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Radhi POV

"Good to have the girls back together!" Amy squealed looking around the table. All of us were having dinner together after work.

Sakshi was having the life of her time, sipping wine. Anu and Amy were making dirty jokes together.

After much persuasion by Kabeer, I decided to join the girls today and also invited Anu. Sometimes, we just need to let go.

"Meera is my angel but she couldn't stay still. I'm happy to have my night off!" She squealed happily.

"I'm happy that we're back together. I missed this!" Anu joined in, squealing. I just smiled watching them. I did miss everyone getting together.

Amy was telling the girl how Alan was clingy and she secretly enjoys it without telling him. The girls were basically telling how their husbands were and I felt old, thinking how all of us are married.

"I saw Kabeer the other day, he looks huge and a tad scary." Sakshi said popping a cherry inside her mouth.

"Yeah, he's been like that since the accident. Kind of a protective vibe he's trying to portray." I said glancing at Sakshi and she nodded.

"He sure is protective because even Alan gets scared, imagine other guys. They'll probably run off like rats." Amy said casually making us all laugh.

We talked about random stuffs and Anu apologised to everyone. To me, again. I just smiled waving it off.

"To be honest, Kabeer was the one persuaded me to invite you today. Not that I didn't want to, but I didn't know how to talk to you." I said glancing at her and she nodded understandingly.

"I even apologised to him but he just waved it off, asking me to talk to you because he didn't want us to cut ties." Anu said holding my hand and I looked at her surprised.

"Kabeer has his ways of protecting you. All of our husbands are quiet similar but yours is the one that protects everyone." Amy said and Sakshi nodded.

He always find ways to my heart, even without him knowing. I stupidly love this guy.

"Kabeer being Kabeer." I shook my head, chuckling.

We continued eating and laughing.

I got home and found him in our room, focusing on his laptop typing something. I tip toed to him quietly, trying to scare him and-


He was startled, yelling dramatically like a girl. He looked at me with wide eyes while clutching his chest.

"Your screamed like a girl! HAHA" I laughed loudly while stumbling to him. He crossed his arms, glaring at me.

"You're getting naughtier day by day. I almost lost my heart!" He said flicking my nose lightly. I grinned at him, clinging to his neck and he lazily wrapped his arm around me.

"I had fun with the girls today. Thank you for convincing me to invite Anu. I haven't realised how much I missed all of them together." I smiled, kissing his cheek.

"And! I cut my hair!" I said excitedly, twirling around. It was already until my waist but I still like it long. So I had a tiny cut, nothing major.

"You look pretty, even though you only cut it a little." He said touching my head and I looked at him weirdly.

"It's kinda scary how observing you are." I said walking to the shower and he shrugged.

I came back out with my towel around me, walked into the closet thinking whether I should steal one of Kabeer's shirt or wear mine.

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