Chapter 8~ Amore mio

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I woke up and showered. Last night was uh. Interesting to say the least. It was fun though. I can't believe she was in that club so much my bartenders, people in the mafia knew her by name. I looked in the mirror I had a full black suit on with a white dress shirt.

I'm hot as fuck. 

I moved my neck to the side. The amount of hickeys that girl gave me is so crazy. But watch she won't touch me today. That's all I'll remember because Luca decided to do coke and I was not gonna look like a pussy in front of Cami it just wasn't going to happen.

I was going to a mafia meeting today with the Russians probably not the boss himself but one of his higher ups. I'm going to take Cami. I've seen her fight and she has better aim with a gun then almost all my men. She could so easily seduce the Russian to get me info. That's what she was going to do.

I sat down at my desk when I got a call from one of my business partners he looks after my hotel. Fucking kill me now.
"Hello" I said
"Mr.Romano, I was just calling to say that everything is ready for the meeting today with the families but we need you here in 4 hours max so you can approve everything"
"Yes I'll be there , thank you"
"Ok gre..."
He went to talk but I hung up.

I can't wait to fucking kill these Russians. Them thinking there better then me. Stupid cunts


I looked in the mirror after my shower. My neck was bruised so bad. How loaded was I. My going to kill Luciano. I swear to god he better pray for his life.

Suddenly my door open. Fucking speak of the devil.
" We have real mafia work today. Since you can fight and your hot, your coming to our meeting as my date." He stated
"Are you fucking kidding me" I shoved my head in my pillow
"Oh and you have to seduce Russians but you'll be fine we leave in 3 hours, I'll have my maids come up to get you ready" like that he walked out.

Man whore

I was laying in bed then 30 minutes later maids rushed in with kits of makeup and hair shit. I'm gonna look like a fucking Barbie.

They sat me down I a chair took the towel off my hair. Ugh.  2 maids were working on my hair for like  and hour then 3 were doing my makeup. Finally they finished and raided my closest they picked out three cocktail dresses. I didn't like the black or white one. But the red one was fancy and hot. I fell in love and chose it to wear, I put on white heels to accent it. How did they know my size?. Around 3 hours later I was ready to go.

I was waiting downstairs for the boys a Luca came down. "Dam mama you lookin fine" he cooed . "Are you not going?" I asked "nah he's taking you over me" he laughed . "Douche" I laughed. " excuse me amore mio" Luciano said. "Ohhhh shittttt" Luca replied. "Nothing Mr.Romano" I said . He raised his eye brow at me and smirked over the name. "You look good Tesoro" Luciano said.
I'm going to play with him. Because once again he's a man whore.
"You too baby" I said to him
Luca choked on his water.
I smirked. He came over to me and pulled me by the waist "keep playing with, I will make it so you can't walk for a week" he whispered in my ear then kissed my neck.
I shudder and he laughed.

He looked at me for a minute "what?!" I asked. " your neck isn't purple" he whined. "Powers of make up Mr.Romano" his grip on my waist tightened with that name. "Let's go...Now" he stated. "Bye Luca" I winked at him. He snickered.  I was going to seduce a mafia member at a mafia meeting ...
lord give me strength. Oh and let's hope he's ugly.

The next chapter is one of my favourites so I hope you all enjoy <3

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