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Kabeer POV

We were at the grocery store. Picking out some stuffs and later on some new sheets, because ours were torn apart last night.

Don't ask me how.

Radhi was walking a little awkwardly which I couldn't hold my laughter from whenever I watch her. She glares at me time to time.

I was silently pushing the cart while she was randomly throwing stuffs inside the cart.

"Do we really need this much stuff?" She glared at me like she was about to murder me.


"You eat like a monster! Of course we need this much!" She huffed and crossed her arms.

I sometimes forget I eat so much because her cooking is so damn good and she take cares of me so lovingly.

"Okay, okay I forgot. No need to look at me like you want to kill me." I said pulling her closer. She swatted my hand away. I pouted at her.

"Aha! We're in public, Mr Sharma. No touchy-touchy." She waved her finger and I couldn't help myself but to slap her butt.

She look so damn good with her light blue jeans and dark blue top with puffy long sleeves.

"Kabeer!" She gasped and slapped my arm. I gave her a huge grin, pulling her closely and she suddenly froze looking at something.

I turned around and it was Bala. The person I hate the most after Chris.

"Radhi?" He acknowledged only her as if I was not even here. I pulled her closely to me and I know my face would be so damn unapproachable right now.

"Uh hey?" She responded like a question. I just watched him, silently giving out killing vibes.

"Can I talk you a bit? Privately." He emphasised 'privately' while directly looking at me and I casually looked at Radhi.

It's her decision.

"No, my husband will be here. We can talk here." She looped her arm around mine and my heart was thumping like I just won a trophy.

She chose me. Of course she would! I really want to jerk my tongue out to this asshead.

"Okay then. What were you thinking marrying a North Indian? and have you not visited your mother? People are talking." This motherfucker actually had the guts to ask her that.

Does he even know what happened?

I could feel Radhi tense up by my side and knowing her, I'm just going to let her answer.

"It's my life and what gives you the right to question my decisions? And, who are you to question about MY husband? You're not anyone but someone who I use to be friends with. That's it." She replied with such confidence and I couldn't be more proud.

I love how she says my husband. Makes me giddy.

"And, what is so wrong marrying a North Indian? My in laws are amazing and Kabeer is amazing. Don't be such a racist prick." Her hands were shaking from anger and I gently rubbed her back.

Bala was glaring at me, like I did something. I just shrugged at him, making him angrier.

"You! You did this to her. Ignoring her family, not even caring what would people say! You changed her!" He bursted out of nowhere, pointing his finger at and I dumbly looked at him.

He was fuming with anger and I really couldn't understand his issue.

"What's your problem exactly? Our families arranged our marriage, we got married by mutual agreement. We're happy and why are meddling in?" I asked calmly. I wanted to punch his stupid face soo bad but I decided to be calm.

"Because she should've been with me!"

I knew it. I knew he had eyes on Radhi. I know the look.

I quickly pulled Radhi behind my back. She was clinging to my shirt and I could feel her breathing getting heavy.

"I've been in love with her since the day I saw her with my sister. I've tried so many times to confess but she pushed me away, waiting for the unknown boy and I decide to do it after law school. Because maybe, she would come with me when I'm successful. Suddenly, she got married to some North Indian CEO. I hated it. I fucking hate how she chose you!"

By now, he was yelling on top of his lungs and fuming with anger.

His body was shaking and fists balling beside him. Good thing the store was empty.

I'm not sure why I'm so calm but I am. I snorted.

I laughed uncontrollably. Radhi jerked her head and looked at me like I was crazy.

"You're being funny! We're married and most importantly, in love. So, move on. Go find another girl. She's mine and don't you dare lay eyes on her anymore." I said pulling his collar and stared right into his eyes.

It was tense for a moment. Silence.

"Let's go, Kabeer. Come on." Radhi tugged my arm and I pushed the imbecile back, shaking my hands as if I touched something bad.

We walked away but the fucking bastard decided to say something.

"You married him for the money, right? CEO, only son. The only heir. You fucking slut." He spat in disgust and I never gotten that angry in my whole life.

I want to kill this bitch right now.

How dare he call my wife a slut?

Before I could do anything, I see Radhi stomping to him, slapping right across his face and he stumbled back, blinking.

She must've hit him hard.

"Don't you fucking dare talk about me or my husband anymore. Don't you dare insult me or my husband! Get the fuck out of my life." She turned around and walked towards me.

I held her by her waist but stopped abruptly.

"And he's the boy I've been waiting for! He's fucking good in bed too!" She shouted and flipped her finger.

I laughed at her growing sassiness. She's been feisty, sassy and brave since the day she opened up about everything.

I love how she's getting more confident and brave now.

"I love you, Jaan. So fucking hot." I pecked her lips and grinning her like stupid.

"Ah fuck him. Just another unnecessary drama." She shrugged and grinned back at me.

But I know, deep down she must be thinking about this. Words affects her a lot and I'll make sure to be there with her everyday.

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