Chapter 22~I want to try fire

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" I want to try fire" I looked at Luciano. The smirk was so wide on his face "fire?" He questioned
"If he doesn't corporate then yeah" I replied the shrugged.
"Ok baby" he chuckled. He had that look in his eyes but not happiness it was pure evil. I know what they do to snitches. I type the code into the key pad and open the door to see the blonde bitch and the new prisoner they must of took the Russian out after I killed him.

I smiled at the blonde bitch I'm yet to know her name. I went up to luci and whispered in his ear "we can let her go after this if she's not a bitch" his eyes scanned her up and down. "Fucking ugly slut" he laughed , I laughed with him too.

"So mr...." I looked back at the Romano brothers. "Mr.Rossi" Luca muttered.
"Mr.Rossi love the name actually very Italian of you to bad your a disgrace to the whole fucking culture" i hissed. The boys laughed , glad there enjoying this. The man let out a screech and looked past me to Luca and Luci "I did nothing please I didn't talk" he cried.
"Ay bitchass you talk to me and I'm running out of patience, see I never accused you of anything. For all I know they could be wrong and you could be innocent" I lied.
"See Romano believe your bitch" he gritted. Luciano laughed. He knew dam well I knew he snitched.
"See now I don't believe you. Who do you work for" I asked. He shook his head. I walked over to my table and grabbed a small little knife. Walking back I threw it up in the air and caught it. I sat on his lap and heard Luca open the door and leave he knew this will get messy. My trainings been paying off but this in some twisted way turns Luciano on. "Now see Rossi your gonna talk" I traces his shoulder with my hand "or I'm gonna skin your shoulders down to your hand then fucking burn you alive"

"You crazy bitch" Rossi shrieked
"I second that" the blonde peeped in looking horrified. "Shut her up" I looked at Luci and he walked over and hit her. I gave him a nod and he walked out. He came back a few minutes later with a blow torch. Both the captives were full out crying fucking babies.

"I'm giving you one more chance. Fucking tell me who you work for" Luci placed the blow torch in my hand I was still on this guy lap. I leaned in and whispered into Rossi ear "tell me please" I backed up and battered my eyes.
"I'm not saying shit" he spat. Well that sucks
"To bad I'm done fucking around." I gritted.
"Tie him up baby please and thank you." Luciano walked over and eventually chained him to the wall. I took the bottle of whiskey that I came down with. And poured it on his head.
"I know I said last chance last time but I feel like being nice. WHO THE FUCK DO YOU WORK FOR" he shook his head no. Now I want fun.

I pulled the blonde bitch so she was watching and I told Luciano if he was gonna get grossed out to leave , he chose to stay. I took my knife and shaved the skin off of one of his arms. Then one of his legs. The blonde screamed in terror. Fire time. I looked back and winked at Luciano. He laughed "do it baby." "Resto in pezzi" i muttered I took the blow torch and set fire to his feet. "Burn baby burn" I laughed and went to stand beside Luciano. "I set fireeeee" I started singing . We watched him burn and we heard his last horrible scream. "Don't fucking snitch" luci mumbled.

"You people are crazy" the girl yelled
"I'm crazy but he likes that" I laughed then kissed him deeply. "You know I do" he answered
"Look bitch I was going to let you go but since you had to be so rude you can stay longer" I shrugged and walked away. What ever.


How we like this shit so far. Bc like idk I like it oops

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