Chapter 1~ Move out of my way

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"Move out of my way" I yelled at this girl while I tried to walk home , fuck I hate slow walkers. It's really not that hard to pick up your feet, it was the last day of university then I have like a 3 month break cause I'm a head of everyone. People rather fall behind then do work and that really makes them dumb because if they didn't they wouldn't have to do school.

I don't like going home but I have to considering  I'm a broke university student with no where else to go but that doesn't mean I would like to bitch slap my dad sometimes. My moms fine she's actually great but my dads really abusive mentally he hit me a couple times but my mom stopped him before he could do any damage. If I could leave him and take my mom I would but I can't, my mom says she's in live and in my mind even though she's a great mother that can be even worse.


Almost home I saw this beautiful Ferrari SF90 in all white. Dam I love cars well the look of cars. This ones exceptional I mean absolutely gorgeous. I walk up to my house to see my mom slapping my dad across the face and a man in the corner watching it unravel before mine and his eyes.

"Camilla you're home." my father states in surprise. Why is he acting like I'm not always home at this time. He on sum?

"Yeah I'm always home at this time? Who's he ?" I asked my mother while nodding back at the man. She was balling and the man in the back was  laughing like this was funny?

I'm so confused I just wanted to come home from university and sleep but nooo some dude had to come over and ruin my whole dam schedule because in my family's eyes it would be disrespectful if I went to take a nap even though I've been up since five fucking o clock in the morning.

"I'm Luciano Romano amore" he said while taking a step from the corner and into the light. Holy shit this man. I mean wow he was hot and I mean like stunning , I'm talking at least 6'4 , all black tux , dark brown hair , green eyes, a sharp jaw line and oh you can see some tats coming out from under his Sleeve . I also think he speaks Italian. Bonus.

"Cami I'm so sorry sweetheart ." My mother said. For what? Why is she sorry . "Uh for what" I asked 
" your dad, he sold you to the Italian mafia to pay of his drinking debt. Like the fucking idiot he is..." my mother stated.

What the actual fuck is wrong with my family scratch  that not family DAD. What is wrong with my father.
"Cami..." my father started "Shut the fuck up " I screamed, I was pissed. Of course it had to be me .... I mean I was the only child so.  "Do you want me to beat the disrespect out of you" my father screamed. I ignored him that mans here he won't touch me "do it" I laughed.

Lucianos eyes scanned me up and down. Don't get me wrong I was hot no denying that but it made me uncomfortable. " cara mia you are coming with me. Your drunken father made a mistake and now your paying for it. But my dear you are so beautiful" Luciano told me, he talks like he's a fifty year old man maybe it's just a ruse his I hope it is. This man had to only be like 22 and he's the head of the mafia .... I think. I turn 19 in a couple months fun. "So you Mr.Luciano are the head of the Italian mafia?" I asked . Stupid question I know but I also need to know what's gonna happen. "Yes amore mio" he replied. I understand a tiny bit of Italian granted those are my roots , that means my love I believe.

I chilled out a bit. This was not my mothers fault it was totally my fathers. I walked up to him and punched him so hard I heard a crack. Better then bitch slapping I guess. Luciano grabbed my waist and pulled me back with a big smirk on his face.

Fucking hot.

No Camilla stop he's taking you away from your mom, but on the other hand your dad sold you so. No he's bad he like kills people. But he could kill people for you. Noooo Cami stop with this, your life is not a book. It could be, it isn't .

"As much as I love to see this side of you , save it for another time. Do us all a favour and calm down" he whispered in my ear. No this should not turn me on . I pulled away from his touch.

I walked over to mother while my dad was uh.. tending to his uh nose. " I'm so sorry baby there's nothing I could do I tried trust me I did " my mother said while tucking my dirty blonde hair behind my ear. "It's not you fault mom don't worry about it I'll be fine I can throw a punch" I chuckled to lighten the mood.

I turn to Luciano "let's get on with it" I told him while rolling my eyes. He shot me a glare for that. "Rolling your eyes is disrespectful little girl" Sucks for him I've never been respectful to kidnappers "have you earned my respect that you care oh so much about" his eyes narrow at the comment. "That's what I thought mr.big bad mafia boss" he shook his head at me and my mother look horrified. "Are we going or you just going to stand here all day?" I question Luciano.
"As you said let's get going"
"Gladly" He then came and took my hand. Out to New York I go. But hey I get to ride in this hot ass car.


AN: hope you all like the first chapter and trust me it gets a lot more interesting !!

I jus edited this a bit so if your RR that's why it's different.

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