Chapter 26~ Yes boss

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I have no clue what happened to raf every time I try to ask he gives me the cold shoulder. He's been distant lately but I have plans with my mom tonight , I'll figure it out tomorrow or something because I did nothing wrong.

"Hey mom" I walked up to our table and hugged her.
"Hey sweet heart"
"How are you"
"I'm good darling what about you"
"Good Lucianos been distant"
"Oh baby it will be ok, you can always move back in"

Dinner felt like for ever she just tried to convince me to move back in like I'm just causally aloud to get up and go. Sure yeah I'm with him now but I still was sold and that makes me property.

After dinner we talked then I walked her to the car.I opened the front door for her

"Bye Camilla it was nice to see you"

"Yeah you too we'll do this again I promise"

She hugged me then got into her car. As I was walking over to one of Lucianos cars and I spotted a man in all black at my car. Initially I thought it might be one of Lucianos bodyguards that tracked me down, mostly because I didn't tell him where I was going. But as I got closer I realized that wasn't the case, if it was Lucianos men they would be standing with more posture and hands behind there back waiting for me. He was not.

I got to my car and this dude hit me. Figured!
Are they trying to kidnap me?  I go to hit him back but he ducks lucky for me I catch that and knee him in the face. He throws a punch after he regains his balance and I dodge. What I wasn't expecting him to do was beat hit and that's exactly what he did. I kicked and he threw me over his shoulder. I could still scream? something stabbed into my neck. I thought to soon.

Everything's getting blurry. Bloody hell. I'll kill them. Or my man will!


Where the fuck is she.

"Toni find her now" I seethed.
"Yes boss" he said then walked out.

I called her 6 times. No response.

I tracked my car and it was still at the restaurant with her mother but when my men went to check she was gone and the car was there. But why didn't she tell me she was going. I just don't get how she doesn't comprehend that she's a walking target. She sun the mafia now let alone dating the boss

I think she thinks I'm pushing her away but I've just been busy and now she's gone. What did I do? My men are checking out my car. If that little girl left. I swear to god. I don't think she'd leave right? I'd just find her? This has to be something more nothing is off limits for possible out comes of what happened.

I got up from my desk. Trying to think rationally it that failed I ended screaming and smashed my fist down  on my wooden table "FUCKING FIND HER" .

Like I said I don't think she's dumb enough to leave on her own will which only means Somethings wrong. I have no clue what happened or how this is all going to play out but I love her so I'll get her back. Wait love. Love I love her? She really got me fucked up before her love wasn't an option it was a new bitch every night up till like 2 months ago not even. Now I'm openly saying it like it's the most known thing in the world fucked up Luciano.

I was sitting at my kitchen table an hour later when my men finally walked in. "We hacked all the footage off the streets and got jack-shit, but I can confirm she was taken. We asked an employee by a store and she said she saw a girl with brown hair and the same body type as Cami being thrown over a mans shoulder and she looked passed out." Toni said. "So after we heard that we decided it would be best to run car footage and we did. She put up a hell of a fight and would if won if he didn't stab something into her neck. The guys face was covered but his Russian mafia tattoo was showing." He finished.

"I WANT EVERY RUSSIAN MOBSTER YOU CAN FIND DRUGGED AND TAKEN DOWN TO MY BASEMENT GET ME LUCA AND RAF. We're killing them all. I'm finding my girl" I yelled , Toni nodded and walked out with the rest of my men.

Luca came running upstairs took him long enough. "THEY HAVE CAMI?" He yelled . I looked in his eyes he was pissed almost as much as me , apparently in his wording 'Camis hot, but she's yours so she like my younger sister' that's what he said anyways. They've grown close so I get it. "Yeah." I shrugged. He knew I was playing it off . "I'm gonna make them all burn you thought cami was bad wait till you see me when I get him" Luca seethed. "My job Luca my job" I laughed. "Listen I want everybody on this and I need you to find Russian mobsters. She was taken like 4 hours ago. We need to find her preferably sooner then later"


Ok so like I'm tied to a chair in a old cellar. But it doesn't have wine. " THIS CELLAR WOULD BE A LOT NICER IF IT HAD WINE" I yelled at the men I knew were out side of my door. I heard them laugh. "ONE GLASS COME ON" I snickered. Do not show fear one of the many things I learned in training, one of the many things I won't forget. The door opened a man walked in and I was untied then left again . Douche bag. I miss my boyfriend and Luca even though I've been here for a bout 4 hours I'd say. I wonder if he even knows I'm gone. I miss him and his touch.

An: k I needed to right sum interesting don't hate ✋🏽.

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