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I cried like stupid in my room. I never thought I would get harassed by a colleague. The fucker touched my thighs and I wasn't even wearing inappropriately.

All this time I just avoided him like he was some kind of joker but he overstepped this time. I really hope no one saw it.

My phone rang and I quickly wiped my tears away.

"Radhi, where are you? We can't find you anywhere." Sakshi yelled over the loud music.

"I think I ate something wrong. I'm having stomach pains. You guys finish the dinner, I'll be fine." I said with my best sick voice.

"Hope you feel better! We'll be there in a bit! Just sleep okay." I just nodded and hang up. I felt shitty.

I pulled on the dress harshly and changed in to my white satin long shirt and shorts. I let my hair free and sat at the balcony.

Thank god our room was on the upper level and on the far corner.

No one could see me.

I wrapped my arms around me and closed my eyes listening to the waves.

"You okay?"

I jerked up on the voice and looked around. I quickly wrapped myself with the blanket that I kept just in case I get cold.

I peaked out from my blanket wrap and it was Kabeer. Standing on the balcony beside my room.

He was wearing a tank top and sweatpants. He leaned on the balcony rail to look at me closely.

"Radhi? Are you okay?" His eyes went wide and asked worriedly. I just stared at him.

No one ever asked me that. Not when my brothers left me alone. Not when my dad almost kicked us out.

Not when I was bullied by my mom for being a chubby. Not when my dad cheated on mom.

Tears began to fall freely.

It's like all the emotions came down at the same time. I stood up and closed the balcony door harshly.

I was panicking by now.

I was having a panic attack that I haven't had in a long time. I gasped for air when my door bursted open with Kabeer entering.

"Hey hey you're okay. Don't panic. Breathe Radhi breathe." He rubbed my back while my body trembled. He sat down on the floor with me and pulled me closer to him.

He continued rubbing my back while I tried to calm myself. I just shoved my face on his chest and sobbed. I clutched on his shirt tightly while he hugged me softly.

"You're safe. You're okay. I'm here, Radhi. I'm here." He said while pushed my hair back. We stayed in the same position for over half an hour.

I pulled back and he looked at me intently.

"I'm sorry for being a trouble. I don't know what came over me but thank you." I whispered. Only if he knew what happened.

He pushed my hair back lightly.

"It's okay. As long as you're safe. Do you want to talk about it? I'm all ears." He crossed his arms and rested his back on the edge of my bed while I just awkwardly reversed and sat further from him.

His attention was fully on me.

"No. I'm okay." I said lowering my eyes.

"You sure?" He asked while standing up. I clutched on my blanket around my waist and stood up.

I nodded at him assuringly. He just nodded back and shoved his hands in his pockets. He stopped at the doorway and spun around.

"Anything just knock on my door." He said softly while gesturing at his room. I nodded again. He quietly walked back to his room and I closed my door.

I walked to my bed and slumped back.

What a day.

I wanted to hate the guy so bad but he's so nice. He actually made me feel safe. I can feel my heart beating fast.

I curled on my bed and pulled the blanket over myself, trying to forget the stupid day I had,

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