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Kabeer POV

My stomach dropped seeing her being rolled in through the emergency. I can't believe she made a joke about it while on the stretcher.

I shook my head, smiling and watched her sleep on my chest. She tend to pull her hand that had IV drip attached on it, so I had to hold her arm.

She cried yesterday asking about kids and honestly, I never thought about it. Like the first time she asked me, it's her choice. Her body.

I'm perfectly content with her being by my side. Nothing else matters.

I had to tell my parents about Radhi and they were really upset about what she had to go through. They wanted to come back but I asked them not to.

They won't let me touch her if they were here and she specifically told me not to go anywhere.

"You know, this is my first time being admitted. Look how cool this is!" She was still mesmerised by the IV drip.

"And! I don't feel pain at all! Maybe just another day before I can sleep on you." She said wiggling her eyebrows and I was sure she's okay now but sometimes I wonder, is she really okay?

"They did the laparoscopic surgery, the minimal surgery. It doesn't hurt too much and I'm glad you're not. I couldn't see you in pain." I said tying her hair in a ponytail.

She tilted her head watching me from the mirror.

"I would've kissed you but I'm stinky." She said scrunching her nose. I laughed at her expression.

"We can kiss all we want after we get home." I said holding her hand and sat at the edge of the bed. I don't care if she's stinky or not but I was afraid that I might hurt her.

She leaned on my shoulder, watching the boring tv.

The door bursted open and I saw her mother and brothers standing. Why are they not leaving us alone?

"What are you doing here?" I asked harshly looking at them. Radhi was holding my arm tightly, trying to calm me down.

I'm already worried about her and they're here to butt in on everything.

"I heard about Radhi in the hospital. Pooja works here, so I wanted to visit." Her mother said guiltily and I chuckled dryly.

"Why would I ever believe that? Get out, you're not welcomed." I said pointing at the door.

"You don't get to talk to our mother like that." said in her brothers and I'm already fuming.

"You don't get to come here act like you care when you guys never did, so please, get out." I repeated again, trying so hard to keep my anger within me.

I'm not going to let them speak at Radhi. Not even a glance on her.

"Okay, we'll go but at least tell me what happened?" Her mother demanded and I shook my head, standing up.

"I'm not going to tell you. You don't get to know what happened but she's fine now. Please, leave." I said glaring at them.

"Is this how you're going to be? Hiding behind your husband's back? Letting him speak for you?" Her mother asked and this is why I didn't want them to be here.

They're constantly provoking her. Trying to pull her into problems that she doesn't even want to be in.

"He's my husband and he has everything right to speak for me. You wanna know what happened? It happened just like you always said, 'you're fat, Radhi. You won't have any kids.' my uterus is busted just like you wanted to and I don't give a damn about it." She said calmly from behind me, pushing me gently to the side.

She held my hand tightly.

"But what about kids? What would your in laws say?" If only I can punch a lady. I would've done it.

Why is a woman's worth is measured by her ability of having kids? A woman is a woman however she wants to be!

"It's her choice and my parents don't care. No one should care if we wanted kids or not and I already told you to leave! Get the hell out!" I yelled closing the door and turned to Radhi.

She was calmly eating a chocolate, staring at the tv.

"I'm getting a restraining order. I hate how the pop up everywhere." I said pacing around the room and she watched me.

"Kabeer." I couldn't believe that her mother said that! Why would someone say something like that to a child?

"Kabeer, calm down. They're gone and I'm fine. See! I didn't even cry!" She said tilting her face, looking at me.

"Are you really, Radhi? Everything has been too overwhelming. Starting from Chris, Bala, the accident, Anu and your family being a bunch of dickheads. Then, this surgery. Are you really okay?" I asked looking at her and she chuckled looking back at me.

She held my hand tightly and I was waiting for her to burst.

"I have you. You've been sticking with me through everything. No matter how silly or serious it is, you're still standing here. I'm really really good. As long as you are by my side. I'm so happy and content with you. The happiest I've ever been." She said grinning happily at me.

Tears welled up in my eyes hearing the things she just said. I know she always have appreciated me but these problems came since the day she married me.

But she just made all my thoughts clear.

"No, no! Don't cry, Kabeer! Why are you crying?" She asked frantically pulling my face. I leaned on her shoulder, hugging her tightly.

She rubbed my back and kissed my cheeks.

"You know what, let's go home. I'm feeling much better and I miss our bed, and you. I miss showering the most." I laughed at her banter.

"Okay, let's go home."

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