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Radhi POV ⚠️

I woke up with a hot water bag on my stomach and tucked in under the blanket. I turn around saw Kabeer putting down a mug.

"Hey, you feeling better?" Kabeer asked softly while I sat properly.

"Yeah, I guess. There's still 5 more days to go." I chuckled dryly and he nodded understandingly.

I wonder how he knew I got my period.

We sat in silence for a while and I can see that he wants to ask something because he always plays with fingers and his forehead is all scrunched up, right before he asks something.

"Before you say anything, let's get something to eat because you're not looking good." Kabeer said softly and pulled me up but I insisted on showering first.

I wore a shirt of his over my head and my shorts because I am not in the mood to be fully covered.

I walked downstairs and smelled chocolate chip pancakes.

I lazily sat at the island stool and watched him flipping pancakes. An unusual sight for me because growing up, I never saw any of my brothers nor my dad in the kitchen. It was always me and mom.

I grew up doing every chore around the house and it was a must. I need to serve them, cook for them and wash the dishes while all of them just sit and eat.

The trash is probably a forbidden thing to touch in my house because it was always me. No matter how heavy it was or how small it was.

When I married Kabeer, I thought it would be the same but he was totally different.

We actually split chores but most of the time, he doesn't let me do anything.

I do cook sometimes but he always helps me washing the dishes later and trash, he actually throws the trash away!

I'm sure his parents are proud of him and made a mental note to thank them some day.

"You might eat a fly watching me like that, Jaanu." He flicked my nose, chuckling and I slapped his hand away, embarrassed.

We silently ate while I swinged my legs lightly. He washed the dishes quietly while I took my hot tea mug and plopped myself on the couch.

I looked outside the window and it was raining heavily.

He sat beside me and I leaned on his shoulder. He gently wrapped his arm around me.

"I'm sure you heard about yesterday's chaos. I'm sorry if Amma and Appa heard about it. I- I just don't know what to say or think at this point. I'll never understand why Pooja would be jealous of me? I was criticised since I was 12 for being fat. My mom was even embarrassed to take me out for weddings. Then, my brothers got married. They completely ignored me right after getting married. I would've understood if they told me that they didn't know how to cope with their wives and also giving me attention, but no. They completely ignored me like I never existed." I wiped my tear away and Kabeer pulled me on his lap.

"Then, the thing happened. We got to know that my dad was cheating. It just started as a visit from the lady and somehow in ended up as something else. The whole thing blew way out of proportion. He almost kicked us out. We were in the verge of homelessness because I wasn't working neither did mom." I paused, taking a deep breath.

"My brothers didn't even come to help us and I had to pull myself up, to console my mother. Gave her encouragement and even asked her to leave my dad. It wasn't worth it. I had some days were I just wanted to throw myself under the bus. I couldn't handle the pressure. I had to step up and tried my best to mend things so that it could be a home. Suddenly, everything was okay."

"Mom was laughing with dad and my brothers came back, I just stood there. Watching how stupid all these were. I had to make myself feel okay and smiled. None of them asked me, if I was okay. They completely ignored the whole situation." By now, I was sobbing horribly and gasped for air.

"I'm sorry I'm a mess. I didn't believe in any of these marriage things until I met you. After a long time, I felt safe. The first time you hugged me was the first time ever I felt really safe and calm. I felt like I have a place to lean on and I'm sorry for making you wait to even touch me. I feel disgusting and ugly because that's what people around me always said. I've seen the looks when I'm with you. It's like I don't deserve you just because I'm fat. I want to be happy too."

I cried hard. I couldn't even look at him but he gently wrapped his arms around me and kept kissing on top of my head.

"I'm sorry. I wished I've known all this earlier. I will never do those thing to you, Radhi. Not ever. I love you with all my heart. I always did and you're not ugly. Fuck everyone else. I'm not with you for your body. You're smart, funny, quirky, caring and so many other things. Don't let people into your head anymore. I'm here for you, Jaanu." His voice cracked and I looked up at him.

Tears welled in his beautiful eyes. I gently touched his face. "No, Kabeer. Please, I feel bad for putting this all on you." I leaned on his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso.

We sat in silence while he gently raked his fingers along my legs. He gently rubbed the scars I had and I chuckled dryly.

"I was depressed for a while. No one knew. I cried most of the nights but I'll get to work just fine. I did it there because it was easier to hide but Anu found out. She found me in the midst of cutting and I told her everything. She made me better. The girls eventually made me better. It's been over 2 years now." I said softly while he just sat in silence.

"I hate your family for doing this to you. I'm sorry, Radhi but I really do. You're not going back there anymore. How could someone just put all the burden on their daughter? God, I'm so angry but I'm so happy that you're here, with me." He was shaking in anger and I could hear his heartbeat thumping loudly.

"Hey, it's okay and I'm safe now. I never wanted to tell you any of this but because of Pooja, I had to." I really didn't want to, because I didn't want to look as a fragile and depressed person in front of him.

"You can tell me anything you want and I will never judge you. It's amazing enough you went through all this alone. You're strong, Radhi. I love you so much and so happy to have you in my life. No one can ever change that." He pulled my face up and kissed my cheek.

I looked back to those adoring, genuine eyes.

"I love you too."

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