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Radhi POV

Foods have been magically arriving on my table right on lunch time.

I chuckled seeing how concern he is when I just threw up once. Dude got hit by a car, went into coma and came back alive but I couldn't get upset with him because he's fine now.

I shook my head thinking about him. I was sipping on my coffee when Kabeer bursted through my office.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I asked looking at him. He looked exhausted and I pulled him to my chair, making him sit.

He pulled me on his lap and hugged me tightly.

"You okay? What happened?" I asked him while he closed his eye, leaned on my shoulder.

"I'm tired and I needed you." He mumbled slowly and I nodded my head understandingly. I kissed his forehead and just let him be.

It's a habit for him to randomly cling on me when he's tired or had a bad meeting.

"Radhi, you needed at the test kitchen again since-" Amy said bursting in and she quickly quite down seeing Kabeer.

"I can't move right now." I whispered and Amy looked at me with a dumb look.

"But you really need to go!" She whispered frustratingly. I looked at Kabeer and her back to back. I lightly nudged Kabeer and he opened his eyes looking at me.

"I need to go down for a while. I'll promise I'll be back soon!" I whispered and he nodded letting me go. I kissed his cheek and walked out the door.

"He really is a baby." Amy retorted beside me and I grinned at her. "How about Alan?"

"Pretty much the same. He doesn't let me go anywhere. They have this weird clinginess to them." Amy said waving her hand around.

"Right? I thought us girls would be clingy." I said and we smiled at each other with a knowing look.

I settled the problem on the test kitchen and saw Kabeer sprawled over my couch, with his arm on his forehead.

I locked the door behind me and looked at him. Something is bothering him.

"Hey, you wanna go home? I'm done with work." I said gently, waking him up. He nodded waking up and both of us went home.

He slept on my chest, hugging me tightly. I'm not sure whether he's really tired or something bad happened.

I gently stroked his hair and read a book since I know he won't wake up anytime soon.

He lightly rustled in his sleep, stretching his arms and rolled over to the other side. I haven't even counted to 5 and he already rolled over to my chest again.

I chuckled looking at him.

He peeled his eyes open and looked at me. I looked at him back, with a small smile.

"You okay? Did something happened at the office?" I asked him and he stared at me.

"I had a bad dream about you. I couldn't focus the whole day." He mumbled looking at me sadly.

Those sad fragile eyes again.

"It's just a dream. I'm right here." I said and putting my head on his.

"I couldn't sleep since I had the dream last night and I kept watching you if you were really okay." He said slowly playing with my fingers.

"Why didn't you tell me in the morning? We could've stayed in and cuddled all day." I said happily, wrapping my arms around him. He smiled looking at me.

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