Chapter 42~ Ours were gonna have fun

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It was 5 am school starts at 7:00. Luciano was still asleep I was getting dressed after I brushed my teeth and washed my face and showered, I threw on mom jeans with a red lace crop top. I kept my jewelry on and curled my hair then threw on a hat. A pair of arms wrapped around me. "Hey baby you look cute but you can't wear that" who does he think he is "you can text me every 30 minutes. But I'm wearing this." I told him "fine"he growled "let's go. "

The ride was just us talking and him rubbing my thigh. I got out of the car and kissed him everyone was staring. "I love you" i said "I love you too" then Toni showed up. He got out of my car then went with Toni.

2 people rushed up to me, I'm popular but not. There all fake but it's good to know people. I got pulled into a hug. "What uppppp" Jake yelled at me. "Hey" I replied. "There's a football game after school. Im playing which means your all going" he told us . "Uhhh I don't think I can" I told him "come on girl " Olivia begged. I have my knife on me so I'll be good. Plus Jake has a huge crush on me "fine" I replied then walked to class.


"Hey" Olivia ran over to me "let's go!!" She took my arm and lead me towards the Field
" ready to see me kick ass " he pulled me in a hug. "Yes" Olivia squealed can she shut the fuck up pick me ass girl. "Kiss me for good luck" Jake asked. "I'm good" I laughed. My boyfriend is gonna kill me.


The crowd was going wild there was 10 seconds left and we were up 61-35 so we won no matter what. They took a knee and boom just like that we won. We ran to the Field after all the announcements, Jake picked me up and spun me around , he put me down and hugged . "That's what I though yeah. I'm the best" Jake bragged he scored like 7 of the touch downs he leaned in to kiss me . I pushed him away but then another guy punched him in the face. Everyone gasped I turned around. "Cami I though I told you to come straight home. School ended  at 4:00 it's 8:00. What the fuck." Luciano grabbed my hand "I didn't do anything with him I promise. I tried to get out of this but they forced me" I explained to him, his eyes softened. Jake stood back up. 

"What the fuck dude. Why are your hands on my girl" he yelled at Luciano. Oh my god.


His girl. Fucking hell. This is why I said to come straight home. "I'm not your girl Jake." Cami told him staring daggers. At least she's smart and knows who she belongs to.  "Yes you are cami" Jake answered her . Cami placed her hand on my back. I pulled her in and kissed her hard. At this point everyone's watching. "Your it jack oh I'm sorry I mean Jake. Then why hasn't she been with you for the past 3 months almost." I asked. "She said she went away" Jake replied. "What was I supposed to tell them" cami turned to me and shrugged. "Uh away at my house. Look at this ring" I picked up her hand and showed then ring. "Diamonds , with my name in graved to it . She's my girl , your lucky I don't kill you" I yelled. I wrapped my arm around cami she leaned into my shoulder. "Kill me as if. Your no body I'm the best player on this team" Jake yelled. "Oh no" cami whispered.

I looked down at her and smirked, she smirked back the went on her tippy toes and whispered in my ear " I don't like him at all, he's so fake. I never did anything with him ever, please scare him away or something baby. He makes me insecure" she's really just mocking but I'll do it anyways.

Now it's on . I pulled out my phone and texted Luca. He replied and seconds. "I'm a nobody. Well actually I'm somebody... somebody dangerous who could kill you in seconds." i laughed.  I watched cami adjusted her knife she hid under her boob. She saw me looking . "You wore your knife" I stated like it was a common thing , she nodded. "Hot" I laughed.

"Man I'd like to see you try. I fight for fun" Jake stated "jack shhh" I stared into camis eyes and she smiled it's funny how her mood can change. "My names Jake." He punched me square in the nose . Just like that Luca was here with a lot of my body guards.


"Excuse me Jake is it" Luca laughed. "My name is Luca Romano , Lucianos little brother camis best friend" he stated. Jakes eyes widen as he looked around. "Cami" jake said. "Yes" I replied . "Who  is everyone here" he looked into my eyes . "Clear everyone out Boys except him" I yelled at the body guards  then pointed out jack.

Everyone was cleared out by now. "Now to answer your question Jake. He's Luciano Romano my boyfriend , this is Luca Romano as you know my best friend and a cute fuck." I laughed Luciano grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me into him "shut the fuck up" he whispered in my ear. "I'm joking I'm loyal anyways They  can explain the rest"  I said .
Luciano stepped up "I'm the leader of the Italian mafia how are you" he put out his hand to shake it. Jake just stood there. "Bring him to are basement. Luca drive camis car home Shes coming with me" fuck I'm screwed. "Our basement or compound" I asked . "Ours we're gonna have fun" . Ouuu pay back for him but me too.


Jake  is now chained to the wall in the basement. I never figured out what happened to the whore that was down here.  Luciano told me to change into one of my torture outfits so I did. "Mmm baby you look good." He said as I walked down the stairs Jake was staring at me. "Thank you baby" I walked into the room.
"You didn't listen to me today cara Mia" 
"I know I'm sorry amore"
He leaned into my ear
"Listen next time little girl, or your being punished."
Little girl. Really in front of a kid I knew almost my whole life.
"Little girl. Really Luciano. Really. Slut ; yes , whore; most likely . But little girl"
He laughed at that. "Your only a teenager I'm 22 therefore little girl missy.
"Let's get on with" I begged
I heard Jake mutter in the background
"Got sumin to say" I asked .
"Yeah what the fucks going on cami you use to be so sweet and innocent"
"You mean when I would take you calling me fat, slut and whore because I wouldn't sleep with you. Is that the sweet And innocent you mean." I asked him. I looked over at Luciano he was livid . "He did what now. Did he try to touch before today" I nodded at him. I shouldn't have . He went ham within seconds Jake had a swollen face. "Can I help at least?" I asked . I noticed Jake's eyes were perfectly fine. He grabbed my hand and walked me in front of him. "See Jake I can do things you can't. Like..." he pulled me into his body and kissed me "or maybe" he grabbed my ass and kissed my neck. I watched as Jake squirms against the restraints. Luciano grabbed my throat. "You are mine. Mine to touch, mine to degrade, mine to use. Mine . Do you understand." He looked directly in my eye. "Yes sir" he kissed me lightly. "Jake don't worry we're not gonna kill you...." Luciano started but I cut him off "we're just gonna hurt you real real bad " I giggled.

"You fucking slut your crazy. You and your boyfriend , Olivia will never forgive you." He screamed in our faces. "K and your point. Plus you talk you die. You act as if I can't buy the school you go to, fuck I could buy the whole nfl. " Luciano laughed as Jake quivered in fear.
"Don't be rude baby" I cooed at Luciano . He smirked at me and grabbed my hips "ok fine Ill just let my anger out on your ass tonight" he laughed. Fucking hell.

I walked up to Jake. "Hey Jakey " I looked him in the eyes then turned around to Luciano 'bring me my knife' I mouthed he laughed then walked away. "Cami you work for the mafia" Jake asked. I ran my hands up and down my body "obviously" . "This isn't you cami your better then him" Lucianos arms were now wrapped around me. "Actually Jakey I'm much much worse" I took my knife and cut down his jersey and it opened up.  "Nice bod" I rubbed my hands up and down his abs his breathing hitched "this is what you want right?" I asked him. . He nodded thats fucking disgusting I have you chained to a god dam wall. "No what the fuck. I'm just joking jesus"

Sorry it's taken forever. Im back in school and already had an essay it's been 3 day. Anyways the chapters start to get really good from this one on!

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