Luca cleared his throat . We finally caught on that he and a lot of other men were watching us. "Ok switch partners" Luca yelled. "LUCA your with me" I yelled over. Cami walked over to Antonio. Good that's a good fight match.

"Let's get on with it" Luca threw the first punch. I automatically threw one back hitting him square in the nose. "Fuck" he threw a kick which I dodged grabbing his leg out from under him he landed on the mat with a bang. I look over at Cami and see her putting Antonio in a head lock with her legs while restraining his arms so he can't get out. She looked up at me and winked. It does piss me off her legs are wrapped around his head. Pulling me out of the thoughts was me falling because of Luca tripping me. "Eyes off of her for two minutes" I rolled my eyes. We were both about to throw a punch I dodged his and landed mine. "How's the broken nose" I asked him he flipped me off knowing it would be fine by tomorrow just a little bandage. Checking my watch it was 6:38 we've been doing this for like 4 hours. "That's it for today, feel free to train some more" I called cami over after. "Me and Luca have business make sure my men aren't idiots. Go play poker with them or sum" she smiled "Everyone who wants poker in 20 minutes show or don't I don't care. You need at least 30k I feel like making some money tonight" they all looked at me I shrugged. I know Camis great a poker, she practically skipped out of the room.


We're in the club trying to do business with French again. I'm a cheat I got what I wanted when I wanted it. "Hello Mr.Blandin so good to see you again" I grinned at him while he growled. "Your nothing but a cheat." True "I prefer the term business man" Luca snickered in the background but covered it with a cough. "Luca please get these men some strippers" I waved my hand in dismissal. Luca my only man and the three man Blandin was with got up too.

"What do you want Romano?" He had anger in his eyes like he was ready to snap. Good more fun for me. "Oh not much," Luca walked back in. Always have the upper hand. "I would love to have all your routes. And you get the same amount of drugs just more frequently" Blandin moved so quick but Luca and I were quicker, we had our guns to his head. The contract was in front of him "sign it" I cocked my gun the same for Luca. The music was blasting and we were in the dark know one would even hear. "Sign it now blandin before I take you back and let Mrs.Ricci kill you." He picked up the pen and signed the form. "I fucking hate you" Luca laughed "we've been there done that. Let's go I wanna see whose winning poker"


Luca and I walk walk into the poker/second living room. I see cami with a pile of cash right next to her. "I'm all in" she said and pushed all her chips out. Knowing they were worth all the money they had. Some people folded some held on. Cami flipped her cards, royal flush. I swear to god she cheats, I do to though. She took everyone's money. "I'm done, let me know when there's good competition" she walked up to me and my arm instinctively wrapped around her shoulder and kissed her cheek. "We just lost 30k each" there were 8 at the table so what cami just 240k "good she plays like me" cami winked. "YOU CHEATED" one of the men yelled as we walked outta the room "let's go to bed. I need to let some anger out first though" a wicked smile appeared on my lips she rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand "come one"

An: poker poker poker. 4 chapters left ?!?!?

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