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Radhi POV

Kabeer was clinging to me like a koala. He couldn't even leave me for a minute. I wanted to yell at times but looking at his insecure eyes, I just melt away.

I get it that he's scared Bala might do something and honestly, I was scared too.

Too many things happened and I'm scared something will tear us apart.

I can't handle the thought of living without him.

"Kabeer, we're working at the same building. I'm not going anywhere. You can go to your office. I'll be right here." I said gently stroking his hair.

He insisted me sitting on his lap, on my chair, in my office. He wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling his head on my shoulder.

I know he's not moving.

I just shook my head at him and continued looking at the list of suppliers and supplies.

Events that needed to be taken care of.

Amy barged in and rolled her eyes, looking at us.

"You both need a honeymoon. You guys either lock yourselves inside your house or get clingy at each other at work. How I wish Alan works here too!" She groaned and slammed the documents.

"This will not change even if we had 10 honeymoons and I like staying at our house. We have so much fun." I grinned at her.

"And I like being clingy." Kabeer mumbled looking at Amy.

She groaned again.

"I'm so jealous! Alan should be as clingy as Kabeer or not, I'm gonna punch that beautiful face!" She huffed.

"And lock the damn door!" She locked the door from behind and dramatically slammed it. I laughed at her silliness.

Both us finished work and we were currently inside the elevator, going to the parking.

"You wanna eat out? Or order in at home?" Kabeer questioned unbuttoning a few buttons on the top of his shirt.

I grinned at him and he laughed knowingly, holding my hand, kissing the back of it.

We reached home and ate chicken rice with fried dumplings.

We silently ate, focusing on thriller Indian movie that was on the screen.

"Wait, I'm gonna pee!" I said standing up and jogged to the bathroom. I settled my business and washed my hands.

The moment I stepped out the bathroom, the whole house went pitch black. Not a single light on sight.

I stumbled on my steps and my breathing were starting to get unstable. I was hyperventilating and tried so hard calling Kabeer.

My eyes were getting blurry and I saw a small light towards me.

"Hey, hey, I'm here. Radhi, I'm here." He pulled me up and put the flashlight in front of us.

I looked at him and he was holding me tightly with worry eyes.

"It's okay, the power went out. The guards are working on it. Don't worry, Jaan." He slowly rocked us and after half an hour, the power finally came back.

We went back down and Kabeer went out to talk to the guards. I silently sat on the couch and saw Kabeer's half eaten food.

I stood up and pre heated his food and put it on the table. Kabeer came in with a stressful face, slamming the door behind.

"Is everything okay?" I asked getting closer to him and I looked at his face. He pulled me to his chest, wrapping his arms around me.

"What happened? Is everything okay?"

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