chapter 18-- practice

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Angela's pov;

I woke up to two people getting off the bed. I open my still tired eyes to see who it is. I saw the twins getting up.
"Xandy? Xavy?" I softly asked. They turn to look at me.
"Hey babes, go back to sleep and we'll wake you up when it's time ok?" Xander say softly. I nod and fall asleep.

Xavier's pov;

After Xan managed to get the baby to fall asleep, we both headed down stairs. We enter the kitchen and see the three oldest talking.
"Hey guys." Me and Xan say together.
They all say morning or hey back.
"Is the baby still asleep?" Enzo asked. I nod.
"Ok Good, I got the results of what caused the reaction. She was near mint. Since she was out of her room for dinner yesterday it means someone put it in her room during dinner." Enzo explained.
"I want to know who guards Angela's window and which men were in the mansion. I don't care if they were on the 3rd floor or in the basement, I want them here. Either some men were ambushed or there's a mole. The twins will help us after school. If you see anything suspicious call one of us immediately. Protect Angela, yourself, and each other. Understood?" Tony ordered. We all nod. Me and Xan left for the gym. We spend an hour here on school days and on weekends we spend 2 hours here.

If you're wondering why we call Angela the baby, it's because she is our baby. She will always be a baby to us. We love her more than anything else. She is our light. This might sound weird but it's true. Angela is everything to us, so instead of pushing her away, we keep her close but we hide this stuff from her. She's too young. She could get hurt even more than the current risks.

After about 45 minutes, it's time to wake up Angela.
We go upstairs to my room and we see Angela still sleeping peacefully.
I go up to her and give her a little shake.
"Angela baby, it's time to wake up. After practice I'll get tony to let the quadruplets come over and play with you while me and Xan help the others work." I say softly. She groans and cuddles deeper into the pillow.
"Hey babes, if you get up I'll take me and you to Mc. Donalds. You can get what ever you want." Xan bribes her softly. She opens her eyes a little. She's still very tired. She sits up and Xander picks her up.
"Come on baby. You have to get ready. I'll pack your bag for practice while you take a shower." He says. She nods and snuggles into him. She likes when we hold her like a koala.

I take a shower and get ready. I head down stairs after. I walk in the kitchen and see Xan putting Angela's bag for practice down.
"Where's Angela?" I asked him.
"Getting dressed. PB wouldn't leave her side." He says. I nod. Emil found the mint earlier and got rid of it. There was a whole bag of it in the vent.

Angela then comes down holding her bag on her back and PB in her arms.
"Hey baby. Go sit down and I'll get your plate." Emil says kissing her head. She comes and puts PB down by his his food then sits down in her chair. Emil gives her her food.

"Angela we have a two hour practice today. There's a really important game coming up. I have packed you a snack for during practice." Xan says.

"Xandy can we get McDonald's after practice please?" Angela asks. I chuckled and Xan nodded.
"Ok babes, after practice we'll drop Xav off here and go to McDonald's." He says. She smiles.
"Baby we have found out the cause of your allergic reaction last night. You were around mint. We have gotten the mint out." Tony says.
"Ok tony."
"Yo Tony, Angela wants the quad to come over after practice. They can watch her while we work. She wants to challenge them in sports. Can they?" I asked.
"Ok, the quadruplets can come over after practice. Make sure Angela doesn't destroy their ego too bad. That baby is tough." Enzo says. We all laugh.

We all finished breakfast and headed to the car. Angela decided not to draw today since she is still kinda tired. We drive to school and get out of the car. People stare at us a lot, trying to find one emotion out of us.

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