Chapter 5~ How will you punish me exactly

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She swayed her hips over to the mat after pushing me off her. She does not like to be touched . Maybe something happened as a kid I don't know but I'll keep it in mind.

I need to be gentle with her unless we're fighting because I'm about to beat her ass, like not actually hurt her of course just I don't know put her in her place.

"Bring oh great mafia Don" she seethed she's mad at me for the whole ear this. It makes me more turned on. "Ok amore let's begin" my men gathered around well Antonio got moved to the couch in my other office .

The bell rung .

I threw the first punch she dodged it then round-house kicked me so I fell. Ok maybe I underestimated her just a little bit.

"Ohhhh" I hear from my men. She laughed.

I bounced back up and nailed her right in the stomach. She smiled . Crazy fucking bitch I had people pass out from that before. I know it hurt. I went to punch she took my arm and swung me down like she did to Luca.

"Ok boss I see you, you just got laid." One of my screamed , the rest laughed. That comment made m unsettled. Just because I know she does not like being touched or her body being talked about. If anyone argues with that then I know there wrong because she makes that extremely clear.

She called him over .

He came rookie mistake this bitch was tough. With her weak arm she punched in the nose. Like she did her father and I just heard the same crack he ran away. Holy crap!

She giggled.

I took this opportunity to grab her leg and make her fall to the ground with a thud. She glared at me but then went to stand back up. Before she could do so I straddled her. Keeping her arms pinned down she stared up at me with a look in her eyes that I don't quite recognize, but then how could I, I've known her less then a day.

I put her in my famous lock. I thought I had her till some how she got out of it . " what the actual fuck" I yelled in anger. She laughed "Awh did I hurt someone's ego."

I uppercutted her she titled her head sideways and looked at me. Cute. She came and punched so hard I fell she sat I top of me and pounded . Till I grabbed her hands. "Dang" My men said. I flipped her so her hand were pinned above her head. I tried to whisper in her ear . Then I realized her legs wrapped around me then next I know I was tapping out of a chokehold. Which I could've got out of I was just tired . "I win" she mused . "Yes you did cara Mia yes you did" I smiled



I went home and bathed . I had blood all over me. I showed up like 4 men today. Proud of myself. I got changed into sweats and a tight white lace crop top. I looked hot . As always .

Running down the stairs I politely asked one of the maids for water . She told my supper was almost ready fuck it's been along day. I got home from my first class around 11:30 it was like 8:30ish. Luca came up to me "Camilla what up actually I'm gonna call you Cami it suits you more like a badass bitch type vibe yo know like" he rambled
" yeah I know give me one minute" I ran to my room . I know Lucas room is down stairs which is weird but it gives me more peace.

I was about to enter my room till I hear Luciano scream "IF YOU DON'T GET THESE GUNS IN I WILL KILL YOU AND YOUR WHOLE FAMILY DON'T TEST ME CAGNA" Luca came running upstairs. "In your room now" he gritted through his teeth. the fuck no " I'm not listening to you " I seethed " I'm 20 therefore I'm older and your in the mafia so that's a fucking order bitch" he yelled I went to my room but not before I seen him walk into his brothers office


I HATE RUSSIANS . "They stole all of your guns" I told Luca . "Who" he asked . How dumb is he. "The Russians" I said who else the fuck. "This means war." I told him. "Not yet" Luca said "let's just get the guns back" he continued. He made a few calls screaming that he'd kill god himself if he had to apparently that scared people bc he got the next gun shipment to come earlier So trafficking stays on schedule. " I'm going to our club" Luca huffed . "Eat first and that's an order" I told him . "Fine dickhead" he laughed. We opened the door to see Camilla walking down the stairs then grabbing food not even waiting for us. " it's kinda rude to eat without the other people" I said calmly . "Well I didn't eat anything today, say if you were gonna take me you should feed me first" she muttered . Dam she really didn't eat. Wow. K never mind. "Never mind then fucking bitch" I grumbled .
She flipped me off.

I woulda let it slip but Luca was here so dominant time. I stood her up and pinned her against the wall. "So help me god if you disrespect me one more time I will punish you till you are begging me to stop . I don't care if you hate me I don't tolerate disrespect I told you that before." I screamed . This fucking bitch smiled . " she leaned closed to my ear "how will u punish me exactly" she said in a seductive tone. "Room. Now. I'll send your food up whore I'm done with you for today." I seethed. Luca yawed "I'm going to the club. And man your a douche . I like it" he laughed and walked it. She's being a fucking whore . What did I do

Double up date lololol

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