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Radhi POV

We just landed in Turkey after hours and hours in the flight. It was fun flying with Kabeer. He was actually scared about flying and held my arm tightly.

It was so funny because I made fun about it non stop and he just looked at me with a straight face.

We arrived at my in laws doorstep and my jaw dropped looking at the beautiful house. I just got to know they have a house here because they use to travel here a lot.

"Amma! Appa! I missed you!" I squealed dropping my bag on the and hugging both of them tightly.

"Our favourite child! We missed you too! Why do you look leaner? And you boy, why are you getting fat!" They pointed at Kabeer and he just stared at them dumbly.

"She feeds me good food! Blame her and I'm cute!" He pouted. He really turns to a child whenever he sees his parents.

"Okay okay I was joking! Stop pouting! You're 29, act like it." Amma slapped his arm playfully and he still kept pouting along the way to the stairs.

"How is he with you? Does he take care of you properly? Is he annoying?" Appa asked looping his arm around mine.

I laughed at his cute gesture. I suddenly remembered my father. How he use to be.

"He's perfect but slightly annoying." I whispered the last part and we bursted out laughing together.

"How are you guys enjoying the trip? Amma looks younger than the last time I saw her." I said wiggling my eyebrows playfully at her and she blushed, slapping my arm.

"You better get up before Kabeer pouts the whole day. I'll call you when the dinner is ready. Get rest for a while." Amma said pushing me to the stairs.

I went up, looking for our room and saw Kabeer with a long face on the bed.

"Awh, my cute husband." I cooed at him but he turned away and crossed his arms.

I chuckled at him and freshen up, unpacking the necessary things.

He was still sitting with a long face.

"What is it? Why is my husband's face is so sad?"

"I want a hug too! You haven't hugged me-" he paused for a while looking at the clock.

"For the past 12 hours! That's so long!" I laughed, throwing my head back and snorting controllably.

"Come here." I pulled him and he wrapped his arms around my waist, nuzzling happily to my chest.

"Nothing can beat the comfiness of your chest. Better than any pillow in the world." He mumbled and I pinched his arm.

Did he just compare my beautiful breast to pillows?

"Ouch! I'm gonna tell my mom that you keep pinching me!" He yelped but didn't move an inch. I snorted knowing that he won't budge anywhere.

He dozed off a few minutes later and I couldn't sleep, so I just read a book while gently stroking his hair.

I was startled when suddenly the intercom voiced out. My book fell from my hand and Kabeer woke up, mumbling something.

"Appa here. Dinner is ready!"

"You okay?" He jolted up asking sleepily and went back to sleep. I decided to let him sleep. I gently wiggled out of his grip and stood up.

"Wake up you sleepyhead! I know you're sleeping! Don't let your wife starve for you." The intercom spoke again and I put my palm to my chest.

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