chapter 23-- bus

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Angela's pov;

I woke up to someone shaking me.
"Bubby?" I asked still tired.
"Babes, it's Xander. Tony had to go to work early today but we will see him today before lunch." Xander said.
"Ok Xandy." I said getting up. We go to my room and I take a shower and get changed. I started packing my bags. As soon as I started packing Xavier came in.
"Baby, Tony said he will pack your things so you don't stress about if you packed enough. Now, come down and eat. We'll leave for school soon." He said to me.
"I don't want to bother him with it though." I argued.
"You could never bother him or any of us. He wanted to make it easier for you. Come on let's eat." Xavier said.
I sigh and walk down stairs with Xavier.
"Emil made breakfast before leaving. Our plates are already on the table." Xander said. We all sit down and started eating.

After breakfast...

We are now driving to school. Xavier is driving
"Babes, the principal wants to know if you want to switch back into Xavier's class. He didn't know that you was switched out. The teacher said another kids name." Xander asked.
"Yes, I like Xavier's class, the co-teacher gave me candy when the teacher wasn't in the room." I said. The twins chuckled.

We reach school and get out.
"Look at the slut everyone. I forgot that you pay the quadruplets to fuck you." Bella screamed out. When she screamed that it brought back memories.
Bad, horrifying memories.
I started breathing heavily. A few seconds later and I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore.

Kyle's pov;

I and the rest of the team was waiting for the Rose's to get here. When their car arrived and they stepped out the school slut started screaming.

After she screamed I was angry. This girl just called someone who is like a sister to me a slut. I could tell that the quadruplets were angry as hell. I looked the twins and they were angry enough to kill. I then looked at Angela, my heart stopped. She was trying to breathe with tears coming out of her eyes. I ran to her and picked her up. I held her to my chest. Letting her listen to my heart beat. She soon normalized her breathing but still crying. The twins were busy dealing with Bella while I helped Angela. When Bella finally ran off the twins came running to us.
"Babes it's ok. I'm here. Stop crying and breathe." Xander told her softly grabbing her from my arms.
"Thank you for helping her Kyle." Xavier said to me.
"Anytime man, she is like a little sister to me. It was an instinct to run and help her." I said. I felt someone grabbing my shirt. I looked down and saw Angela. I picked her up like a koala. She cuddled into my chest. Just then, our math teacher walks out.
"What the hell is going on? Why is no one in class? And why is Angela acting like a baby? I'm pretty sure that Kyle doesn't want to deal with a baby. School is more important than your fake and lying ass." I was enraged after she said that. The twins were about to kill her.
"How about you shut the fuck up. Bella the slut was bullying Angela and she almost stopped breathing cause of it. What you just said about Angela, that just put your life the line." Colten whispered the last part to her. I was next to him so I could hear him. He told some of his guards to take her.
"LISTEN UP, I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO SPEAK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED JUST NOW." Colten screamed. Everyone nodded scared. Angela was hugging my tightly. I hugged her back protectivly.
"Twins can you guys erase that footage?" Colten said. Everyone went inside after nodding. The twins nodded and got their laptops out.

Angela fell asleep on me. I just continued holding her close.

One hour later...

Angela woke up a little bit ago and is now drawing. Twins, quad, Colten, Cole, and me was talking.
Soon second started and we walked to class.

We all walked Angela to her class. Cole had to take a choice class so he chose art. Even though he can't even draw a straight line. He told me that Angela has to help him a lot. He won't admit this but he likes her a lot. You can see how much he loves her. The twins noticed and they trust him with her. He was never a player like us. He won't even sleep with a woman who doesn't respect things. From the moment he saw Xander walking Angela out of the girls locker room hall, he was amazed by how she looked so innocent and beautiful but you can clearly see that she been to hell and back multiple times. Me and Cole are cousins. I've heard him sleep talk about her, how she's so strong and confident, her name, talents, and kindness. How she is so smart just for a young woman. The Rose's know it and they trust him the most with their baby sister. He's trying to not tell her how he feels. He doesn't want to hurt her. He thinks he will get her hurt cause of his anger issues. He is easy to anger and when he's angry he fights. He wouldn't hit a girl though. He respects them alot.

When we get to their class she hugs all of us. Her and Cole then walked in. We went to our classes.

Two hours later...

"Can all of the baseball players come to the front lobby please." I heard over the intercom.
Me and the twins with cole stood up and went to Angela's class. Her and the twins were walking out. We walked to the lobby and saw coach there with the Rose's. They came to drop off the twins and Angela's bags. Angela ran to Tony immediately. He picked her up and hugged her.
"Hey princess, the twins texted me what happened this morning. Are you ok now?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm ok. Kyle helped me." She said smiling at me.
Tony then looked at me.
"Thank you for helping her Kyle. You are like a brother to her also." I smiled and then coach spoke.
"Kyle good job of helping a team mate."

We said bye to the Rose's and left for the bus. The Rose's then left after giving Angela and the twins their bags to take on the bus. They give us each some money to spend. They know that our parents won't give us enough money except that Coltens family pays for the hotel so we don't sleep in the bus. No one really donates to the baseball team.
Anyways we all enter the bus and go the back. Angela draws a picture of the current scene. Inside the bus with us the driver and coach. I listen to music while the 6 others talk. And hour later we stop at a gas station. I tell Angela and she follows us out. We got in and get a snack with a drink. The twins got water along with Angela. The quad got venoms and me, Colten, and Cole got hot chocolate. We all get a bag of chips. We enter the bus and started eating. The twins make sure Angela eats all of her chips.

Time skip...

We are now at the hotel it is 3 in afternoon.
"Alright, it is kinda busy in there like every time. Stay together and meet up where we always do." Coach explains. We all get off the bus and the twins hold Angela's hands as well walk in. It's kinda packed. Like always.

We all stay with each other and make sure Angela is safe. When we get to the place we always meet at. Coach is already there with our room keys.
"Ok, the place would start clearing out in 30 minutes. Until then I have some rules.
Rule one: do not run off somewhere.
Rule two: do not act like an idiot. We are to show this town that we know how to act.
Rule three: do not get drunk or high. You can go out for a drink yes but, do not get drunk.
Rule four: try your best during practice and the game.
Rule five: keep your phone and key close.
Rule six: stay safe.
Now rooms.
Angela and the twins are in one room.
Cole, Colten, and Kyle are in one room.
The quadruplets are in another room. I'll have my own room. You all have a key." Coach explains.

Angela's pov;

Coach just finished explaining things. He is now passing out the keys.
He hands me my key along with the twins.
We head up to our rooms before we get our things.
Me and the twins arrive at our door and unlock it. The room is nice. It's a single bed and one bathroom. We put down the bags we packed for the bus ride and headed out the door. I saw a guard out side of all the rooms. Our rooms are beside and across from each other. We all head to the bus to get our bags.

After we bring our bags to our rooms the twins spoke.
"Baby, were going out tonight to eat and look around. You are coming with us. We won't drink the day before a game so you can come." They told me I nodded and started unpacking. I left most of my things in the suitcase.

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