chapter 6-- introduction

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Angela's pov;

Emil made some homemade cheese burger helper. The older ones left for their offices in the house and I'm in the living room with the twins.
"So, Angela, tell us about your self. Like what you like to do and your talents." Xavier said.
"I like to bake, listen to music, sing, draw, and play sports. I mostly play baseball tho." I replied. Xander looked at me shocked.
"Me and Xavier play on the baseball team at school. Let's go to the backyard and see what you got." He said. "OK, let's go."

We walk to the backyard and Xavier goes into a shed and comes out with baseballs and metal bats.
"I'm gonna pitch it to you, fast." Xander says. A few seconds later I'm holding the bat ready to hit. I nod to him and he throws it overhand fast. I hit it and it goes far. I laugh at the twins shocked faces then realized that Xavier was holding his phone like he was taking a video. "I wanted to send it to the others."

Time skip;

After that we all played for a few hours. Xavier threw curve balls at me and Xander. Xavier is great at pitching and Xander is great at batting. Xander is also team captain.

We are now watching TV in the living room. The others are home and Emil is making dinner. Tony is working in his down stairs office. Enzo is in his home office getting some things ready to put on me.

I heard someone enter. I look and see Enzo with a doctor bag in his hands.
"Angela, can you lay down and lift up your shirt alittle bit so I can put some more cream on your ribs?"
I do what he said and he put some cream on my ribs. He got out a bandage and put it on one of my carved word. Then he put the brace back on my ribs.
"OK you can pull Your shirt back down and sit up." He unraveled the ankle wrap and looked at the scar that is now stitched up. "Don't put to much pressure on it like you did earlier when I was at work. What was y'all doing?"
"We found out she likes baseball and wanted to see her skills. There is also a video that Xavier took of her batting. She is really good." Xander says.
"Well take a little break from sports and let your ankle heal. Also why don't you show us the video at dinner I'm sure we all want to watch it." We all said OK and he wrapped it up again. He left the room and we finish the movie.
"OK, answer these questions fast ok?" -Xavier
"Ok." - me
"Action or horror" - Xander
"Horror" - me
"Guys or Girls" - Xavier
"I like guys" - me
"Dance or cheer" - Xander
"Dance" - me
"Solo or band" - Xavier
"Solo" - me
"Dog or wolf" - Xander
"Wolf" - me
"Basketball or football" - Xavier
"Football" - me
"DINNER TIME" Emil yelled.

Xavier ran to the kitchen. Me and Xander laughed. We walked to the kitchen.

Few minutes later...

Everyone is seated and eating dinner.
"I heard that Xavier took a video of you playing baseball, and while playing that your stitches on your ankle opened." Antonio said looking at me.
"Yes he did take a video and I didn't know that the stitches reopened."
"Xavier show us the video after dinner please. Angela can you please tell us something's about you?" Antonio said. "I like to bake, draw, sing, and play sports."

Time skip;

We are all in the living room and Xavier is hooking his phone to the TV.

A few minutes later and the video is playing. It shows how far the ball went.

"Angela, I'm very impressed on how far it went. Your are really talented in sports I see. I will let you play a sport in school if you want. And all of us will support you."

After that we all did a movie night even Tony joined. We watched both of 'The Boy' movies and are now watching 'The Conjuring'. I'm tired but having a hard time falling asleep. Xander takes notice and picks my up setting my on his lap. I lay my head on his chest and soon fall asleep.

Xander's pov;

We are all sitting on the couches watching TV. I'm between Xav and Angela. I look at my baby and see that she is having a hard time sleeping. I pick her up and put her on my lap facing me. I play with her hair and she lays her head in my chest. I kiss her head and she falls asleep.
"Is she asleep?" Tony says quietly not wanting to wake her. I nod.
"Why don't you go lay her down and we'll call it a night?"
"OK, night" I say and carry her up the stairs to her room. I lay her down and tuck her in.
"Goodnight baby girl. I love you so much, you will always be my baby." I say softly and kiss her head. I leave her room and go to mine. I change into sweatpants and take of my shirt. I then go to bed.

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