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The next two days went by a blur. I couldn't focus on anything and mostly stayed in my room.

Apparently Kabeer missed his flight which was with us, and the seat beside me was his. He wanted to surprise us with his sudden arrival and it was indeed a surprise.

Tonight was the last night for us at Hawaii and I wanted to take a night walk before we leave.

I ditched Amy and Sakshi who was talking intently with their respective partners.

I didn't want to intrude.

I wore my oversized hoodie that stopped on my knees with a pair of black leggings. I pressed on the elevator and went down.

I was walking alone, enjoying the waves and the wind. Then I saw a figure sitting all alone on the sand, facing the ocean.

It was non other than Kabeer.

I stopped. Contemplating whether I should talk to him or not.

I spun around to go back but my feet was taking me the opposite way.

"Hey." I awkwardly coughed out. He looked up and smiled at me.

"Radhi." He smiled and gestured me to sit beside him. Have I told you how good my name sounds when he calls me.

"Sorry if I was intruding. I just wanted to say hi." I said while sitting beside him with an arm length gap.

"Nah, I'm just enjoying the waves. Haven't had a calm night in years." He said while facing the ocean and closed his eyes.

I just nodded and played with sand in my hands. We sat in silence for a while.

I took of my flip flops and walked to the water. "You wanna join in?" I yelled because he was a little far away.

He shook his head and smiled.

"The water feels good. Just for a little bit." I grinned at him and I saw him walking towards me. I quickly walked out of the water and reached for his arm but stopped.

"Uh-can I hold your hand?" I looked up at him. He is so damn tall. My 5'4 self felt like a midget beside him.

"You must be the first one ever asked me that." He chuckled and held out his arm. I grinned and looped my arm around his.

We walked in a little further and I gripped on his arm tightly because the water was pulling in.

My thighs were already wet while Kabeer was just chilling beside me. I splashed water at him.

He flinched and looked at me with his mouth wide open.

"You did not just do that."

"Hell yeah I did." And I splashed again. His shirt was already half wet from the water that was dripping from his face.

I quickly walked back to the sand and laughed at him because he looked so funny.

Then, suddenly ran out of the water trying to grab me.

"Ahh no no!" I shrieked and tried run but like I said, I'm a midget. Even before attempting to run, he already pulled me and we fell in the water together.

A small wave hit, pushing us out of the water.

Both us stood up and walked to the our spot. I plopped down and tried to squeeze the water out of my hoodie.

"This is the most fun I had in a while. Thank you." I said while laughing happily to Kabeer while he stared at me.

I felt his cold fingers running down softly on my face and my breath hitched on his touch.

His hair was dripping wet, his shirt clung to his torso showing his body and I could see a familiar lopsided smile on his face.

His eyes.

His damn eyes were always captivating since the first time I met him. Those hazel eyes that were glistening from the moonlight.

"You're beautiful with your smile, Radhi. So damn beautiful." He whispered huskily and his fingers trailed down to my neck.

I tilted my head slightly and I almost moaned.

Only by his touch.

I was so hot and fidgety. There's just something about this guy makes me go jelly and out of my mind.

I quickly regained my composure and quickly stood up.

"We should get back. I'm getting uh-cold." I said nervously and bite my lips. He just gave me smile and nodded understandingly.

Both of us walked silently.

I unlocked my room while he still lingered outside his room. Waiting for me to go inside. I awkwardly nodded at him and quickly went inside.

I leaned on the door and thought, what The heLL just happened??

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