Chapter 32~ I'm sorry Amore

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The maids told me Luciano and Luca left. Fucking amazing. I hope I'm dead of the floor when they get back. The maids made me food, I turned on the music then popped my pills I took a shit ton that's not gonna make me pass out though so I'll be good. I ate then lit up my cigar. Well sitting on the sofa breathing in and out. Smoke danced around the room.  I decided to do tricks with a fancy cigar smart Camilla real fucking smart fuck it. I took the biggest hit I could and made O's after that one I took another hit and made it go out throw my mouth then in throw my nose just to blow it back out throw my mouth. I'm fucking hot and we know it. We whose we . I know it .  I feel nothing I throw my head back Jesus these Xanax did a number on me and they just starting to kick in. Great my phones ringing. I didn't even look at the name I just picked up. I

"What the fuck are you doing" Luciano seethed great.
"Numbing the pain" I laughed.
"Cami what do you mean , are you ok" it's funny how his emotion changed.
"How the fuck did you find out about what I was doing , and you don't even care about me so why should I tell you if I'm ok" I scoffed.
"The maids told me...." he went to continue but I cut him off.
"I went in to your office this morning with the intent to tell you I love you, I mean I still love you and it's bull shit because no one loves me . Your a dick Luciano you know that , I'm alone here . I smoked 1 and a half cigars and took a shit ton of Xanax" I told him
"You did W...." he went to say but I hung up.

My eyes feel heavy, I want to keep them open but I can't did I mention Xans do this to and it's fucking stupid I want to numb the pain not go to sleep fucking hell FUck.


I walk off my elevator with to see cami lying on the couch passed out, not  because she wanted to sleep no, because she went ham on drugs. "Luca figure out how many xans she got" I ordered him. "Mhm" he said then walked away.

I looked around she smoked 2 full cigars and did Xans. That's my fucking girl. I picked her up and carried her to bed, I can't believe she said she loved me, but I hurt her and I don't want her to leave. Not that she has much of a choice she flinched towards lol me a bit in my arms . "I love you, your okay amore , I got you . I'm so so sorry" I whispered. I'll make it up to her tomorrow. She said no one cares about her, I wonder if she got the Xans from the safe why did she choose those over all the other drugs. There crazy dangerous and could kill you so she definitely took them before.


It's probably the next day or night, I check the clock 12:00pm I was up till 3:00am last night I believe. All the blinds are shut and I'm in me and lucianos room. I'm still mad at him. I want a drink. I got up and showered I'm refusing to talk to him , even if it breaks one of the rules, he had no right to be rude to me then leave without telling me, just because I love him does not mean I'm turning blind eye.

I walked downstairs so I could go to them gym, I know , I know I just showered but I need to blow off stem.  Back to the punching bag.
Each punch I throw gets harder, I just want to leave, this is all to much , my abusive father , bullied most of my life, being taken away, falling in love with a mafia leader and becoming friends with his kid brother. Being fucking kidnapped and raped then him being mad about week later. It's so unfair , so I take drugs then he gets mad more. Fuck. I punched the bag till it broke. "Fucking hell" I screamed.

I moved it away , I'll clean it later. I hooked a new one up and went back at it. Soon one of his men walked into the gym, it was Raf why was he back. "One on one me" I asked . "Sure" he shrugged. I hopped in the ring , fuck I hope Luciano sees me and gets jealous because I'm going to flirt. A lot. I won't cheat but I will flirt.

"On 3" I said he nodded to me "1....2.....3" I said .  We circled each other. I threw a punch and he dodged it. "Smooth" I laughed, he chuckled at me a bit, he took my hand and flipped me in the ring . He went to say something but I took my legs and and tripped him. He fell next to me with a loud thud , I got on top of him, I felt him get hard underneath men, that's fucking disgusting. I raised an eye brow at he and he smirked. I took my fist and punched him right in the jaw, come on I'm a seductress of course I knew what I was doing. He groaned in pain "you little minx" raf laughed. I saw Luciano and Luca walk in from the side of my eye, this so going to be good.

I threw a couple more punches at him and started laughing. That was until he flipped over pinned my arms above my head, I don't think he knows that his cousins walked in. "You know I think your enjoying this a bit to much" I smirked then looked down. "Mhm I am , but I think you are too" he explained. I giggled a bit Hes fucking disgusting. Like what is wrong with him.

I wrapped my legs around him and flipped him, then I punched him till he was knocked out. I heard Luca laugh with Luciano. "Fucking scum" I muttered. "Luca" I called he looked at me. "Can u take me to get food" I asked. He looked at Luciano. "I'll take you" Luciano said . I huffed. "I'll be in the Audi. I want McDonald's" with that I walked away.

I was sitting in the Audi when Luciano came and sat in the seat. "Hey listen...." he started , I put my finger on his mouth. He immediately stopped talking. He started driving , I sighed in relief that he didn't try to start a conversation, I don't care if I'm over reacting . He had no right to talk to me like that, we both know it.

He pulled up to McDonald's. "What do you want you can get anything" he asked while going through the drive through. I'm going to tease. I leaned over to the driver side so I was stomach was almost on his lap I started to talk to the people taking my order. I felt Luciano get hard underneath me.
"Hi yes can I please have a Jr. mcchicken meal with a strawberry milk shake to drink."
"Yes is that all?" The girl questioned.
"No I would like the same hung with a vanilla milkshake instead." Luciano stated. With that she gave us our total I pulled away from his lap letting his hand linger over his hard-on a bit longer then it should have.  He threw his head back then started to drive "cazzo." He cursed. Then sped up. I started eating my food.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my Instagram. I took a picture of myself and decided to post it I looked hot, I had a cute top on that was very low cut so half my boobs were out I threw it on right before we left the house.  Whatever. Posted it and Luciano immediately got a alert , shit I forgot he followed me, granted he tracked everything.

"Why the fuck would you post that" he asked.
I shrugged. My phone was blowing up mostly guys were likening and commenting. Luciano pulled in by a lake and went on his phone, he was checking the comments on my post. "There all over you , I don't blame them you look hot it's just fucking annoying they want what's mine" he told me
I rolled my eyes instead of answering He's such a kid granted I'm ignoring him. "Rule number 3 missy" he looked over at me, I flipped him off. Am I in for it , yes I am because the minute he apologizes to me or kisses me I'm going to give in. "Your in big trouble , you've been doing it all day long- I do not tolerate disrespect." He whispered in my ear. My legs squeezed together and my breathing hitched and at this moment he knew he won.

He placed his finger on the top of my shirt then followed it down to my cleavage. "I'm sorry Amore"


Sorry my loves for not updating. Family shit yk how it is anyways I might do another book on Luca idk tho .

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